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rattler 1st August 2014 14:14

hi dave car looking good I made my b/head resin bonded ply skind in aly I sill cant post pic but im sure there is some on one of my post another ride out today brilliant rattler:eusa_angel:

garyh 1st August 2014 15:43

Can't means won't... that's what i was always told.

davecymru 1st August 2014 17:50

? Not sure i understand the can't / won't thing?


I've just about finished rebuilding the front suspension but the cheepo lock nuts supplied with the track rod ends from Rimmers both stripped their threads when torquing them up. :mad:

I'd set the 1st for 30lbs which was the lower end of what Haynes recommend and it stripped way before then.
So i set the 2nd for 22lbs, it reached that but felt like it wouldn't go much further and when i upped it to 26lbs it stripped as well. <grrr>

I managed to get them off with my nut splitters and luckily it was just the nuts, so i'll have another crack at those tomorrow!

Apart from that i've also run all of the brake lines (apart from to the master cylinder - as it's not there yet!) and i've also tried bolting the frame down




IT FITS!!! :faint2:

Mike, i always knew it would, but it was nice to see anyway :D

Both front mounting points, all 4 main mounting points and the 2 over the rear suspension all lined up without any use of adjustment-tool-No.1!! :)

There may be a minor bit of "fettling" needed on those over the rear outriggers, but I've never seen 2 sets of outriggers in the same location, so i'll forgive that :)

I hope to have the petrol tank and seatbelt mounts sorted, trial the pedals and steering and then start painting the frame tomorrow, so i'll get loads of pics then :)

swifty 1st August 2014 19:33

Hi davecymru I think i am down near your neck of the woods next week, visiting Okehampton, is that near you.

davecymru 7th August 2014 09:47

Swifty, just in case you missed it, i dropped you a PM.

As far as the build is concerned there has been a lot going on (frame fettling, front suspension and engine rebuild, line running etc.) but there's not many pics i want to post yet until things start coming together, hopefully after the weekend!

That said, i did have a bit of a falling-out with one of the new front suspension bushes so I reverted to the vice to get it in place.

The Bush won!

I ended up removing the bush, binning it and it's replacement went in no problem at all!

Apart from that wifey thinks that the suspension may be set a bit low atm!

Joking aside this is one of the first pictures I've seen of a Miglia with someone sat in the shell and i think it really shows how much longer the bonnet is!

I'll try and get some decent build pics up over the next few days.

garyh 7th August 2014 10:40

Looks nice... and the Miglia... BOOM BOOM, as Basil Brush would say.

PJ GRABOWSKI 7th August 2014 18:29

keep the images flowing D , regular updates are neat.

swifty 7th August 2014 21:54

The shape of the shell looks good, the long bonnet definitely suits the shape of the car, looking forward to see your progress.

I did get your pm but are heading back early hours sat so unable to call in, may be another time and thanks for the offer.

davecymru 10th August 2014 16:55

I think I've just about stripped and cleaned every original part i'm going to reuse and those that haven't already been refitted are drying, i.e. the refurbished brake pedal housings.

I have trial fitted the petrol tank and run all the new fuel lines, i'm just waiting for the frame to dry before i refit it.

I have fabricated a central tunnel and welded that onto the body frame and mounted the handbrake cable linkages. The handbrake was delivered to work last week while i was out so i'll pick that up tomorrow.

I have also painted the frame. I know i may still have to make minor adjustments, but i wanted it cleaned, treated and painted partly to keep my spirits up and parts to stabilise it.

Frame primered

And painted

and i know that I've not posted much about the body yet as i've been trying to finish off the chassis and frame, but i had to do a trial fit, just-to-see how it'd go!

It fits a treat!!! Well done young Mike! :madgrin:

I know that I've got to adjust the height of the rear when i fit it properly, but the front all seems to line up lovely and the shell 'tucks under' nicely.
It also looks good around the ends of the front outriggers to be able to mount that area quite strongly.

I'm now just doing my last few little jobs putting the engine back together while i wait for the lowered floor-pans to turn up (cough)(cough) as until they're fitted i can't bolt the frame down and start mounting the body properly.

oh... and i know this is asking for trouble quoting a deadline.... but atm i'm aiming to have it on the road in basic form ready for "at least" the last local show of the year, the The Footman James Classic Vehicle Restoration Show on 1st/2nd Nov


davecymru 12th August 2014 15:50

I've finally chosen my handbrake!

I always wanted a chrome one (as there will be a nice scarttering of high quality chrome bits on this car eventually) and i wanted something 2nd hand as i was a bit of age and there was no way i was going to pay £200+ for an e-type one!!

So i have gone with the below...

Before you scroll down, anyone care to guess what it's from?

If you said Humber Super Snipe, award yourself 10 points! :)

Plus i have also chosen the paint colour.
Obviously it was always going to be a red one, because as we all know, red ones go faster! But wanted something rich and a red that has been around for a while.

