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Old 18th November 2018, 14:55
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Gary - Cheers.

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NeilF355 - Sorry, I should have been clearer…

Yes, the car was running rich, which meant fail > adjust > fail > adjust > repeat > Pass.

Technically, the garage could have stopped at the first fail and said book the car in for a service another day.

But I've been using them for years for our 'normal' cars, so they are happy (ish) to work on it during the test.

However, I feel very guilty that what should only take a few minutes ends up taking a LOT longer.

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It is a LOT colder outside than it looks!
Headed out around 10.30am and was out for around 3 hours (with stops), racking up over 75 miles.

I found a great place for some Autumn photos in Luton Hoo.

But it felt seriously cold and I had to stop after around 2 hours for a coffee and a cheese toastie to warm up.

Until next time, take care, Paul.
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Old 18th November 2018, 17:06
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Paul L I'v had great successes tuning carbs using a pair of COLOUR TUNE kits and a balance gauge.

With one COLOUR TUNE tube in cylinder No1 and one in cylinder No 4, I find I am able to match the ignition colour at low rev's.
I then balance the carbs with the vacuum gauge.
Then repeat both the steps again.

So fare this method sorted out any fuelling problem I'v had.
It's helped to identified different size needle jets in a pair of SU's, which until then were giving me loads of grief .
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Old 20th November 2018, 07:56
DaveP DaveP is offline
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Great pics Paul. Good to see you enjoying the car

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Old 20th November 2018, 13:35
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Mike – Thanks for the tip.

But don’t forget I have a high level of mechanical incompetence.

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Dave – Cheers.

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My Latest YouTube Video
Triumph Swordfish – London Landmarks

A fast- forwarded sightseeing trip around London to the Benny Hill theme tune.

No speed limits were broken, or red lights run, during the making of this film.
I seemed to have messed up the timing of the music/video fade at the end.
(Which I am sure was perfect when I saved the video for uploading. )
As always, you need the viewing setting at their highest levels.


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Old 20th November 2018, 14:23
molleur molleur is offline
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Fantastic vid. Thanks!
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Old 20th November 2018, 16:02
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It's not as I remember Benny Hill .

But still enjoyable.!!!
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Old 22nd November 2018, 12:31
andrewhush andrewhush is offline
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Are old cars exempt from ulez chsrges?
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Old 22nd November 2018, 22:03
Dpaz Dpaz is offline
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Earlier reference to freezing weather and goggles: Look up For a padded bandit type face mask /scarf Very efective. Lovely motor !
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Old 23rd November 2018, 09:28
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Molleur & Mike – Cheers.

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Andrew – The central London ULEZ starts in April 2019 and will be 24/7 all year round.
So I did my filming on a Sunday, when the current Congestion Charge doesn’t apply.
Cars in the Historic Tax class will be exempt from the ULEZ, but my car will still be too young in 2019.
The expansion of the ULEZ from central London to within the North/South circular is due in 2021.
My own pet theory is that at some point the exemption rules will switch from Historic to VHI.
In addition, it will be VHI with a charge, rather than an exemption, otherwise what is the point?

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Dpaz – Thanks for the tip.

I already have a similar white neck scarf as part of my old racing driver ‘fancy dress’ outfit.
But I keep forgetting about it until I feel the cold wind on my face.
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Old 11th December 2018, 17:35
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Sick Note:
My apologies, I seem to have come down with every bug going around these last few weeks.

The closest I've come to the car in that time was to peel back the covers just enough to start her up.

In a show of solidarity, the car coughed for quite a while before it finally burst into life.

I will try to reply to other threads another day.

Cheers, Paul.
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Old 11th December 2018, 17:45
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Paul, speedy recovery. It may be coincidence, but my wife who does not qualify for free flu jabs has had 2 bugs so far, whilst I, the old git who has had the jab have had none. Long may it last.
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Old 24th December 2018, 15:24
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Barber - Thanks.

My wife works in the NHS and also gets the flu jab each year.

But just when my cough was almost gone, I picked up a cold from her!

Thankfully, I actually felt well enough for a drive today…

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Merry Christmas!
I made a mess in the kitchen when I tried to top up the salt cellar…

As the main body of the cellar itself came away and emptied all the salt in it onto the floor.

At which point, I then discovered that the refill container was almost empty too.

So, in order to cheer myself up, I decided to take a chance and go for my first drive in ages.

I needed to stop for petrol on the way to Sainsburys & here is my shopping.

