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Old 25th June 2017, 06:40
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Gary – I’ll be checking the weather forecast shortly and making my plans for the day from there.

I must confess that when I saw my body shell looking like this…

It did remind me of your recent Spyder builds with ‘survivor’ paint jobs.

The only difference seems to be that you used your painting skills to achieve the look.

Whereas, I appear to have achieved a similar look due to my lack of painting skills.

Cheers, Paul.
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Old 25th June 2017, 07:27
casamolino casamolino is offline
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Morning Paul , as always i am amazed by the amount of work you are putting into your car , must say its good to see the picture of the clouds over your house! they have been missing for a while Geoff .
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Old 25th June 2017, 11:14
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Geoff - Given how my morning has gone, I think I should just stick to photographing clouds.

As, unfortunately, I think I have finally reached "the straw that broke the camel's back" stage.

I have certainly overcome bigger challenges during this build than my current paint problems.

But to be still stuck in the painting cycle after all the hours I've thrown at this recently is very hard to take.

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Stupidity Beyond Belief:
First thing this morning I cleaned the body shell ready for painting.

Then I lightly rubbed down both the bonnet and boot lid to take the edge of the shine.

Note: I am actually on my second tin of BRG and it is a slightly lighter shade that the first one.

Then I was very careful to apply the paint as thinly as possible to the body shell.
( Although I was only covering the repaired areas at this stage. )

This was also the coolest outside temperature that I have painted in and I'm sure that helped too.

A brief inspection showed a much better surface than the last time, but there are still a few blemishes.

So far, so good...

Then I moved to the tent, although it appears I may have left my brain on the front driveway when I did so.

This was supposed to be the final coat of BRG for the bulk of the bonnet.

However, I knew I would need to come back and put an extra coat on the patches of high build primer.

That seemed like a decent enough plan, so I get to work, starting from the back.

Again, so far, so good…

Then I got to the area of high build primer around the bonnet nose.
( Photo from yesterday. )

Remember the plan, one coat of BRG on now, and then come back another day to add an extra layer?

Well, I completely forgot both the plan and all the lessons I've learnt in the last few weeks.

As I fully loaded up the paint brush and smothered the repaired area in paint.

If I'd actually taken a photo at this stage you would have seen a beautiful surface that really made me smile.

Obviously that smug face didn't last very long, as no sooner had I turned my back when this happened...

At which point there was a prolonger period of profanity as I cursed my own stupidity.

If the tent was actually a garage, I would have walked over and banged my head repeatedly against the brick wall.

At this point, I still had the boot lid to do and guess what?

If you apply the BRG thinly to the repaired area in high build primer there is no problem whatsoever.

So at least I can 100% confirm that the wrinkles in the paint are definitely operator error.
( Although the recent heat wave was also a contributing factor. )

I may add some thinner to the BRG paint (recommended for spraying) for the final coat on the body shell.

As I said at the start, this really has been a test of my resolve, as this had been a very long project.

I know I am close to the finish line, but simply do not have an unlimited supply of hours to play with.
( I will be back at a desk tomorrow! )

Therefore I am simply going to live with whatever standard of paint finish I end up with.

Until next time, take care, Paul.
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Old 25th June 2017, 14:38
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Paul you know the problem , you are on the home stretch really ...if you can flat back the pickling on the bonnet today and get a thin coat on tonight to dry overnight are pretty much there aren't you ...?

The car looks 200 % better in colour , even unfinished , so if its a case of re-assemble until you can load some more on ..its not too tragic is it ?
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Old 25th June 2017, 16:47
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Gary - Thanks for a perfectly timed reply.

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Sunday Afternoon Redemption:
I took a break from car work to lick my wounds and watch a film to take my mind off it.

Then had a quick look at the forum and saw Gary's post and decided to get back to work…

I had a look around the body shell and the wrinkling was neither as deep nor as wide spread as before.

So that has all been sanded down, but I can't put any fresh paint on today.
( As I will have to put the covers on before it would have had a chance to dry fully. )

Still, as Gary rightly pointed out, it does look miles better in green, even if the finish is rough.