Second place was:
Ferrari Rossa Corsa

But after seeing a few cars in this recently, i have finally opted for:
Porsche Guards Red!

davecymru 12th August 2014 19:14

And seeing as i feel guilty for not posting many photos (especially when compared to Paul!) i thought i'd better take a few this evening after i managed to snatch a quick hr in the garage .

The petrol tank is now fitted! :)

And i've fitted a new sender in it seeing as the end had dropped off of the old one! ohhh err missus!!! :)

And everything is now nicely plumbed in

And here's the central frame i fabricated to support the new handbrake and the handbrake bracket.

Next i'm fitting the brake and clutch pedals and then it's onto the radiator and finishing off the engine.

For this build i then want to be able to 'drive' it in the moon buggy phase before i fit the body as i didn't do that with the Sammio and as a result there were a few issues that i could have avoided! So as soon as the floor pans are here and fitted, i should hope that by this weekend it'll get it first glimpse of sunlight!! :)

swifty 12th August 2014 21:06

Dave your build is taking shape and looking good and the chrome handbrake will looks cool, great choice. I had hoped to have my car on the road this year but i seem to be taking two steps forward then three back so good luck with your deadline and i look forward to seeing the guards red colour.

EL PRIMER 13th August 2014 08:34

looking good David , second time around has gotta be a lot easier. I guess a better quality package that isn't quite so tape measure defiant makes a difference , but having been there before has to make things flow a bit better as well.
She seems to be coming together very quickly .

1iTim 13th August 2014 11:14

Beautiful! Good work!

Paul L 14th August 2014 08:30

Dave - Great handbrake. :cool:

Looks like you will have another nice car when it is finished.

Good luck getting to the moon buggy stage, Paul. :)

davecymru 15th August 2014 12:26

Hummm.... an interesting few days.

I have picked up my seats and this time I've opted for Cobra Cubs rather than the Cobra Classics as the Cubs are smaller overall and also have lower sides. The reason i wanted these is that with the Classics in my old Sammio the seat belt never quite sat right for me.

So i plonked a bit of board over the chassis so that i could do some seat, wheel and pedal setup and i immediately spotted something that i had completely missed until now.

See if you can spot it from this photo:

See if this helps:

Give up?

Basically the plate to attach the pedals to has been welded far too close to the center tunnel and also on the wrong side of that cross member :eusa_doh:

Obviously this isn't the end of the world and for us Miglia/Sammio types we take this kind of thing in our stride, so i simply cut it off with some 1mm discs and then with the aid of that above pic and also by plonking the seat roughly in place i figured out where it "should " go.

(to the right a bit and in front of the crossmember)

While i was doing this i also 'fettled' the steering wheel location and many thanks to SWMBO for helping my lift the shell on and off a few times until i was happy :)

Also as my donor was an _old_ Vitesse it had a solid rod linkage for the throttle pedal and i always suspected i'd need to convert that to cable, but while having a rummage over various forums i found that the later Spitfires had a bulkhead mounted throttle pedal rather than a floor-mounted one.
So courtesy of those very nice people at Spitfire Graveyard i now have this to tinker with :)

oh... and i've also fabricated and welded in place the brackets for the Humber handbrake :)

Thurcroft flyer 15th August 2014 18:19

I feel for you with the pedals, I too had to reposition my pedals once I put my seat in place. good choice with the throtle pedal I have used the spitfire one, it looks a better option than the floor mounted vitesse one.

Paul L 15th August 2014 19:00

Dave - Good to see you taking the "adjustment" in your stride. :cool:

I must confess I was gutted when I discovered the pedal mounting plate didn't work properly in my Cordite.

Of course, if this was my second build, I'd also be cutting & welding without batting an eyelid. :icon_wink:

Good luck, Paul. :)

davecymru 20th August 2014 11:47

I have just taken delivery of a "shed load" of aluminum sheet and L section as I've decided to bond and rivet everything together in aluminum instead of using wood! (at least that's the plan today!)

I came to this decision after seeing how the builder of my old Countach kit had done things as i was very impressed with how he'd built that and i can't see why i couldn't do the same on the Miglia.

Also after numerous trials over the last week with the Miglia frame in place and after doing a considerable amount of reading :ranger: i'm ditching the Honda alloy radiator and picking up a new _normal_ Vitesse one! :icon_frown:

Reason being....

The Vitesse engine / cooling system was designed to have an always-on fan in the system, so i would really want to keep that in place and then possibly add an electric one "as well".
I really couldn't find a way to fit the Honda rad, with it's central-top inlet, and the longer straight-6 Vitesse engine so that i could keep the metal fan in place and route all of the plumbing and fit an electric fan.

If it had been a 4-pot then no problems, but I'm really snugly for space, so i'm going to run with a standard (albeit new so hopefully therefore effective!) cooling system :)

If any of you Herald boys want to make me an offer for the Honda rad or any of my electric fan collection (numerous makes and sizes) then please drop me a PM before i list it on flea-bay..

Marc F 20th August 2014 12:38

Totally agree with that plan - I love Ally, and will try really hard not to use wood in mine. I am toying with getting some ally mudguards and cutting them up for curves.

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