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Old 28th February 2019, 22:09
Yorkshireman Yorkshireman is offline
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With been away for a few months I am enjoying catching up on your progress Paul and it is giving me ideas for my Alpha build. looking forward to your handbrake gaiter.
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Old 1st March 2019, 10:00
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Dpaz - Funnily enough, I do get overtaken all the time when on motorways in the Swordfish.

As there is no desire to really put my foot down, due to the complete absence of modern safety features.

However, back in the days of my Triumph T595 (Avatar photo) being overtaken happened "Not so much".

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Deni - Cheers.

I know if I, or anyone else for that matter, looks for faults in my car they will appear all over the place.

But, thankfully, most people only look at the overall picture of the car, not the OCD details.

E.g. A guy came over for a chat when I was taking the last round of photos in the Sainsbury's car park.

He had been to the recent Classic Car Show at Excel and thought I was driving a genuine classic car.

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Yorkshireman - Well, I've stolen more than my fair share of ideas from other builds over the years.

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Spring Cleaning
What I thought might be a few days to myself has quickly turned into a domestic chorefest.

Number one target is the "It might come in handy one day" pile at the back of the Summerhouse.

This is what is looked like when I dragged out my spare fibreglass footwells for Mister Towed.

My first trip to the dump removed all the insulation foam I had rescued from skips.

The second trip to the dump removed what remained of my spare Spitfire body shell.

There is still more work to do in this area, but at least I've made a decent start.

I've also been dragging out and photographing all the stuff I need to sell on Ebay, including my leather seat covers.

If I can get things listed in the next few days, this will hopefully give me more space before the end of the month.

With the ultimate plan being to replace my existing shed, which is rotting in places, with a slightly bigger one around Easter time.

Until next time, take care, Paul.
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Old 1st March 2019, 10:57
deni deni is offline
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Hi Paul,

I like the story about the man thinking you're driving a genuine car ☺. It just confirms what you already know - that you have made a great car.
Good luck with eBay sale. I like your seat covers very much.

Cheers, Deni
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Old 3rd March 2019, 13:50
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Deni - Cheers.

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More Spring Cleaning
I pruned my 'garage' wall.

Spent absolutely hours sorting out the words and photos for my Ebay listings, which go live tonight.

I've also dragged lots of bubble wrap and cardboard into the house so I can start wrapping everything up.

So not much pure car related stuff going on at the moment.

Cheers, Paul.
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Old 6th March 2019, 07:27
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Ebay Listings
I've ended up with 17 listings on Ebay and, so far, I've had initial bids on over half of them.

Although, based on previous sales, nothing really happens until the last 24 hours or so.

In the mean time, I've been bubble wrapping and using/adapting/constructing boxes for parts too.

Nothing has been sealed yet, but this will save me time when the auctions end on Sunday night.

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Reader's Offer
I had another sort out of the Summer house the other day and found two pairs of Spitfire boot hinges.

Obviously, one pair is in nicer condition that the other.

Before I list them on Ebay too, are they of any use to any builders reading this?

If so, they are yours for the price of the postage, just let me know.

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At some point, I hope to get out for a drive, if I can match a break in Spring Cleaning with a break in the rain.

Cheers, Paul.
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Old 6th March 2019, 08:49
Dpaz Dpaz is offline
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Hi Paul , please tell me the meditation system you use to have a clear out. I have far too much useful stuff that I may never use, but maybe I will. I know about the idea that it is often quicker to buy a new one than find the spare I put somewhere but can't find until I buy a new one, then I find it right in front of me. If there is a break in the rain, go, the spring cleaning will wait.
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Old 7th March 2019, 07:02
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Dpaz – Unfortunately, I do have some deep-rooted hoarding tendencies.

My big breakthrough came in 2009, when we had the builders in to do a loft & garage conversion.
( As both these areas were packed with things that might come in handy one day. )

This forced us to tackle our stuff and resulted in multiple trips to the Charity Shop / Recycling / Dump.

Mind you, I also cheated a little by building a Summerhouse for some “temporary” storage.

Although regular readers will know that my Summerhouse is usually a complete mess.

And my shed, until recently, was not much better.

Therefore, hoarding really is something I have been battling with for years.

I learnt a lot from an old TV show called “Life Laundry” and more recently from Marie Kondo on Netflix.

A key part of Marie’s philosophy is to “Thank” items from your past, that will not be part of your future.

Whilst this sounds daft, it was the breakthrough I needed to finally part with my old MTB a few weeks ago.

Back in the early 1990s I used this bike in both Cross Country and Downhill races around the UK.

But over 20 years later it was broken beyond realistic economic repair and left languishing in my shed.

Deep down, I knew I was never going to use it again, but I just couldn’t bring myself to part with it.

Now I have simply thanked it for the joy it bought me in the past and taken it to the recycling centre.
( Where one of the guys there was going to take it on as a personal project. )

This was a big step forward for me and now I am on a roll and tackling ‘stuff’ all over the place.

Cheers, Paul.
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Old 7th March 2019, 08:21
Dpaz Dpaz is offline
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Good man, when I have got my projects under control, New clutch for the Landrover and other 'little' jobs and a clutch release bearing on my Marlin. Then I will have a tidy. I love the Idea of saying 'Thank you' to things you chuck out. I am starting to work on the 'If it's not beautiful or I don't love it, it goes', I love everything.
Keep up the good work
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Old 7th March 2019, 14:30
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Dpaz - Cheers Dave.

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Finally, some car work…
As I continue to work my way through piles of paperwork, I've now reached two bags of shredding.

