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Mick O'Malley 4th May 2017 05:59

Shelsley Walsh 6/7 May
I've just browsed the card for this event and two D Type evocations are running. One (the 3.8) will be the above pictured, looking forward to seeing the other :)

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 6th May 2017 17:40

Shelsley Walsh Speed Hill Climb
Today I took the A352 on its first sortie to this venue. I've been umpteen times going back well over two decades but I still get a thrill as I drive the twisty and undulating last few miles there through glorious Herefordshire countryside.

It was a chilly start and, on arrival, the young lad waved me to the front rank of the visitors' parking area: he'd no doubt been primed to do this with anything old or interesting. I was next to a TR2 or 3 and was almost immediately sandwiched by a very expensive looking (and very bright!) 17 plate Lotus.

I wandered down to the paddock and made a bee line for the two 'D Types' which were competing. Neither was the one from Prescott two weeks ago. I only saw the very young looking driver of the green one and had quite a long conversation with him. He told me he and his father had bought it on a whim the Xmas before last as "something to play with". Can't be bad. It turned out to be an LM and had a very authentic interior and a novel flip back end like a Westfield XI.

The other, in classic US racing colours, failed to impress. It had nasty wheels, was quite severely slammed, and the interior was let down by a thick leather rimmed steering wheel. To be fair, looking at his massive roll over bar, I think the owner was competition rather than authenticity focussed. Next to them, and competing in their class, was a glorious looking and sounding Kougar, very impressive!

The turnout of punters was disappointing but, given the overcast, wind and cold weather, hardly surprising. Nevertheless, a good day out :). Apologies for the photo's - shivering didn't help!

Regards, Mick

rochdaleGT 10th May 2017 19:13

proportions on the green one look ok, but not really right imo

neither is the registration

JAGUAR 4.2 XJ6 1972

do you see an XJ6 in the pic?
as an XJ6 has not an independant chassis / frame, hence cannot be declared as re-body, the car is incorrectly registered.

might have been built during the old times, b4 SVA came into force. anyway, than he missed the amnesty period for correcting the paperwork.

Paul L 10th May 2017 19:19

rochdaleGT - Have you really got nothing better to do?

retro200 10th May 2017 19:55

wrongly registered
spock, quote from star trek ......,"yes it is life jim but not as we know it !!!!" :tsk:

IanA 10th May 2017 20:09


Originally Posted by Paul L (Post 87901)
...Have you really got nothing better to do?

If he says that to the copper who pulls him- he should be alright then?

Perhaps he trailers it to events.

Paul L 10th May 2017 21:13

Mick – First of all, apologies for the thread hijack, please keep posting photos, they are great. :cool:

IanA – My apologies to you too, as you might have missed the complete :tape: that RochdaleGT keeps posting over on the Sammio forum. :icon_sad:

He also quickly disappears when anyone (OK… me) challenges him on his misunderstanding of the “facts”. :rolleyes:

So please indulge me as I playfully answer your question...

If he is driving the car on the road and gets pulled and is prosecuted, frankly who cares?

It is his choice and as long as his car is not a danger to himself or others what business is it of ours?

Perhaps he does trailer his car to the track, perhaps he will never sell it with the wrong details on the V5C and is going to be buried in it instead, again who cares?

”Let those without sin cast the first stone.” :icon_wink:

Peace & Love, Paul. :)

IanA 10th May 2017 21:29


Originally Posted by Paul L (Post 87910)
IanA – My apologies to you too, as you might have missed the complete :tape: that RochdaleGT keeps posting over on the Sammio forum. :icon_sad:

No apology needed- I didn't know there was history !!!


If he is driving the car on the road and gets pulled and is prosecuted, frankly who cares?
It is his choice and as long as his car is not a danger to himself or others what business is it of ours?
Only that anything that increases the suspicion that an "interesting" car may be worth a pull can't be a good thing.

Mick O'Malley 11th May 2017 05:20

Hmm, I think you'll find...............

Originally Posted by rochdaleGT (Post 87899)
Proportions on the green one look OK, but not really right IMO, neither is the registration.

JAGUAR 4.2 XJ6 1972

To the best of my knowledge, LM recreations are dimensionally correct, and it certainly looked right to me. My stack of source material for my build is about a foot tall, not including the Norman Dewis and XKD504 biographies, so I think I have a reasonable eye for D Types, both real and recreated.

As for the index mark (we coffin-dodgers fondly remember the manuscript records of yore :) ), it's six counties issue originally. In our imperial pomp we graciously allocated 'I' and 'Z' exclusively to that province (similarly 'S' to Scotland, until Bristol ran out of 'AE' and 'OU' options in the 80s). Transferring such a mark is a common way of disguising the age of the vehicle bearing it, although, IMHO, it simply gives the game away.