Plus the 'Hall of Mirrors' effect that I could see in the paint on the side of the cockpit made me smile.

Thankfully, the tent would protect any fresh paint, so the mess I made was sanded off.

I also realised that the way I painted the 'groove' between the headlight and bonnet nose was always going to 'pool' the paint.

To say I was being careful when I added some paint to the bonnet would be an understatement.

In fact, I was pleased to see that I didn't actually get full coverage on this first pass.

Even so, it is still a big improvement from where I was earlier today.

Given how my day started, I wasn't expecting it to end on a high note.

So until next time, take care, Paul.
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Old 25th June 2017, 19:49
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I think going back to work tomorrow could be the real perfect timing ...

If you have pretty much got a total coverage with minimal pickling ...I would take advantage of the work period and leave it for a few days to properly harden up ...if it's like the paint I have used before will actually flow out a bit as it dries thoroughly , again , leave it , if you can , I know it's frustrating , but a few days will definitely help ...the harder the paint the less likely you are to rub through and get a decent finish ....

I really like the transformation from grey to green ...I think its definitely worth the effort , its transformed the beast into a very authentic looking little car ...
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Old 25th June 2017, 22:20
molleur molleur is offline
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Looking better each session, please keep at it. Lovely in BRG!
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Old 27th June 2017, 05:52
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Gary – Cheers.

It looks like the combination of real work and rain will keep me away from the car for a few days.

I just need to think about the timings for the final coats of BRG and the flatting back of keys areas.

For example, the sides of the body shell can wait until I’m back on the road before they need to be smooth.

Whereas, it makes sense to flat back areas around the lights, mirrors, screens, etc, before bolting things back on.

Similarly, the bonnet nose needs to be finished so I can paint the yellow band around the grille opening.
( Unfortunately, this is one of my repair areas, which needs me to carefully build up the layers of BRG. )

Either way, I do expect to be back on the road, sometime in July.

And I’d really like the car to be as shiny as I can get it, complete with stickers, before its 2nd MOT in August.

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Molleur – Thanks.

Don’t worry, I will definitely finish the job, it is just a question of how long it will take me.

Even if the 2nd tin of BRG isn’t as ‘deep’ in colour as the 1st, the car does look much better painted.

Although I do fear that the bonnet may end up with some traces of the worst/deepest cracking.
( Despite me adding extra layers of paint over the repairs. )

But that is OK, as this has been a ’Frankenstein Hillbilly’ build for a number of years now.

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Cheers, Paul.
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Old 27th June 2017, 10:19
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Paul the yellow band will it be vinyl or paint?
If its vinyl then no more brg is required in that area

Ironically the Roadster was painted twice if you go back to the thread- first time it was in Gn18 proper D type colour but the second batch came out much lighter.

I know how close you are looking at the paint but once all the parts go back on it will look better than you ever dreamed.
Just remember how happy you were when the car showed all the scars and in grey primer. The reaction you got when you took it out.

That's nothing compared to when you take her out next.
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Old 29th June 2017, 05:42
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Roadster - Thanks.

The plan is to paint the yellow band around the nose.

Although I haven't actually worked out how I can achieve a nice curved line with masking tape yet.

So part of me thinks a slightly wobbly, clearly hand painted in a rush, effect may be called for.

Whilst I am expecting the final paint job to carry a few scars, I know it will look better in BRG than grey primer.

Cheers, Paul.
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Old 29th June 2017, 09:44
jones jones is offline
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Paul just use detailing tape, it's thin and blue and you can do circles etc with it. Message Jeff from the tribute threads he will be able to point in the right direction.

Looks awesome I can't believe how much progress you have made since I last logged on. Good effort!
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Old 30th June 2017, 15:28
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Jones - Cheers Ian.

Thankfully, I've broken the back of the painting work, so now I just need to finish it off.

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Another Step Closer:
Apologies for the blurred photo, but I sanded the last of the repair areas on the body shell on Thursday.

Then I had some time today to get some BRG over the repairs and leave the body shell uncovered for the paint to dry.

Note: You can clearly see the two different shades on green on the cockpit sides.

