Thread: IVA Application
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Old 1st June 2015, 21:03
Bobnic Bobnic is offline
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Originally Posted by morris View Post
BMW were not so helpful with me unfortunately. We went back and to for quite a few weeks with them trying to find out my engine age, and then just when it was looking promising, they just said they couldn't help. I had it tested as a 93 engine as per the V5C and the emissions were very good so no worries there. I've also already been through and made sure that all the bracket-age I'd put in front of the engine number is now moved so there's fairly easy access (though the bonnet side panel does need unscrewing).

If they do the speedo on the roller that works in my favour as you can manually correct up or down while driving. If it was a test with a radar that would be a pain as I'd have to recalculate a pulse per mile figure on the spot, which would probably not go well.
Hi Morris.
You may have tried this avenue already, but I managed to get lucky by using this email address:
A very helpful girl called Stacey confirmed the date of manufacture of the engine. I think it took a few weeks, and a couple of reminders to them, but the end result worked ok. I don't mean to put a downer on your test, but it was one of the only bits of paperwork the tester wanted to see. He wasn't really interested in much else paperwork wise, but every test is different due to the 'human element', so that may just have been my guy. Again if you have a decent guy doing the test, hopefully if the speedo reads off a bit, he'll nip off for a 'cup of tea' to allow some fettling to be done, to pass the speedo test. Our guy was a sound chap, and really seemed to want to pass the car, so he accommodated any on the job adjustments, including repositioning the front headlights to pass the distance from wheel arch edge measurement!
I get the feeling, that a lot of these guys make their minds up early on, as to how deep they're going to delve. If they see a good level of workmanship and attention to detail, I think they are more likely to give you the chance to correct any minor 'infringements' that may be found, and be more lenient with the 'Spheres of Doom' etc...
I drove to my test from Lechlade to Bristol with no screen or reg plate and a bike helmet on, I think I must have been photographed by passing passengers more than any other car that day in that area!

Good luck, hopefully I haven't added to the stress ball that is Marlin building!

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