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Old 23rd March 2020, 08:10
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Lucky - Unfortunately, the more crowds seen out on sunny days now, will leave the rest of us in a forced lock down sooner rather than later.

Stay safe too.

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Strange Times Indeed
After writing my reply to Lucky yesterday morning I went back to working from home.

But I then thought about whether dropping flowers into my mum was a good idea at all.
(Noting that I was already planning to do the social distancing thing when I got there.)

Thankfully, I was saved from any moral dilemma by a request from my mum for some washing powder and clothes conditioner.

I knew these shelves were already cleared out in my local supermarket, but I found some 'no name' brands in the corner shop.

Delivering essentials to someone in their 80s is allowed, so off I went.
(And took the Mother's Day flowers with me too. )

Left everything at the front door and then retreated back to the garden gate to have a chat.

This part of West London was poor when we were growing up there, but now you can see things like this parted outside.

Plus these empty parking spaces are now more likely to be from people retreating to their other house in the Cotswolds.

Provided you are using your car for essential journeys, it should be OK while it lasts.

Take care,

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Old 23rd March 2020, 19:16
Lucky@LeMans Lucky@LeMans is offline
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I called in at my local Morrisons earlier today for essentials, bread, milk, beer etc. I hadn't risked it over the weekend, I thought it was going to be busy. I was really surprised today, quiet, no pushing and shoving, plenty in stock and everyone was being polite and sensible. I made a point keeping my distance as did everyone else whilst being careful not touching anything I didn't need to. Used the hand gel before and after and washed my hands when I got back.. Wish it was like this on a normal visit !

Went for a walk with the wife this afternoon, did nearly 4 miles along public foot paths I had never been along before. We didn't see another person the whole time we were out. Views across to the Malvern Hills were stunning, I'll have to post some photos if we go out again in the week.The sun was out and thought we might as well make the best of a bad situation. At least Boris is letting us out for essentials and a bit of exercise, just be sensible with it !

Last edited by Lucky@LeMans; 23rd March 2020 at 23:04..
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Old 26th March 2020, 06:16
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Lucky - I've also noticed things have calmed down in Sainsburys too.
(Still lots of empty shelves, but I finally managed to get some loo roll. )

I also went out for a walk with my wife yesterday evening.
Despite the urban setting, the few people we saw out were keeping their distance.

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Lockdown Update
I'm still working from home and the switch to video calls seems to work well.

In my last few posts, you will have seen I have stuck to the spirit of travel restrictions and not gone for a blast, despite the temptation of sunny weather.

However, I've now decided to leave the Swordfish on the driveway until the lockdown is lifted.

With NHS staff in tears begging people to stay at home, my car sends out the wrong message at this time.

The thing is, I know that I'm only going the 2.6 miles to Sainsburys and back.

But, my guess is that everyone else thinks I am out for a long drive in the sunshine ignoring the rules.

We should all be in this together, so I'm happy to do my small part.

Take care, Paul.

Was hoping to see a few more build updates now that people can't go down the pub.
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Old 26th March 2020, 07:28
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Don't worry Paul, I've been working on my Speedster every afternoon as I'm now working Monday to Friday mornings only from home.

I'm in the process of creating the lower subframe which will look suspiciously like a Triumph Vitesse one.

Will update soon, I promise.
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Old 26th March 2020, 15:28
Lucky@LeMans Lucky@LeMans is offline
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I took a food package over to my elderly mother earlier. It was tempting to go in the 275 but I thought people would think I was taking the piss so I went in my daily driver.

Been out in the garden again tidying up. If the weather turns bad I'll be inside catching up on jobs that have been left for too long.
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Old 1st April 2020, 21:58
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Mr T & Lucky - Take care gents.

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Not a great photo, but here is the Arch lit up in blue for the NHS.


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Old 13th April 2020, 12:31
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Lockdown - End of Week 3
Unwrapped the car on the driveway and the warm weather helped it start first time.

Just let it tick over for a few minutes, as I'm not sure when I will be out in it again.

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Sir Stirling Moss - RIP
I've posted this photo before, as I just love the idea of a pit stop involving a cup of tea.

I plan to re-watch this Petrolicious video about his 1955 Mille Miglia victory at some point.

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Tim Brook-Taylor - RIP
I remember him most from The Goodies on TV.

Didn't realise he co-wrote The Four Yorkshiremen Sketch, as I have often used the word "Luxury!" in this context.