As for his getting nicked for the vehicle being incorrectly registered, when I asked how far he'd had to drive to the event, he replied "We brought it on a trailer". I was tempted to retort with my favourite Lord Flasheart line of "What a poof!" but restrained myself.

Still on topic, a guy my sort of age came up and said "Shouldn't the number be MWS 301. It turned out he'd been an AA patrolman and had been called out to this famous car when the then owner immobilised it by removing the rotor arm, but broke same in the process."

Interesting stuff.

Regards, Mick (AKA Nellie-Know-All)

IanA 11th May 2017 06:41

Thanks for that, Mick. You certainly know how to bring history alive.

Mick O'Malley 27th May 2017 15:55

Castle Combe Today
Today I had my first sortie to this venue in the A352. The occasion was the Club Lotus Day to which the Historic Lotus Register (of which I'm a member) was invited. We've recently amalgamated with the Type 14 Lotus Elite club and, this year being the 60th anniversary of that model's launch, the event's focus was on this milestone.

I set off a little later than usual after the early rain had passed and had a satisfying drive of 30 odd miles down there. At last I've retarded the ignition sufficiently to have had a pinking free journey, very satisfying.

I had to fend off lots off interested queries regarding my car with universal compliments and approval. One HLR colleague related of how, as a 15 year old on holiday with his parents in 1957, he went walkabout in Edinburgh and happened upon Merchison Mews, home of Ecurie Ecosse, where he saw the three works D-Types parked outside, a life changing experience!

There were more Type 14 Elites than you could shake a stick at, with more turning up even as I left at about 1300. Fantastic!.

There was also the first ever Lotus Cortina which Jim Clark was lent for evaluation, apparently he simply misappropriated it!

There were, amongst many other gorgeous historic Lotuses this beautifully restored XI, and its naked sister part way through the same process.

A fabulous day out, with another tomorrow at Prescott :).

Regards, Mick

molleur 27th May 2017 16:02


zagmad 27th May 2017 16:44

Looks doable on a mk2 mx5

Mick O'Malley 28th May 2017 17:12

Prescott Today
Today I tootled up to Prescott for their annual French and Italian themed event. Expensive at £20 but well worth it for the plethora of fantastic machinery both competing and on display. For a change, mine wasn't the only Flag Metallic Blue 'Jaguar' on show.

This one, from the 1982 reg, was a reconstituted XJ6 or similar.

However this was very much the real thing. Stunning!

The supposed star of the show was this Bugatti which apparently does almost 300MPH and does 0-200 in 14 seconds, all courtesy of its eight litre quad turbo H16 engine. At £2.5 million it didn't do a lot for me, you could get a half-way decent D-Type for that.

Duncan Pittaway's 'Beast of Turin' was impressive: huge and noisy with its aero engine power unit.

This is what had me drooling, Maserati250F. I'd seen it right up close before at Historic Silverstone when I arrived very early and the nice man in the marquee let me over the rope as no other punters were around :). Beautiful machine and very successful in its day.

Lots of interest in the A352 once again, with many kind comments. The scheduled fly by of the BoB Flight Spitfire didn't materialise due to technical difficulties. The only tiny blot on another fab day out.

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 17th September 2017 10:14

Shelsley Walsh? Brrrrr!

Originally Posted by Paul L
Good to see you are still chipping away. :cool:

Good luck, Paul. :)

Feel free to post photos of your A352 'D' out and around "next door". :icon_wink:

As requested :)

This morning I was supposed to be going to the last Shelsley Walsh meeting of the season. As ever, I was up and about early but, as it was overcast, misty and pretty chilly to boot, I decided to take a miss on the 40 mile drive and wuss out.

Instead, I decided to attend a small local breakfast gathering which is held each month at Staverton Aerodrome, a mere six miles from my home in Gloucester. It originated as an Austin A30/35 meeting but has morphed into general petrol-headism. Turnout was small but enthusiastic - I'd forgotten about my camera until almost everyone had left but managed the shot below :).

I've now covered almost 1,000 miles in the A352; it's still as much fun as ever: lots of interest whenever I park, and plenty of photo's and videos being shot whilst I'm in motion.

Regards, Mick

Paul L 18th September 2017 19:35

Mick - You car always looks great. :cool:

Did you see the Ecurie Ecosse celebration at the Goodwood Revival?

Enjoy, Paul. :)

Lucky@LeMans 18th September 2017 19:56


Originally Posted by Mick O'Malley (Post 90689)

As requested :)

This morning I was supposed to be going to the last Shelsley Walsh meeting of the season. As ever, I was up and about early but, as it was overcast, misty and pretty chilly to boot, I decided to take a miss on the 40 mile drive and wuss out.

Instead, I decided to attend a small local breakfast gathering which is held each month at Staverton Aerodrome, a mere six miles from my home in Gloucester. It originated as an Austin A30/35 meeting but has morphed into general petrol-headism. Turnout was small but enthusiastic - I'd forgotten about my camera until almost everyone had left but managed the shot below :).

