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oxford1360 20th June 2019 12:06

One of the ads at the bottom of the page was for this -

If it weren't for the shape of that front screen, I'd be very tempted.

Mick O'Malley 24th June 2019 06:30

......and again
This appeared overnight. Can't say it does a lot for me: no pictures of the interior or engine. Stardust were Cortina 3/4/5 based so its '0.1' mill is likely one of those huge heavy lumps so many (myself not included) rave about.

I wish him well with the sale.

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 24th June 2019 07:17

Last week I'd again attempted to get my twin CD150s to behave - dream on! Following the instructions to the letter, I got the engine up to temperature and set about fine tuning the mixture, which involves lifting the piston a tiny distance and adjusting the jet screw according to the engine's reaction. Rear carb: engine dies irrespective of any adjustment. Front carb, engine ignores any mixture change made. I replaced the air filter and took her out for a road test. Very poor throttle response, engine dies after about half a mile. Restart, same but after a half the distance. Repeat, dies after ever decreasing distances. Park, walk home in disgust, recruit son, pop along in Micra, tow home, cover over and try to forget :(.

Saturday's sortie in the S4 Seven was again to Prescott, where another was competing, albeit twin cam powered.

Also competing was this Westfield XI, which I heard one knowledgeable chap advise his chum was "A D-Type Jaguar" :rolleyes:.

The event was Porsche themed, but despite the many many more modern models there, this Historic Rallying 912 was my clear favourite :)

I think I'll give up on those carbs and get another set off a runner from Spitfire Steve, then probably try again to pass on the A352.

Regards, Mick

Lucky@LeMans 24th June 2019 17:01

Sounds like there is a fault with either the carbs or the plumbing. If it isn't responding to your adjustments as expected then there must be more to it.

Would it be worth investing a little to have the set up checked over and tuned by a specialist ? You will end up spending a bit on yet another carb anyway then there's the fitting, messing about, etc etc.

Once you are up and running I'm sure there will be second thoughts about selling up ?

Paul L 25th June 2019 05:27

Mick – Sorry to hear you are having problems with your carbs. :icon_sad:

My car also suffered fuel starvation the other day, but, luckily, I was able to push it home.
( As I’d barely pulled out of my driveway. :rolleyes: )

I hope I’ve tracked the problem to a blocked fuel line (new parts on their way).

But, for me, this was confirmed by running the engine without any problems from a petrol can.

I know you know a lot more about this sort of thing than I do, but I thought I’d mention it just in case.

Good luck, Paul. :)

Mick O'Malley 9th July 2019 07:09

You have a PM

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 3rd August 2019 11:26


Originally Posted by Mick O'Malley (Post 101042)
Last week I'd again attempted to get my twin CD150s to behave - dream on! Following the instructions to the letter, I got the engine up to temperature and set about fine tuning the mixture, which involves lifting the piston a tiny distance and adjusting the jet screw according to the engine's reaction. Rear carb: engine dies irrespective of any adjustment. Front carb, engine ignores any mixture change made. I replaced the air filter and took her out for a road test. Very poor throttle response, engine dies after about half a mile. Restart, same but after about half the distance. Repeat, dies after ever decreasing distances. Park, walk home in disgust, recruit son, pop along in Micra, tow home, cover over and try to forget :(.

Albert Einstein is widely credited with saying, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results."

By that criterion, I am insane. About three weeks ago, between bouts of Monaco related tasks and trips out in the Lotus, I decided to rebuild the Strombergs one last time. Once they were fitted back I took the A352 around the block, not daring to venture more than a couple of hundred yards from home as I no longer had any confidence in her. She seemed OK, but then she did for a short distance last time. I covered her over and advertised her on Car and Classics web-site. So far I've had five nibbles, one from a very honest German who decided he'd prefer a Jaguar based one; three from dreamers who wasted my time and ceased communicating, and one today who is supposed to be 'phoning me to come and have a look. Prompted by this, I decided to bite the bullet and take her for an extended spin which was completed without drama. I know that I did nothing different in the last carb. rebuild so I'm still baffled, but grateful nevertheless. Roll on next Saturday for Shelsley Walsh and Sunday for Burford Specials Day.

Thanks both Pauls for the encouragement and suggestions :).

Regards, Mick

Lucky@LeMans 3rd August 2019 15:16

I would suggest that both Shelsley Walsh and the specials day will have interested punters if you put a "For Sale" sign on it !

IanA 11th August 2019 21:11

You missed a great selection of about 40 cars at the 50s Specials Day today. There was even a Mistral trailered there. Ashley, Buckler, Dellow, Fairthorpe, Falcon, Gilbern, Lotus, Peerless, Rochdale, S.A., Shirley, Tornado and Turner all represented. Plus a nice TVR Grantura from Switzerland, a Jensen CV8, Lotus Elan+2 and a racing Ginetta with a 997cc Ford Cosworth SCA motor in the "other interesting car" line-up. We took my Z300S and Sylva Fury.

IanA 19th August 2019 20:08

1 Attachment(s)
You may have seen this today:

Egdik 19th August 2019 22:28

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 6308

Owners Meeting

Saturday September 7th

Lunch at The Pelican Inn

Froxfield, on the A4 between Hungerford & Marlborough

We are welcome and booked from 11am with lunch at around 12.30pm

There are two spacious car parks, where we can have a drink and talk Tribute Cars.

Afterwards you / we can drive round a bit of Hampshire to the

Silk Mill at Whitchurch

for tea, overlooking the river Test, last orders 3.30pm.

