Hi. A decision has been made. Get the head done professionally. Found a specialist engineering works about 8 miles away in Milford, near Godalming. Facinating place to visit. He will skim the head and put new valve guides in and regrind the valves for less than 200 quid .... bargain in our part of the world.
Next took ot the valve guides. This tells a different story. See if you can spot the odd one out?
Yep!. I'll replace them all.
The big end bearings and crank look virtually brand new. No scoring oand as tight as .... well ... as tight as a very tight thing
The cylinder bores also look pretty good with no scoring (although this photo doesn't look that good). I think I can go ahead with just replacing the piston rings although open to suggestions/comments.
Should I replace the pistons at the same time?
<a href="http://s1287.photobucket.com/user/slartibartfast52/media/DSCF9870_zps48b4eda1.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1287.photobucket.com/albums/a638/slartibartfast52/DSCF9870_zps48b4eda1.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo DSCF9870_zps48b4eda1.jpg"/></a>
Should get the head back in a couple of weeks and start the engine rebuild.
Will update you all in due course.
looks like I have some catching up to do.