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Paul L 26th November 2015 16:05

That is a great bit of lateral thinking. :cool:

Good luck, Paul. :)

pompeyal 26th November 2015 16:33

Thanks Paul, its taking its time but I have been working on the car for nearly twelve years so another week is nothing in the scheme of things... :)

pompeyal 28th November 2015 14:57

Bonnet continued..
While the board was in place I got under the car and drew round the profile of the bonnet ready for when I needed to cut it.

I have continued soaking the cloth and moving around the weights, reducing the weights until I thought there was manageable spring back.

Then off with the board and ready to cut the profile.

During the night the board had dried and it had lost a lot of its shape so I cut the profile anyway

Then sanded the areas at he touch points to make it fit the hole.

Once done I marked out the cut lines for the bulge cut around the lines and placed some spacers to lift the bulge.

Once cutting out the bulge lines the board has started to reshape itself to the wing profile, I am sure with a little bracing from the underside the required shape can be achieved, I am now toying with the idea of making the bulge vented….. more work there then, what do you guys think?

pompeyal 29th November 2015 15:16

Bonnet continued..
I have cut out 5 ribs and marled out the curvature across the car and cut the profile on each

Then the plug was marked out for the fixing positions then drilled and assembled

When all attached the whole thing was placed onto the car and using brackets and blocks, it was set so the profile was at an equal height off the car

After that I pulled the plug down onto the brackets and then from the underside I made brackets to lock the whole thing to the car, then a coat of primer to seal the MDF in readiness for shaping the sides and front of the bulge and once done I will put a small radius around the edges in readiness for the gel and glass.

peterux 29th November 2015 20:59

Brilliant work!!!!!!!

pompeyal 29th November 2015 21:16


Originally Posted by peterux (Post 73018)
Brilliant work!!!!!!!

Thanks Peter, another weekend gone and so much more to do, I must stop thinking up ideas as I go, it just creates more work, at least when it gets finished it won't be an off the shelf job, must admit it keeps the old mind active, too active sometimes. If all goes well with the bonnet then I can start building up the engine bay....wiring, lights etc then the engine can finally go back in, hopefully with no unforeseen problems..

pompeyal 14th December 2015 20:58

Bonnet continued..
Now to deal with the gap at the front, first was to cut out a piece of ply to take the shape at the front

Then the leading edge was sanded down to remove most of the step were the ply meets the MDF

Next was to fit the board, it was placed into position and wedged at the rear to maintain the shape at the top then screwed at the front to secure.

Next it was off to the shop to buy some modelling clay, this was applied over the board and around the edges to smooth out the required shape.

This was then left to cure over night……………………… total disaster in the morning the clay had shrunk something rotten and cracked all over the place leaving all that work a total mess so it was all removed ready for a re-think, mind you I wasn’t really happy with how it looked anyway so nothing really lost apart from more time.

I made up some fibreglass strips in readiness for my next cunning plan..

A change of thought so as to add some shape into the bulge, I removed the board then cut it to form vents, hmm that may look better I thought so the next thing was back off to the shop.

Arrived home now armed with plasticine, that won’t dry and shrink so back with shaping, I was going to shape the plasticine into what I liked and make it a bit smaller than required, cover it with cling film and glass over, then remove the plasticine, refit and bond in the glassed shape and apply P38 over to finish and sand to blend.

Right off I went

Hmm this if starting to look like a naff American muscle car, not the image I wanted so had to have a re-think.

Ha I know, I have a intercooler scoop from a Suburu, I could incorporate that I thought, so I removed the plasticine and placed it onto the bonnet to see what I thought…

That’s it.. it will keep the looks of an old English sports car, Aston Martin, Austin Healey sort of thing, so got the old grey matter working again and made a start…

More MDF was required so back to the shop….

First cut to rough size and mark out the shape and lay in place,

Then mark out the underside of the front edge for feathering then sand the front edge down

The front edge was sanded down checking the profile at each line to check progress until about 2mm thickness of the front edge was left.

pompeyal 15th December 2015 22:07

Bonnet continued
Trial fit of front board and a quick look with the scoop, starting to take shape so I think this is the way to go….