I've now covered almost 1,000 miles in the A352; it's still as much fun as ever: lots of interest whenever I park, and plenty of photo's and videos being shot whilst I'm in motion.

Regards, Mick

Are you going to the Prescott Autumn Classic in a couple of weeks time ?

Mick O'Malley 19th September 2017 08:26

Definitely Maybe

Originally Posted by Lucky@LeMans
Are you going to the Prescott Autumn Classic in a couple of weeks time ?

Weather permitting, as ever, I'll be there on the Sunday. The same caveat applies to the Castle Combe Mini Day on the Saturday. A few years ago I mentioned it to a friend who asked "Were there many there? Shamelessly quoting the young John Connor in Terminator II, I replied "All of them, I think".

Whilst on Castle Combe, I strongly urge anyone who can to go to 'The Classic' on Saturday October 7th. This event is only a few years old but has gone from strength to strength. There is an eye-watering plethora of drool-worthy machinery plus club displays, the most noteworthy for me being the Historic Lotus Register :).

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 23rd September 2017 07:50


Originally Posted by Paul L (Post 90724)
Mick - You car always looks great. :cool:

Did you see the Ecurie Ecosse celebration at the Goodwood Revival?

Enjoy, Paul. :)

I don't know how I missed your post, but I did! Sorry!

I've never been to the Revival Meeting but watch the roundups on TV which are sadly pitched at the GBP rather than petrolheads. I went to the Classic in '96 (I think) when you could get in on the Friday by buying a £3 programme! I still have my ticket - No2, as I got there with my mate in his Westfield 11 at stupid o'clock after a fabulous dawn cross country B road blast. The trip home was made in torrential rain - the floor was awash when we got back. Happy Days!

The Castle Combe Classic on 7 October, although vastly smaller, is also vastly less expensive :). It's only in about its fifth year but has gone from strength to strength and is now unmissable! Can't recommend it highly enough!

Regards, Mick

lancelot link 23rd September 2017 09:58


Originally Posted by Mick O'Malley (Post 90733)

Whilst on Castle Combe, I strongly urge anyone who can to go to 'The Classic' on Saturday October 7th. This event is only a few years old but has gone from strength to strength. There is an eye-watering plethora of drool-worthy machinery plus club displays, the most noteworthy for me being the Historic Lotus Register :).

The Castle Combe Classic on 7 October, although vastly smaller, is also vastly less expensive . It's only in about its fifth year but has gone from strength to strength and is now unmissable! Can't recommend it highly enough!

Regards, Mick

It sounds like a great meeting .... last time I went to Castle Combe was a kit car trackday in the early 90's when I was building my Manta Montage kit it's been a while !
Mick ( or anyone else familiar with the meeting ) , Graham , my customer we are building the Formosa 120 GR for is quite keen to get the car to this one ....I'm trying to make that possible but obviously the unknowns in a build are , well unknown!! , if its looking like it might not happen for some reason it the sort of venue that we could transport the car to , unload and put in the Classic parking area without too much aggro ?

Alex 23rd September 2017 17:22

Fingers crossed Gary will have the Formosa finished by then and as I only live a few miles from Castle Combe I would love to take it to the event :thumb:

scimjim 23rd September 2017 20:19

Saw this replica at Prescott last weekend :-)


Originally Posted by Mick O'Malley (Post 88389)
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Today I tootled up to Prescott for their annual French and Italian themed event. Expensive at £20 but well worth it for the plethora of fantastic machinery both competing and on display. For a change, mine wasn't the only Flag Metallic Blue 'Jaguar' on show.

scimjim 23rd September 2017 20:29


Originally Posted by lancelot link (Post 90817)
It sounds like a great meeting .... last time I went to Castle Combe was a kit car trackday in the early 90's when I was building my Manta Montage kit it's been a while !
Mick ( or anyone else familiar with the meeting ) , Graham , my customer we are building the Formosa 120 GR for is quite keen to get the car to this one ....I'm trying to make that possible but obviously the unknowns in a build are , well unknown!! , if its looking like it might not happen for some reason it the sort of venue that we could transport the car to , unload and put in the Classic parking area without too much aggro ?

Loads of room to trailer in and unload - park the tow car behind Quarry if necessary.

Mick O'Malley 24th September 2017 05:45


Originally Posted by lancelot link it the sort of venue that we could transport the car to, unload and put in the Classic parking area without too much aggro?

I can't see any reason why not. The gate people are all from one of these private armies and are only concerned with taking your money whilst trying to look 'ard.

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 6th December 2017 06:13

A352 Project For Sale
Not sure where to post this, as I don't think it's worth its own thread, but an A352 Project has appeared on Ebay.

