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deggsy 19th October 2017 19:13

Paul It will probably need some reinforcing but needs more work first.
The new wheel box's are 14mm size matters it seems hmmm
the next problem was my measurements were wrong again :icon_confused:
so more cutting and glassing was required.
sorry for the fuzzy photos
now I can open and close the bonnet again.
Will look like this when finished I will have to set up the wipers so they don't meet in the middle in use (should be fun sorting that out)

deggsy 30th October 2017 19:42

Still waiting for a screen rubber so the work has stalled a bit there :frusty:
So in the mean time I have started work on the door mirrors they are the stainless bullet type when I tried them out I couldn't see a thing, so I made a plinth out of hard wood to raise them up a bit.
I fibre glassed them but it was so cold they didn't go off :doubt: cleaned it all off and started again.
That's better I also made some backing plates and riveted them in.
It should go well with the rest of the car:first:
By for now

Paul L 1st November 2017 17:08

Deggsy I look forward to seeing how your mirror plinths turn out.

As I could do with adding one to my passenger side.
( Thankfully the driver's side works OK for me. )

Obviously, I had come up with a much more complicated solution compared to your. :rolleyes:

Good luck, Paul. :)

deggsy 4th November 2017 14:47

Paul They will look like this not finished yet but you get the idea.
I have also added some trim around the fuel filler.
I also riveted the bottom of the bonnet where it closes on the wing, I then had fun filling them in and sanding back too a roundish shape:whoo:

Paul L 5th November 2017 06:15

Deggsy – Those mirror plinths are a great solution and I also like all your rivet details. :cool:

Good luck, Paul. :)

deggsy 20th November 2017 11:38

Things are progressing slowly at the moment as we are in the process of moving house. both need work and the new house hasn't got a garage yet so most of my time will be spent on the move. On the up side I will get a bigger warmer DRY garage to play in.
I still can't get a screen rubber so am continuing with other jobs, I cut down some stainless bolts and lock tilted on to the mirrors to make fitting easier.
Sorry for the rubbish photos
I also sorted out the screen washers the fibreglass was too thick to bolt them in as normal so I drilled and tapped the fibreglass and hey presto it worked a treat they will be lock tilted in place after painting,
that's all for now see you soon.

deggsy 2nd December 2017 19:25

One of the last jobs on the body before paint prep Is the bonnet vent marked up where it was to go several times.
then cut the hole leaving strengthening ribs (just in case)
The hardest part was flatting back the gel cote to a depth of 1 mm to hide the join line:fencing:
then bonded in place.
next time it will be back to filling and sanding doh!

deggsy 12th January 2018 18:40

Not much has happened over the last month or so with the pending house move and managing to get the dreaded flue bug. But I did manage to get a few hours in this week.
I filled and flatted back the louvers and re enforced the underneath.
I also made some bonnet locating pins for this I simply drilled and tapped the space frame cut down some 6 mm bolts and locked them in place.
the next job now is the gap between the bonnet and bulkhead is too wide.
A bit more filling I think.

deggsy 12th February 2018 09:30

Nothing much happening at the moment still busy sorting out house move and waiting for builders to lay the slab for the new garage.

deggsy 25th February 2018 16:04

Steering Column
Managed to do a bit this week end for some reason my steering column has no mounting lugs for the cowl I did make an alloy one but wasn't happy with it so I bit the bullet and sent for a replacement I fitted new bushes and installed it but I will have to make a small blanking plate for the dash.
I also have to get 13mm machined off the boss as its fouling the cowl waiting for a friend with a lath to sort that for me.
Till next time
Deggsy :eusa_whistle:

deggsy 26th March 2018 18:45

Well the boss has finally been turned down for me and fits perfectly no photo it didn't turn out doh!
I made and fitted an alloy plate for the steering column.
and it looks OK.
I also re painted the floors ready to make and fit the carpets .
They will be made from a roll I bought at Stoneleigh last year for a tenner I was hoping to have edging put on them but I couldn't find anyone too do them for next to nothing so i will cut them to shape and fix them in with carpet tape and hope for the best :eusa_boohoo:
Photos to follow.

deggsy 19th June 2018 19:28

Not much been happening on the car at the moment as most of my time is being spent on the house move but i have managed a few small jobs I had to move the seat-belt mounting points as the original ones are too far forward. New brackets were made and fitted behind the seat (only one done so far)
and they go about here.
i also managed to find a seal that almost fits the windscreen off a ford pop sit up and beg, Rimmer's have still failed to supply me with the correct one.
On the up side I now have a nice big concrete slab for the new garage.
Though its not quite level which I hope will be rectified this week the new garage is arriving in the beginning of next month?
Buy for now I'll let you know when there's some more progress.

deggsy 24th July 2018 18:42

The garage
Still no progress on the car but my nice new garage has now been built.
Now all I have to do is seal it. Insulate it. wire it out fit benches and move all my tools and equipment from the old tin shed then bring the car up to re-start working on it.:eusa_boohoo: I am shattered just thinking about it.:noidea:

Paul L 29th July 2018 07:27

Deggsy – Your new garage looks great. :cool:

Whilst there may still be a lot of work left to do, I’m sure it will make a big difference.

As despite the run of great weather we’ve been having…

[Games of Thrones] ”Winter is coming.” [/Game of Thrones]

And we all know how hard it is to work on a car during the cold/dark months.

Good luck, Paul. :)

deggsy 29th July 2018 19:45

The garage
Thanks Paul
It will take time with the house move and all that but i'll get there in the end. I was hoping to have the car on the road this summer but the best laid plans and all that, As you say I'll have a much nicer environment to work in.

deggsy 24th December 2018 08:13

Merry Christmas every one. I am hoping to re start work on the car in the new year.

deggsy 10th March 2019 18:00

I'v finally got the car into the new garage. :high5:
Unfortunately standing in a damp garage for the last 10 months hasn't helped things. The brakes are binding badly and some of the electrics have stopped working so i decided as I will have to strip the front suspension down again I will upgrade at the same time to that end I have bought drilled and grooved front disks and EBC pads also bought a pair of nice shiny s/s top suspension mounts. I also want to change the wheel spacers as the ones I have are 30mm universal ones so I;m looking for a set of dedicated ones. on the up side I finally managed to get the correct rubber for the windscreen (only took me a year to find it) so I've started work on the screen frame again, and i have made the upper mount for the rear view mirror first attempt failed as you can see second attempt not so bad but there may be a third?
Hopefully i,ll get a lot more work done this year as well as the house restoration work.
bye for now be back soon.

Barber 10th March 2019 19:05

Great to see you are back on the case, keep posting pics as well as the progress reports.

deggsy 18th March 2019 19:39

Barber I'll try.
Re started work on the screen frame the chrome paint I used reacted with the primer and went soft I had to use paint stripper to get it of it's now back in etch primer.
I'v also made some brackets for the boot stay.
Back soon.

Paul L 26th March 2019 15:37

Glad to see you are back working on your car. :cool:

Good luck, Paul. :)

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