If you are interested the Pelican Inn also has a room or two overnight on the Friday and or Saturday. We are staying there Friday night.

Please let me know if you will attend or at least think about it.

REPLY to Kidge on his site

OR The Owners site

OR PM me

OR email

Mick O'Malley 25th August 2019 12:27

Blistering Bank Holiday
Yesterday's sortie in the A352 was to the Gloucester Goes Retro Festival. Last year, I was parked two or three cars back from the front, so this time I left home even earlier and secured pole position just before 0800. Within half an hour the street was filling up with a good selection of 50s vehicles.

I wore my 'gentleman racer' white boiler suit, shirt and tie, and cheesecutter cap again which nicely complement the car. The downside was that, after four months in shorts and T shirt, nine and a half hours in the blazing sun on my hind legs was something of an ordeal. Once again I was busy all day fielding queries and lifting small children in and out of the cockpit for photocalls - the driver's door now has more fingerprints than the central criminal register! I was flattered to be told a few times that mine was the car of the show: I redirected these people to my friend's Alfa Romeo engined Lenham, it's such a gem. A really good day out, apart from the heat prostration.

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 25th August 2019 12:53

Blistering Bank Holiday Part Two
Today's sortie in the A352 was to a small meeting a friend organises. It's at a US themed diner about 20 miles away near Lydney which fronts onto a large well tended field. This is only in its fourth month and has already attracted an eclectic following.

The young (well, to me) lad who trailered this rail to the meeting fired it up for a couple of minutes: I now know what being stabbed in the ears with white hot screwdrivers must feel like. What a beast! It was, however totally eclipsed in my book by this home built Cummins Railton evocation.

Its creator was a very quiet unassuming chap who told me that he'd logged 4,000 hours spent building it. Apart from the running gear, it was 100% scratchbuilt. The six litre straight six had, in series, both a supercharger and a turbocharger, each with its own intercooler. Twin fishtail silencers gave it the most glorious exhaust note.

I'm certain that I've never seen a better homebuilt car. Simply fabulous.

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 26th August 2019 08:00

Gloucester Retro Festival 24.8.19

Originally Posted by scimjim (Post 96306)
Followed your build from the start, never saw the car despite living in Brockworth and competing at Prescott - now I spend the weekend at the South Cerney show (as we have done for the past few years) and I had to leave this afternoon without seeing your new toy! :doh:

Hi Scimjim

Did you get to this on Saturday? I was besieged all the day so could easily have missed you.

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 3rd September 2019 06:25

Prescott Breakfast Club
Sunday's sortie in the A352 was to the above event. It's very low key with attendance on an entirely ad hoc basis. Lucky was there in his donor car to greet me on arrival. Turnout wasn't fantastic, although there were some, to my taste, gems in attendance.

This glorious Spider had me singing 'Mrs Robinson' in my head for the rest of the morning. For those of you too young to get the connection - link. It was mercilessly aped in Wayne's World II, link :).

This early Gilbern was taking part in a European tour whose members were parked in the orchard away from we mortals: they were walking the hill and visiting the Bugatti Trust Museum. Many of them were in Edwardian dress, including a delightful couple from across the pond who were very interested in my creation. The young lady was fascinated by my letter-box boot, asking for a look inside, a first for me!

Blatting down the almost deserted roads with the six pot purring on the cool moist morning air had me hoping the prospective purchaser from France doesn't show..........

Regards, Mick

Paul L 11th September 2019 14:03

Mick - Always great to see your car out and about. :cool:

Also, glad to hear that the car seems to be running nicely again too.

Cheers, Paul. :)

Mick O'Malley 11th September 2019 18:28

Thanks - & More Posing......
Thanks once again for kind words Paul, appreciated! Still not sold, despite lots of nibbles, I think there are many many dreamers out there! Enquiry no. eight arrived by e-mail today, from Sweden. We shall see......

A friend took this at the Retro Festival: it's enhanced both the A352's colour, and that of my face!

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 15th September 2019 13:24

Staverton Airfield Breakfast Meeting.
This morning's sortie in the A352 was, once again, to the above. The beast started perfectly and was singing along until I got to the B4063, only a few miles from the airfield, when a swiftly increasing backfire manifested itself. Over only a couple of hundred yards it had deteriorated to the extent of sounding like cannon fire - a poor bloke was walking his dog which bolted, fortunately without slipping its lead. I dived down a left turning, performed a quick three-point turn, and retraced my route, startling the poor hound once again. The misfire gradually corrected itself until, after a mile or so, the engine was running more or less OK.

On returning home I let it cool and investigated - first port of call being the distributor, in particular the condenser, which had failed a year ago tomorrow with similar symptons. However, I noticed that the pip under the cap was hanging a little low, a gentle tug revealing its spring was very weak. I'd only bought this in February when its predecessor failed. I'll get another from Canley or similar and renew the condenser as well. The points were fine, but I ran a folded strip of fine emery cloth between them anyway.

I want her well again for Shelsley Walsh next Saturday, so fingers crossed.

Regards, Mick

deggsy 15th September 2019 15:05

looking good Mick looking good I hope you sort it out foe Shelsey.

Mick O'Malley 21st September 2019 18:53

Thanks Deggsy. I fitted the new distributor cap and one of the new condensers I've carried since the failure. It's back to running its best ever now - Woo Hoo! I didn't go to Shelsley, or the Castle Combe Rally Day for that matter, as I'm red hot keen on cracking on with the Monaco. Knocked a couple of small jobs on the head but had to pack up when it got too hot in the cave.

Regards, Mick

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