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Old 11th July 2020, 17:23
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It has been a while
Things have been a bit hectic lately on the working from home front.

I've also spend a lot of time digging holes for some new trees in the garden.

Which means I haven't been out for a drive since my last update in May.

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New Car Cover
Holes had started appearing all over my old cover.

So I bought a new one from Ebay.

These covers all seem to last just a little bit longer than the 1 year warranty.

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Firing up the engine
Last week, I finally had the chance to start the car.

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Belated Happy 40th Birthday
My donor Spitfire was 'born' in April 1980, so I'd missed her 40th Birthday a few months back.

My tax was due for renewal at the end of July, so I've only got 6 months this time, instead of 12.

As January 2021 should be when I can apply to switch into the Historic Tax class = £0.

I will also check the VHI rules again and see if I can apply for that too.

I still need an MOT for my insurance and would get one anyway for peace of mind.

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Electrical Problem
Today, I thought I'd try to get to the bottom of why my front driver's side indicator no longer works.

Although, as soon as I stepped outside, the dark clouds arrived.

So I figured I'd just unwrap the front of the car.

I'd already checked the bulb, so I knew that wasn't the problem.

I started looking at the connectors and found two wires had come loose.

So I unpicked the connectors and reattached them to the wires.
(Sorry the photos aren't great.)

Unfortunately, this didn't fix the problem, so I kept looking and found another loose connection.

But this didn't fix the problem either.

Then I removed the indicator from the body shell so I could check the inside.

That all looked OK, so I connected this indicator to the wiring for the passenger side.

So the indicator housing isn't the problem, so I am currently stumped.

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Help Requested
Based on the following, does anyone have a suggestion of what I should check / try next?

Left indicator switch on:
- Both front and rear indicators light up and flash

Right indicator switch on:
- Rear indicator lights up, but doesn't flash
- Front indicator doesn't light up

Hazard lights on:
- Both front and rear passenger indicators light up and flash
- Rear driver's side indicator lights up and flashes
- Front indicator doesn't light up

Answers on a postcard to the usual address.


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Old 11th July 2020, 18:53
molleur molleur is offline
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back to the original issue.
In the past I have installed indicator bulbs incorrectly, polarity reversed. They will go in either way.
try removing that bulb and re-install. Hope that helps.
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Old 11th July 2020, 19:09
wharfedale wharfedale is offline
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earth always with plastic cars !!!
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Old 11th July 2020, 19:12
wharfedale wharfedale is offline
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Originally Posted by molleur View Post
back to the original issue.
In the past I have installed indicator bulbs incorrectly, polarity reversed. They will go in either way.
try removing that bulb and re-install. Hope that helps.
bulbs work either way !!!
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Old 11th July 2020, 19:49
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What happens when you remove the rear drivers side indicator bulb?
just wondering if the problem is the rear taking all the current, so the front does not light.
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Old 12th July 2020, 05:24
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Molleur, Wharfedale & HouseMartin – Thanks for the suggestions gentlemen.

Bulb - The bulb is definitely working.
See last photo above where the driver’s side indicator bulb is plugged into the passenger side wiring.

However, the reason you can see the bulb is on is another failure mode I forgot to list.

Front right indicator housing plugged into front left wiring and left indicator switched on.
- Both front and rear left indicators light up, but neither flash.

Initially, I thought this was due to the fact there were unconnected wires on the right side.
(Where I had disconnected the front indicator.)

When I reconnected both the front indicators to their original wiring, the left worked as normal.
(At which point I tried the hazard switch and got the result previously listed.)

Earth – I may have missed a trick here.
I checked the earth wire was still securely joined to the ‘ring’ connector at the earthing point.
However, I didn’t check if there was no break in the wire between the earthing point and the indicator.
I could also run a separate piece of spare wire to earth as another way of checking this.

Rear Light – I didn’t think to remove the rear bulb, but I will add that to my experiments.

And finally…
We have some friends coming around today for a socially distanced visit in our back garden.
(First time since lock down began.)

So, I might not be able to play with the car today, but I’ll try to get to the bottom of this during the week.

Given the fact I have already removed the front indicator from the driver’s side…
I might also remove the front passenger side too.
That way, I can swap them both around and then see what happens.

Cheers, Paul.
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Old 20th August 2020, 19:54
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Nothing to see here
Over a month since my last post and I haven't had a chance to work on the car.
(Too busy WFH at the moment, which, overall, has to be a good thing in these crazy times.)

As least I've managed to start the car a couple of times, this was earlier today.

Hopefully, I'll get a chance to get back out on the road before the Summer disappears completely.

Take care,

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Old 20th August 2020, 22:28
Dpaz Dpaz is offline
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On my S1 landrover, I have an aluminium panel that is pop riveted to the body and is now not electrically connected. First rule of caravan (aluminium) electrics, check the earth. A lead from the battery negative-earth to troublesome fitting. As Wharfdale said it is always the earth, so check it first. If it doesn't work leave it on until you find the fault then remove it. It might be the earth as well. I know, I've been there! Good luck Stay safe.
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Old 26th October 2020, 07:50
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Dpaz - A belated thank you for your reply.

I really need to pull my finger out and fix this now, as my MOT expires in a few weeks.

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2020 - What a year!
I can't quite believe that the last time I drove my car was back in May.

However, that would explain why the battery didn't have enough juice to start the engine the other day.

I also needed my wife's help to push the car back as the brake were sticking too.
(Need to sweep up all the leaves underneath it.)

Battery out for charging.

Rather than struggle to push it back, I just left it where it was.

With a fully charged battery, I was able to start the car.