Drilled some hole and countersinks then screwed into place in readiness for sanding back the front lip of the bulge

Paul L 16th December 2015 18:36

Love the way you are so willing to experiment to get the final bonnet shape you want. :cool:

Good luck, Paul. :)

pompeyal 16th December 2015 20:35

Thanks Paul, I would rather get it right where I can, otherwise it will annoy me forever, may as well build it how you want it I say, it's like having your heart set on a red sports car with black interior and ending up with a grey one with blue interior, not the same thing.....

pompeyal 18th December 2015 17:28

Bonnet continued
Next was to prep up for adding filler, I applied filler primer around where I was to fill to give a bond surface for the main filler and allowed to dry. When it had a good day to dry I then started to apply around the open areas in the bulge and over the fixings until enough filler was in position ready for the next stage.

I left the filler to go off and started to rub it down into shape..

When enough was taken back to get the shape a coat of filler primer was sprayed over the filled areas, this shows the uniformity of the shape and imperfections..

Next when the primer has had a good time to cure I will go back over with filler to cover the areas I have missed and fill out where the shape is uneven…

pompeyal 19th December 2015 15:11

Bonnet continued
Now to sort out the imperfections, more filler applied where required

Then rubbed back…

Then another coat of filler primer….

Just a few more times round I think and some pockets added to accept the scoop then it will be ready to seal, then for the mould to be made from it…

pompeyal 22nd December 2015 20:45

Bonnet continued
Put down some satin black to highlight the blemishes….

Rubbed back and filled the bad areas…

And a fresh coat of black..

Looking the part now, there are still some very small marks but I shall buff them out from the mould, next to get rid of the blue paint from the scoop, I used nitromors but it was a real pain, that stuff really doesn’t work like it used to, in fact it is that bad I shall not ever buy any again

Then for a coat of black…

and just to get an idea of the final thing …….

Next to shape the fixing points into the plug for the scoop then it should be ready to make the mould from it…..

pompeyal 30th December 2015 13:25

Bonnet continued
Right , I hope all had a merry Christmas and received all the parts you require to finish your projects, I have sent the wife back to work and now I can continue with mine….

The scoop for the bonnet has protruding fixing points so I fettled out the plug to suit

Once completed I gave it a quick coat of satin black to find more imperfections and also sealing the bare MDF.

More filler required, so applied around areas to fill any imperfections, hmmm been here several times and getting quite fed up with chasing my tail, I have decided that any small problem areas that remain will be cleaned up from the mould, first I will only need to do some light rubbing down and second the gel coat will be more forgiving as the gel coat is a lot harder than the plug.

Final rubdown and repaint… mask around the car and plug supports and ready to go..

Applied a liberal amount of mould release agent….

Now to hope for the best, a covering of gel coat, I really hope it all releases after all this prep work….

Now the waiting game for a good few hours and then for the glass……

jones 30th December 2015 21:12

Fingers crossed for you, it's looking good!

pompeyal 30th December 2015 21:30

Thanks Mr Jones, its always a worry that it won't break out of the plug, first sheet of glass on now and hopefully the edges stay put...

pompeyal 1st January 2016 16:04

Bonnet continued
Right the mould has all been glassed and support rails fitted….

Once cured the plug and mould was lowered to meet the car……

The profile looks good and then…….

Aaaaarrrggghhhhh…. I need a break

pompeyal 3rd January 2016 19:30

Bonnet continued

Right worse nightmare ever but needs to be tackled, the plug didn’t release from the mould, well after a rant and a day off I took in the job of trying to recover the mould with limited damage, I ripped off the supports and then scored the surface of the plug, then put some water in and hoped it would soak in and give me a chance..

After an hour and a lot of scraping out the MDF I thought this is not working too well…

After another 2 hours I decided to try something else, scrape it out dry…

2 hours later that got most of it out…

Now for the steamer…..

Another hour or so…..

And another…

Most of it out and now to think about the paint, into work tomorrow to ask my welder for the details of the paint stripping spray he has recently has had good results from…… No more messing with nitromors…

jones 3rd January 2016 20:09

Oh Noooooo! Sorry to hear of the pain you are going through - it looked so good too. Fingers crossed it can be salvaged.

pompeyal 3rd January 2016 21:27


Originally Posted by jones (Post 73872)
Oh Noooooo! Sorry to hear of the pain you are going through - it looked so good too. Fingers crossed it can be salvaged.

Thanks, I will salvage it, it has taken an age to get this far with the bonnet and I will not let this get me down, if I can clean the paint off it should be not too much work to flatten back the gel coat and sort the minor repairs, I think the spray on mould release may have reacted to the paint and caused it not to do its job, maybe the paint was too fresh but hey ho, life not simple and I am no expert when it comes to fibreglass, you live and learn ....

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