Which is why I plan to add a final top coat over, so ensure it is all the same colour in the end.

Given the fact I ordered another tin of paint to ensure I had enough, I'm not 100% sure what shade the final colour will be.

At least this was the first time I managed to get any BRG on these two areas without any wrinkles appearing.

Back in the tent, I cut up another wire hanger so I could paint both of these things at the same time.

I added some fresh paint to the bottom inside edge of the passenger hump on the boot lid.

Note: I've started to flat back the middle of the boot lid in preparation for the final coat.

The repaired areas around the bonnet nose were also given another coat of BRG.

I now have just a week before the tent needs to come down so the tree surgeon can tackle the garden.

With a bit of luck I think I will be able to finish all the painting of these parts in that time.

Although the final flat, cut & polish may have to take place on the driveway.

Until next time, take care, Paul.
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Old 30th June 2017, 18:47
molleur molleur is offline
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Suggest you let it cure for a good while before any "finish" coats to the entire body. Looking very nice in one color. Keep at it.
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Old 2nd July 2017, 19:18
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Molleur - Cheers.

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No End In Sight:
Didn't get a chance to do any car work on Saturday as we travelled to our friends' house for a BBQ.

Unfortunately, the 5 hours of driving seemed to take a bit more out of me than it should have, so it was a slow start on Sunday.

Initially, I started flatting back the area around the grille opening, so I could get the yellow paint on.

Then I remembered, that I need to give the whole bonnet a single coat of BRG paint before I do anything else.

So I extended the sanding to the whole bonnet.

This is an example of one of the areas where there was major paint cracking (after the first round of sanding).

Thankfully, because I added several layers of paint over these cracks, I knew I could sand more paint off.

Which left me with a much smoother surface in the end.

Then I had a slight mishap, when I found a small lump of paint after some sanding.

Instead of a very slight skim with my Stanley blade, I managed to dig a big chunk of paint out.

Oh how I laughed.

With time against me, I sanded the chip down, cleaned it up and added a blob of high build primer.

But I was so fed up, I just abandoned sanding down the rest of the bonnet for now.

However, I did manage to talk myself into flatting down more of the boot lid.

But by this point I realised I was too tired to think straight and was very likely to make another mistake.

So I stopped and rested for a bit, before heading out for an early evening meal with the family.

It was gone 7pm by the time I returned to the tent…

Where I sanded down the high build primer around the hole I'd dug out…

Before adding a small blob of BRG on top.

Hopefully I will find some energy in the next few days to keep pushing forward.

Until next time, take care, Paul.

Last edited by Paul L; 2nd July 2017 at 21:24.. Reason: Typo
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Old 3rd July 2017, 07:00
DaveP DaveP is offline
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The end is in sight Paul. Keep pushing
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Old 3rd July 2017, 08:39
deggsy deggsy is offline
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keep pushing Paul almost there now.
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Old 3rd July 2017, 08:46
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Looks better every day.
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Old 3rd July 2017, 20:29
molleur molleur is offline
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Agree, keep at it. All worth the effort in the end.
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Old 4th July 2017, 05:37
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Dave, Deggsy, Micky & Molleur - Thanks chaps.

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Miniscule Monday:
I was out in the tent before 7am yesterday morning, adding a second small blob of BRG over the damaged spot on the bonnet.

I didn't bother to take a photo, as the repair work looked only marginally different to the photo I had taken on Sunday.

Unfortunately, I then felt rough all day, which means I'm probably fighting off a physical bug at the moment.

So I just rested when I got home from work, rather than do any more sanding down of the car in the evening.

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I will only have very limited car time available this evening, so I will have to put some thought into my priorities for the week.

As the tent needs to be gone by Friday night, so the tree surgeon can get to work on Saturday morning.

So whether it is painted, or not, the bonnet will be reattached to the car before the weekend.

Cheers, Paul.
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Old 4th July 2017, 20:26
molleur molleur is offline
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Stick the bonnet back on, tent comes down. Take a break for a few days to refresh yourself (allowing the paint more cure time, less issues). Don't let that bug get you down! All the best!
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