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lancelot link 27th May 2012 10:58

After being given some stick about the non arrival of a V5c for a customer that I did a free inspection for recently ( Although not actually said , I think the underlying incinuation was I hadn't done the inspection !! ) ... I was told to chase it up , something totally out of my hands and data protection excludes me from even enquiring too much - even though I tried ...I am actually still waiting for an unofficial reply through local office. .........I will not be doing free Inspections anymore .


But as a general rule , the process of booking the Inspection and attending with a customer will now be £20 and if we are commissioned to actually take the vehicle from our premises to inspection and back on our trailer , this will be £30


davecymru 27th May 2012 11:32

That's sad and im sorry to hear you had that hassle, but tbh charging £20 for your assistance in that critical part of the build really isn't anything and i'd be amazed if anyone complains at that!

Seeing as mine took about an hour from the time I picked you up to the time I dropped you off, £20/per hr for your assistance still sounds like a bargain! :)

GazDavies 27th May 2012 11:45

What Dave said. £20 for the service is great value and to be honest, knowing how busy you guys are there is no reason why you should not be getting something for your time.

Psycho pops 27th May 2012 12:39

Totally agree, I hope not to make the trip but if need be £20 is small change for the assistance offered..

BTW Has anyone an I phone with the Qr reader I would like to know if the avatar I have is big enough for it to read, should take you direct to Sammio web site, thought it may make an interesting badge that the youngsters in the know can scan on the car and understand just what it is. Maybe has to be a tadge bigger.

AndyP57 27th May 2012 13:08

Works ok for me :biggrin:

AndyP57 27th May 2012 13:12

DVLA say all over their web site to wait 6 weeks before any contact, and even then, only the vehicle's registered keeper should make that move.
As all have said, £20 is a tiny sum to ask for your time and considerable expertise and a fraction of the true worth.

Psycho pops 27th May 2012 13:25


Originally Posted by AndyP57 (Post 31234)
Works ok for me :biggrin:

Does that make you a youngster in the know.

AndyP57 27th May 2012 13:26

Nope. an oldie working in IT with a QR code on my own (work) signature block.

Paul L 27th May 2012 13:48


Originally Posted by lancelot link (Post 31230)

Sorry to hear that Gary, some people clearly have no idea.

I always thought your offer of unpaid support was above and beyond the call of duty.

I don't believe there many (if any) other car companies who would do it.

Completing respect and support your decision.

Take care, Paul.

tlrtone 27th May 2012 14:35

Well done Gary, you need to start to be a little more stricter with your time, as you will never be a millionaire by giving your time away for free :biggrin:

It is strange how it is those that you go out of your way to help are the ones who appreciate it the least! :frusty:

I still think it is too cheap though :noidea:

Patton 27th May 2012 15:48

Nice one Gary, as your company grows the Richard Craniums will increase, and people whom can't spell oop's but don't put the price up yet I still got to get the special project through an inspection, PAT

Mister Towed 27th May 2012 16:13

What was it Abe Lincoln said? You can please some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time...

I think you're underestimating the value of your time Gary, £50 for your assistance with the inspection and another £50 for trailering it back and forth would not be unreasonable imho.

mulberry 27th May 2012 17:32


thats a great shame someone gave you abuse,over a free service you did for them, i for one am really grateful for all your help and support to mel and my dad on the day of our inspection.

Nick59 27th May 2012 19:19


Think I agree with everything said previously....trouble is, you probably will not weed out the pain in the a//ses as they will expect a gold star service for their £20.......As for me, I am getting close to that time and £20 seems a bargain....its less than 6 pints of beer!

The 1958 Rocker 27th May 2012 20:23

How Much?
Well, well! another one creeps out from the woodwork.

I work for a main Dealer (Nissan and Renault) and if we charged an hour at "full" rate for an MOT test that would equate to £54.85 an hour. If we charged full retal labour rate for an hour that will cost you £91.20 (cheapest Main Dealer in Boston ;-) ) If any little sh*t thinks the service for nothing is poor, perhaps he might like to get off his lazy ar*e and do the job himself.

Still as they say, theres always one!!

I may have a four and a half to five hour drive each way if I cannot get sorted locally, and do I moan? Course I will be a bit peed off at the journey and the associated costs, but HEY smell the coffe and realise that is all part and parcel of the build, and would we want it any other way/ No bloo*y chance.

Keep up the good service Mr. Janes, but even though I am shooting myself and others in the foot, put your blooming price up. After all you are a business NOT a charity (as your accountant will remind you)

Regards The Rocker

steve129 18th February 2013 13:28

trying to book an inspection
Thought I'd let people know how i got on in my first attempt to book an inspection.
My nearest office is Boreham wood, where i went today to make arrangements. Firstly you have to take your car there, they do not come to you. Secondly, and what really surprised me; I got told the car should be complete!
Has anyone got recent experience of the process at Boreham Wood?

Mister Towed 18th February 2013 14:57

No experience at Boreham Wood I'm afraid, but mine went through at Peterborough no problem at all.

The car didn't need to be finished, so long as the body is attached and all the major components, engine, gearbox, axles etc. are fitted it shouldn't be a problem. Mine was at this stage -

As they've now done six or seven of these inspections at Peterborough it might be worth making the journey if the Boreham Wood tester doesn't know what he's doing :(

Good luck!

Paul L 18th February 2013 20:00


Originally Posted by steve129 (Post 40464)
... My nearest office is Boreham wood, where i went today to make arrangements. Firstly you have to take your car there, they do not come to you. Secondly, and what really surprised me; I got told the car should be complete!...

Oh :tape: :tape: :tape: !!

That is my nearest office too, so I guess we need to ask them nicely to talk to other offices as they clearly don't know what they are talking about.

Good luck, Paul. :)

Paulm321 18th February 2013 21:28

I had the same problem at Borehamwood, even took pictures of all the other inspections people have posted on here of their inspections and suggested she spoke to the guy at the dvla where Gary had all his done, the woman at Borehamwood just said to me, "well take it there then"!
See my post #2 on this thread

donnysoutherner 24th February 2013 14:08

I have also been told (Sheffield Office) that the car needs to be complete. in fact, more than that it needs to have been MoT'd before the car can be inspected. Having looked throught all the stuff on the DVLA website, I think unfortunately that the Sheffield office is right and applying the rules correctly.

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