I could also drive it back and forth on the driveway to free up the brakes.

I can't drive it on the road until I re-fit the front indicator.

Hopefully, by the time I've fixed the electrics, they will have replaced my driveway.

Anyway, I hope all is well.

I'll try to post some belated replies to other threads this week too.

Take care, Paul.
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Old 26th October 2020, 08:56
Dpaz Dpaz is offline
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Hi Paul, these days it sometimes seems too much effort to scratch your bum! If you battery is a bit inaccesible like my Locust, put a heavy lead from the battery to a terminal post. It saved me a lot of hassle with jump leads. Stay safe!
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Old 31st October 2020, 07:34
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Dpaz - Thankfully the battery is very easy to get to.

Unfortunately, between work and the weather I still haven't worked on the car.

At least I've finished this year's pumpkin.

Happy Halloween!

Cheers, Paul.
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Old 31st October 2020, 09:14
Lucky@LeMans Lucky@LeMans is offline
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That looks really good for all the wrong reasons !
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Old 2nd November 2020, 08:55
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Great pumpkin one of the most original
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Old 24th December 2020, 14:53
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Hope you are all keeping well.

I'll post a proper update after Christmas, but I hope you can make the most of it this year.

Take care, Paul.

"This is only one more sleep 'til Christmas."

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Old 24th December 2020, 17:40
molleur molleur is offline
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Happy Christmas Paul. All the best to all!
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Old 24th December 2020, 18:26
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Merry Christmas and wishing you a Happy(er) New Year!
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Old 25th December 2020, 11:11
deni deni is offline
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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Old 31st January 2021, 18:58
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Molleur, Mr T & Deni - Thanks for the Christmas wishes gents and a belated Happy New Year to you all.

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Yesterday I officially declared my car off the road as the MOT had expired and the tax runs out today.

Unfortunately, the harsh reality is I just do not have the time to fix the front indicator problem.
(Even if it is a simple earthing fix.)

Also, with Lockdown restrictions in place, I have no interest in driving it.

As no journey in a car that looks like mine is going to appear to be essential, even if it is.

So here is a quick round up of recent events…

The pavement and cross over driveway have been completed.

In the run up to Christmas, I tried to at least re-fit the indictor and the cover broke.

So, I left all the bits on the passenger seat, ordered a replacement and packed my tools away.

When I did get a chance to re-start the car in January, the battery was as flat as a pancake (again).

But after recharging it, the engine fired up and I could drive the car back and forth a few feet.

This was the scene the very next day.

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Working From Home
I've now spent over 10 months WFH in my 'office' in the loft.

Don't get me wrong, I know front line NHS workers, and others, do real hard work.

Plus many people are not working at all due to Covid, so in many respects I am lucky.

But I have racked up 194.5 work hours in this small space in January 2021 alone.
(Ignoring the time I spend here reading Internet Forums. )

So, I have been trying hard to do some exercise to compensate for all the sitting down.

The good news is that my fitness is returning and my weight is reducing.

The bad news is there are simply not enough hours in the day to do all I want to.

I know things will improve 'one day' and I look forward to driving my car again then.

Take care, Paul.

Will try again to reply to other build threads at some point.
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Old 2nd February 2021, 09:23
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Keep your spirits up Paul, it'll all be over by Christmas...
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Old 7th June 2021, 13:06
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That was the year that was…
I intended to post this update around the late May Bank Holiday weekend.

As that marked the grim fact that is it now one year since I last drove my car on the road.

I’ll still working from home in the cramped space under the slope of the roof.
(See photo in previous update.)

That makes it over 14 months now since I saw anyone I work with in real life.

My last update in January was with the car covered in snow.

Since then, it has been covered in rain and multiple hail storms.

This is during one of them.

And this is after another one.

Which meant it was no real surprize to find a small pool over water behind one of the seats.

I mopped that out when I last started the car over the Bank Holiday weekend.

I turned the car around on my driveway to help free up the brakes and get access to the indicator.

These days, I leave the battery disconnected to ensure it always has enough juice to start.

I really hope I finally get a chance to look at my indicator fault this month.

If not, I will book it into the Triumph garage and get them to fix it for me.

As, the only advantage of all the hours I am doing at home is that I’ve improved my bank balance!

The other thing I missed in April, was my donor car’s 40th birthday, so finally ready for free ‘tax’.

But they have changed the rolling 40 years for Black and White plates, so I can’t have them.

In other news…

Out with the old...

2004 (54 reg) Ford Mondeo Ghia X - 2 litre diesel - Bought in Mar.08

And in with the new (to us).

2020 (69 Reg) Ford Focus Vignale - 1.5 litre petrol – Bought in Jan.21

The boot sizes are about the same and the Focus is ULEZ compliant.

First time using 'Click and collect' for something as big/expensive as this.

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The other thing WFH has allowed me to do is continue to improve my fitness.

I’d found some old weights buried in the shed, but the various lockdowns made it hard to get more.

I finally bough this rusty set off Ebay in Apr.21, which included:
- 2 x Barbells
- 2 x Dumbbells
- 85kg of weight plates

All for just £64.57, which is giving them away by Covid / Ebay prices.

I had lots of useful stuff left over from the Swordfish build.

Which allowed me to transform both the weight plates.

And the bars.

This gave me a nice range of weight on the mix of old and new dumbbells.
(Each of these have a matching 'pair'.)

Older readers might remember that my Summerhouse often looked like this during the car build.

Thankfully, this is what the Summerhouse looks like now.

I’d like to lose another stone / 6 kg before the end of the year.

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Fingers crossed that I will be back on the road before the Summer ends.

Hope all is well, take care, Paul.
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