But the good news is that I've finally got all my records for the taxman nicely sorted out.

As this tidying up work really is as boring as it sounds, I figured I'd now earned a break.

So I unwrapped the car.

Looking at the handbrake lever, I need my gaiter arrangement to cover the cable too.

My current plan is to cover that with an oversize aluminium panel, which will have a curve in it, something like this.

This way, I can have a much smaller leather section.

Which, based on the lessons learned from the gear lever, will be made up of four pieces.

By this point, I had to move into the porch to work, as the wind was blowing my stuff all over the place.

The first trial fitting highlighted the fact I had not shaped the material properly.

Although part of the problem is this bracket at the top of the lever.
( Which is where the handbrake warning light switch was attached. )

As I don't need this, I think I will cut it off before I rearrange the material into a neater shape.

But that will be a job for another day, so until next time, take care, Paul.
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Old 8th March 2019, 17:20
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Alloy Base Plate
Headed to the Summerhouse to take shelter from the rain and make a bit of progress….

Marked up some aluminium, leaving a bit of extra metal at either end.

Drilled a couple of pilot holes.

Which allowed me to work outwards with my tin snips.

Until the hole was cut, with rounded corners.

Then it was time to file / sand all the edges.

I then cut out four pieces that will be used to rivet the leather to the base plate.

Not easy to see in the photo, but this is a slightly different approach to the gear lever.
( Where the fixing plate was a single piece going all the way around. )

Next job will be to put a curve into the panel, remembering this is the sunny side up.

Until next time, take care. Paul.
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Old 9th March 2019, 11:32
deni deni is offline
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Hi Paul,

That's a good start and it is going to look great. I hope that this is going to be a bit easier after learning from doing the headrests and the gear stick gaiter.

Do you maybe know if your handbrake cable is at the same height as the semi circular tension assembly it is attached too please?

I often wish I had a chance to dismantle the donor car myself so I could have a better look at few things...please don't go out your way to answer unless you happen to know. I was reading Mr. Towed's blog about this and I've understood the most of it but I didn't understand a finer detail...

Good luck with making the handbrake gaiter and surround plate.

Cheers, Deni.
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Old 10th March 2019, 07:18
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Deni – I think the handbrake cable routes are similar between the Spitfire & Herald.

So I had a look through my old build photos and hope the following helps.

Initially, I had separated the “semi circular tension assembly” from the hand brake pivot point.

As I was re-using a cut down body shell / framework combo for Project Frankenstein Hillbilly.

You can just about see the handbrake pivot point location in this photo.

But here you can see the route of the hand brake cable from the pivot point through the ‘tube’ in the tunnel.

The other end of this ‘tube’ appears on the sunny side of the tunnel, as seen in my previous post.

Not a great photo, but this shown the rear section reattached to the handbrake pivot point.

Good luck, Paul.
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Old 10th March 2019, 11:27
deni deni is offline
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Thank you very much Paul, very helpful information.

Cheers, Deni.
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Old 12th March 2019, 07:11
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Deni - You are welcome.

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Ebay Sales
Unfortunately, the leather seat covers didn't sell, so I will re-list them at some point.

But I still had to finish wrapping a lot of parcels, which took a couple of trips to the Post Office.

I even sold my old gearbox tunnel (for repair) and that will be collected in person before the end of the week.

Despite how time consuming this all is, I feel better that my old stuff will be re-used.

Talking of which...

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More Free Stuff
The first set of Spitfire boot hinges has gone to a new home.

So just the rusty ones are left and I now know the P&P is £3.95.

As it didn't sell on Ebay, I can also offer this Renault Megane header tank for the same £3.95 P&P price.

Thankfully, my Frankenstein Hillbilly build allowed me to keep the radiator in its original position.

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Next Steps
I've spotted something that might allow me to put a nice curve in the alloy panel for the hand brake gaiter.

I also need to angle grind that bracket off the hand brake itself when I can match my free time to a break in the high winds and rain.

But until then, take care, Paul.
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Old 14th March 2019, 10:01
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Yet More Free Stuff
As my massive clear out continues, all of the following are now available for the cost of P&P.

Spring Bonnet Latches

Bonnet Pins - Set #1

Bonnet Pins - Set #2

Both sets are the same size.

Latches - Set #1

Latches - Set #2

Again, both sets are the same size.

Just let me know if you want anything, cheers, Paul.
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Old 14th March 2019, 14:43
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PaulL I'll have it all if nobody else wants it.
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Old 14th March 2019, 15:34
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Micky1Mo - Given the fact that you kindly donated the rear lights I have on my car, consider them all yours.

Are you still at Unit 3B?

Also would the bonnet hinges and expansion tank be any use to you?

Cheers, Paul.
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Old 14th March 2019, 16:13
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Paul Many thanks and all is welcome.
Still at 3B.
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Old 17th March 2019, 11:26
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Mike - I've boxed everything up and it is now in the post on its way to you.

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Happy St.Patrick' Day!
While I still have a lot of Spring cleaning left to do, I'd earned enough brownie points for a quick spin this morning.

Unfortunately, the sky was making me very nervous indeed.
( You can barely see the car it got so dark. )

It was also quite cold, so I didn't spot a single convertible with its roof down today.

Stopped at my locate industrial estate on the way home.

In the end, even though I was out for less than an hour / 20 miles, I still enjoyed it.

And in a fair bit of perfect timing, the rain arrived shortly after the covers went back on.

Until next time, take care, Paul.
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Old 17th March 2019, 17:05
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