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Hope you are all keeping well, take care, Paul.
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Old 13th April 2020, 21:18
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Yes Paul, very sad to see both of those go.

I met Stirling Moss at Lydden Hill in 1990 and he was a real gentleman.

I never met Tim Brook-Taylor but I loved his writing and The Goodies were a childhood favourite.

RIP to both.
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Old 13th April 2020, 22:36
molleur molleur is offline
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Had the great fortune to meet Sir Stirling (my childhood hero)
and have a small conversation at the Goodwood Revival a few years ago. R.I.P.
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Old 21st April 2020, 20:23
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I also had the privilege to be waved off by Sir Sterling at the start of the London to Brighton run in 2009.

London-Brighton 2009 Start by Sabrebuilder, on Flickr

This was before I had my Sportster painted, so it was still in its rather unattractive 'hearing aid beige' gelcoat
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Old 25th April 2020, 08:04
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Misted Towed, Molleur & Peterux – Thanks for the nice replies chaps.

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Nothing to see here
Apart from peeling back the car and starting the engine again.

So please see previous driveway photo to imagine what that looked like.

The good news is that I’m still working from home and getting paid.

The bad news is that I don’t have lots of extra spare time to work on the car.
(I’ve used the time saved by not commuting to do some much needed exercise.)

At some point, I’d like to have a go at making inner wheel arches for the front wheels.

Until next time, take care, Paul.
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Old 2nd May 2020, 14:25
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Lockdown - Week 6
Two days running this week we've had some serious hailstones landing here.
(Not easy to see in photo.)

But as today was dry, I took the car for a scenic tour of my driveway.

At least driving it forwards and backwards a few feet will stop the brakes from sticking.

Take care, Paul.
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Old 14th May 2020, 08:39
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On the road (ish)
Finally drove the car off my driveway, but only got as far as parking it on the street.

The front of the our house needs painting and the car would be in the way of the ladders.

Thankfully, my wife wants professionals to do this, so I just have to pay the bill.

As the lockdown rules are now easing, I might go for a proper drive at the weekend.

Take care,

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Old 14th May 2020, 09:58
Lucky@LeMans Lucky@LeMans is offline
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My car is still SORN, I'll tax it again in June if the new rules are still in place. There are plenty of events still on for the second half of the year, hope they do go ahead. Weather is set to stay good for the coming weeks.

I would have had a go at painting the house !
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Old 15th May 2020, 07:55
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Lucky - I forgot about SORN.

As for painting the house...

First issue is I am fortunate enough to still be working full time.
So I would only be free to do it in the evening and/or weekends.
It would also take me miles longer than the three professionals.
(It would take me a month to do what they finished in a day! )

Finally, this section is a long way up.

Whilst, I've been up a ladder at this height before.
I'd need to rope my wife in to hold the bottom while I was up there.
Plus, these days, the ground looks a lot harder from on high than when I was younger.

Take care, Paul.
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Old 17th May 2020, 16:43
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It's been a long time coming…
I know it has been less than two months since I last drove the car, but it seems like much longer.

After some back breaking work in the garden yesterday and this morning I was allowed out to play.

First stop was the garage to fill up with some fresh petrol.

Then I went for a random drive and it felt great.

Definitely good for clearing your head after weeks of being stuck inside WFH.

This was a deserted Leisure Centre car park.

And this was a quick stop at the local shop.

In all, a little over 28 miles.

Until next time, take care, Paul.

It took three men just two days to turn the front of our house from this…

To this.

It would have taken me weeks, if not months, to this job myself.

Note: We couldn't get the dark red we wanted mixed, so my wife picked the grey instead.
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Old 17th May 2020, 19:42
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The house looks great, the car even better! Glad you're out and about to enjoy the good weather.
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Old 18th May 2020, 18:23
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Nice to see you're able to get out and about, Paul, your car still looks a million dollars parked amongst the moderns.
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Old 21st May 2020, 06:09
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Jones & Mr T - Thanks gents.

Unfortunately, life under a tarpaulin has not been kind to my car's paintwork.

It looks a lot better in the photos than is does close up.

Hope to get a chance to take the car out again over the weekend.

As I've spent over 16 hours in front of computer screens WFH during these last two hot and sunny days.

Take care, Paul.
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Old 28th May 2020, 21:30
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Another trip out…
A combination of real work and domestic chores meant I only had a brief window on Bank Holiday Monday.

Managed to rack up just over 41 miles, but forgot to put sun screen on my forearms which got sun burned!

Take care, Paul.
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