This is my first update this year and we are in April, Where have the last 3 months gone!
The G46 has it back to me in the car part and its not a happy bird.
Still only half a coat with a cat taken up residence.

Well it got above freezing this easter so I managed some progress.
The skuttle top had been separated from the rear body at he doors so i set about cutting away the dash to get it to fit,
using the pictures of Nike55 and GWA's threads on this forumn.

The cut slowly and trial fitting is taking longer than i expected and creating a large pile of small red fibreglass pieces.
However i now have acess to the door hinges and the supporting metal work, which seems to have rusted considerable.

I had considered fastening Gary's metal frame work to these but the dimension were wrong and the frame to tight for my body
so i will stick with the reliant bulk head as Reliant deemed that no front metal frame was required.
However I am planning to retain the existing heater arrange ment so have sprayed the inlet yellow so i do not cut it out!

The skuttle is not forward enough for the old front bonnet channels so I have left them in place for now.
The good news is that the skuttle and rear body now match up so I have not screwed up! phew!

A trial fit of the bonnet revealed that the brake servo has to go.
So i an unsure to go tandem balance bar with no servo or single master and relocate the servo.
The dual masters has the advantage of reducing the efficency of the handbrake from 40% to 25% on the MOT
and the servo is not really needed as the brakes are very good on the scimitar.

The inner wheel arches still need some cut away
and I have still resolved the headlight position as the bowls in the wheel arches and subject to all the road dirt.
I plan to bond the bonnet to the inner whel arches and cut an opening when the temperature get warm enough to mix some resin!
here hoping.
Oh and the seats are too wide to get the door on. Fun Fun Fun.