I then took the slightly longer route on the way home when my luck almost ran out completely…

I was making a left turn at some lights, in no rush, so I was taking it easy.

Then the whole back end spun out on me and I was going sideways in a big way!

At least, I was paying attention, but my attempt to correct the slide had me fishtailing the other way.

At which point I was 'drifting' towards a line of parked cars and I really thought I was going to side swipe them.

Thankfully, at the very last moment traction was restored and I could straightened up and carry one.

It felt pretty hairy from my end, but the faces of other drivers watching confirmed it looked hairy too.

At least the guy who had been tailgating me in his Mercedes two seater backed right off after that.

Once I'd calmed down a bit I did stop to check the rear tyres.

They were both fully inflated, with no obvious signs of damage, so I assume there was something on the road.

Anyway, I have a load of stuff still left to do before Christmas Day, so I'll end now.

Merry Christmas!

Take care, Paul.
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Old 24th December 2018, 16:29
molleur molleur is offline
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Be careful out there!
Happy Christmas Paul!
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Old 25th December 2018, 02:18
Yorkshireman Yorkshireman is offline
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Happy Christmas Paul I am enjoying following your all seasons driving reports
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Old 25th December 2018, 09:15
Dpaz Dpaz is offline
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Happy Christmas to all men of strange cars. Paul, do not underestimate the nakid brutal power of the Triumph engine.
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Old 25th December 2018, 10:09
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Well done for avoiding the crunch yesterday, that would've been a real pita!

Nice to see you using your car in winter, keep up the posts and Merry Christmas!
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Old 27th December 2018, 11:01
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Thanks Gentlemen

No more car news from me, but I thought you might like this time lapsed video of a different kit car build…

If I ever had the time/money/garage, I would love to build a Factory Five '33 Hot Rod.

Cheers, Paul.
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Old 1st January 2019, 17:22
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Happy New Year!
Only had time for a quick hour in the car today, which was around 20 miles with stops.

Unfortunately, a little while after I started the dark clouds started to quickly gather.

With my spider senses tingling I decided to point the car towards the lighter sky…

But it was too late, I got drizzled on.

Thankfully, it was still quite light at this stage, but the aero screens looked like this.

This was the view looking back when I took the photo above.

But I think the headlights make the sky look lighter than it was.

As this was taken from the driver's seat looking forward.

I seemed to be driving right on the edge of the weather, wet one minute, dry the next.

But eventually I was in the dry for the rest of the journey home, so I stopped for more photos.

Until next time, take care, Paul.
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Old 12th January 2019, 17:37
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Saturday - Part 1
I will be dropping my car in to Enginuity on the 19th January to get my oil leak fixed.

Which will finally allow me to make longer trips without fear of terminal engine failure.

In the mean time, I thought this would be a good excuse to do a few other jobs on my "To Do" list.

Last year I bought this cheap leather sewing kit from Ebay.

I also bought some plastic 'Fir Tree' fixings, which I now can't find to photograph.

So spurred on my DaveCymru making his own Miglia headrest...

I will have a go at making my own.

It was a miserable morning earlier, so I just gave myself enough room to work in between the drizzle.

Most people make the head rest to match the hump contours like so.

But that seems to highlight the different sizes of the body shell lip on either side of the hump.

So I tried a more oval shape instead, which seems to works a bit better.

Note: See 'Part 2' for another style of headrest.

Previously, I had also gone back to take another look at Mister Towed's head rest…

Which is made up of two pieces of leather joined together, the face and the sides.

So that is what I will attempt to do.

Thankfully, I have a selection of left overs to play with.

I am currently toying with the idea of a using both foams, with the insulation foam at the back, but not as thick as it is now.

But before I do any of that I need something simple to practise my leather sewing on.

So that will either be a leather gaiter for my gear lever.

Or some leather covers for my headlight grills.

Excuse the poor photos as it was very dull out, but you get the idea.

Note: This would only be for parking, to avoid the sharp edge ripping the car cover.

End of Part 1...
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Old 12th January 2019, 17:38
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Saturday - Part 2
As I was typing up the post from this morning, I looked up how the original Spitfire planes did it.
( Again, I wouldn't want the headrest to be as deep as this. )

So I made two more templates and went back out in the afternoon to see what they would look like.

I think maybe the bigger of the two circles might the way to go.

Any thoughts?

Answers on a postcard to the usual address.

I then went to fill up with petrol and I got caught in another shower.

So I was a little damp by the time I got back home and quickly threw the covers on.

I have got a trip planned for tomorrow, but more about that next time.

Take care, Paul.
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