I'd snap it up myself if I didn't have two other projects to complete first.

Regards, Mick

lancelot link 6th December 2017 06:36

I reckon with that number plate , they will accept Australian dollars for it as well ......

Jaguartvr 6th December 2017 06:57

More importantly, what is that lurking by the big packing crate ?

IanA 6th December 2017 09:52

As Dan says in the ad- "a good head start towards building your 1950s sports car."

Barber 6th December 2017 20:03


Originally Posted by Jaguartvr (Post 92297)
More importantly, what is that lurking by the big packing crate ?

The nose for WelshKiwi's 275?

Jaguartvr 6th December 2017 20:12

No, that's a hard top. One in the photo is a soft top and has distinctive looking rear lights, looks if it might be getting "The Hump".

Barber 6th December 2017 20:48


Originally Posted by Jaguartvr (Post 92316)
No, that's a hard top. One in the photo is a soft top and has distinctive looking rear lights, looks if it might be getting "The Hump".

Ah gotchya, I was looking in the background of photo no 1.

DaveP 6th December 2017 20:55

I saw that project when visiting the tribute / old no.7 chaps (and very cool they were too)

The gel coat colour was quite a light purple. Loved it. Too difficult to build with my (lack of) skills so will concentrate on my Kobra special.


MJSS 22nd February 2018 12:28


First time posting here as I'm think of ordering one of Tribute's D-Type shells.

Mick O'Malley, your D-Type looks amazing, is there a link to a full build thread somewhere?

UpstateCobraGuy 22nd February 2018 16:41


Originally Posted by MJSS (Post 93520)

First time posting here as I'm think of ordering one of Tribute's D-Type shells.

Mick O'Malley, your D-Type looks amazing, is there a link to a full build thread somewhere?

Awesome. What chassis are you planning to use?

Mick O'Malley 23rd February 2018 07:31

Building My MWS301

Originally Posted by MJSS
Mick O'Malley, your D-Type looks amazing, is there a link to a full build thread somewhere?


Welcome to the forum.

I didn't write a dedicated thread regarding my build, mainly because I'm a confirmed Luddite and only had an analogue camera at the time. However I did piggy-back on two of Scotties A352 threads as we were building more or less simultaneously. The threads are here and here. 'My' bits will take some finding but, if you go ahead, I'm sure that you'll find Scottie's comprehensively detailed trials and tribulations most informative!

Regards, Mick

MJSS 26th February 2018 10:10


Originally Posted by UpstateCobraGuy (Post 93524)
Awesome. What chassis are you planning to use?

Now that is a good question...

I’m torn between 3 options.

1) go for a Spitfire and buy a standard d-type shell from Tribute

2) completely strip an MX-5 and try to get a D-type shell on there. Chris at Tribute has mentioned this might be possible, but it would require an IVA.

3) Follow the lead of World Class Accident and Work on something new. The A352 front and back grafted to an Mx-5 or Z3. Avoids an IVA, gives me a ‘modern’ car, but will cost more and might not look as good as Mick’s D-Type or the other spitfire based A352s.

Mick, thanks for the info. I’ve looked through those threads but i’ll Pore over them some more.

Any advice from anyone on my three options above would be greatly appreciated.

Barber 26th February 2018 10:22

Donor Options
From a purely selfish perspective, I'd like to see someone have a go at option 3, graft a 352 front and rear onto either a Z3 or MX5. Not sure which one has the best wheelbase and track specs.

The soft top option would be great, and the car could be an every day driver for those who like convertibles. How cool would that be?

Could anyone sketch up what this would look like?

Jaguartvr 26th February 2018 11:22

I'm afraid the windscreen would ruin it, it would just look wrong.
Option 1 is my choice

oxford1360 26th February 2018 12:18


Originally Posted by Jaguartvr (Post 93592)
I'm afraid the windscreen would ruin it, it would just look wrong.
Option 1 is my choice


MJSS 26th February 2018 12:51

Thanks for the responses.

Barber- I agree with you. It would be interesting to have a ‘Jaguar Style’ roadster in the same vein as an MX250 or Z300s.

JaguarTVR & Oxford. I agree with you too! Option 3 wouldn’t look like a D-Type/XKSS and the rake of the windscreen would be all wrong, but as a new car with a nice nose, rather than a replica, it might work.

I think my heart says Option 1, and head says Option 3.

This is my first rebody of a car. I’ve sanded and filled and replaced wiring before, but the scale of a Spitfire basedbuild seems a lot bigger than a modern car panel swap.

Also, i’ve Never quite been sure why the Spitfire/A352 conversion doesn’t need an IVA? Surely the door mods and windscreen removals constitute a fairly big change to the structure of the car?

Btw, as i’m New here not sure if it’s the done thing to hijack this thread to ask about my potential build. Chose this one as Mick’s car is the dream idea in my head.

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