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Scottie22 15th May 2014 15:09

Bloody hell Ox!
You've made me doubt my end date now!
I wanted it done for Stoneleigh, now I'm looking at Goodwood 24th June thinking, " Damn! I'll miss that too"

Paul L 15th May 2014 19:36

Scotties - You should abandon all thoughts of deadlines.

Just keep ticking the jobs off and you will get there "one day".

Given your attention to detail, I'd say 7 months to this point is great progress. :cool:

Bonnet looks good and thanks for all the detailed photos, as I'm sure they will come in handy.

Good luck, Paul. :)

Scottie22 15th May 2014 19:53

Yes Paul, I think you are right, it will be finished when its finished!
Like you say, just keep plugging away, and one day, there will be no more to do!

WorldClassAccident 15th May 2014 21:39

Just hope some dopey cow doesn't crash into the back a week after you finish

Mick O'Malley 16th May 2014 06:30


Originally Posted by WorldClassAccident
Just hope some dopey cow doesn't crash into the back a week after you finish

Keep off the roads at school drop off/pick up time. Lethal.

Mister Towed 16th May 2014 07:19


Originally Posted by WorldClassAccident (Post 55520)
Just hope some dopey cow doesn't crash into the back a week after you finish

Best not to tell your bovine assailant's insurance company what your pseudonym is WorldClassAccident. It might just lead them to dig a bit deeper into your driving history... :eusa_doh:

Scottie22 16th May 2014 07:37

Always wise words from the Towed!!

Bovine assailant indeed! Ha ha ha ha ha !

WorldClassAccident 16th May 2014 11:50

It might just lead them to dig a bit deeper into your driving history

My driving history isn't too bad, just one ban for speeding.

My forum name came initially from my mountain biking exploits and then seemed to stick

Scottie22 16th May 2014 13:33

Today I took off the screen and finally moved into the "end game" phase!
I enjoyed the work for a change, because I know with the windscreen at least, I am almost done.

I put what I hope is the last of the filler on it, and will leave it til tomorrow to really harden well.

I am looking into having the screen surround chromed, as per the XKSS,
and have rung several chroming companies, but as soon as I mention "filler"
they cannot do it.

I have rung several companies who advertise that they are able to chrome plastics and the like, but as yet, no one has a tank large enough for my screen to fit into.

They only do "small" things.

I am being forced into looking at companies that advertise the "chrome painting service".

I have discarded the idea of having it "chrome wrapped" as with the soft top going on and off a lot, it would not last very long.

If anyone out there knows a company that can chrome a steel windscreen surround about 4 feet X 1.5 feet ( which is painted, and has filler present)

I would be overjoyed to share your secret!!

Alternatively, if anyone has had stuff "chrome painted" successfully, I would love to hear from you too.

pics of the end game:



Scottie22 17th May 2014 17:18

Surely there must be someone out there who has had something on their car chromed, or chrome painted?

If so please get in touch, I'd love to hear from you.

Mister Towed 17th May 2014 17:34


Originally Posted by Scottie22 (Post 55563)
Surely there must be someone out there who has had something on their car chromed, or chrome painted?

If so please get in touch, I'd love to hear from you.

I toyed with the idea of spraying my car with this until I worked out the price for the quantity I'd need.

Could be worth a try.

Jaguartvr 17th May 2014 17:57

Chrome will only stick to metal, same with powder coat.
There is a company in Chertsey called VMC who vacuum plate plastic with chrome and I have and a few parts done in the past. Very helpful although your part may be to big. Be aware that any imperfection will be magnified, a speck of dust looks like a mountain.
Could you have it chrome wrapped and they painted with a clear 2k laquer? Not sure if the wrap would melt but if it could be sprayed it should make it as tough as paint.

I have also used RSchrome in Manchester who have plated a lot of motorcycle parts for me and compared with most platers are very reasonable.
You could see if they could plate it if you dig all the filler out and lead load it but again i'm not sure if they would be able to plate it.
Otherwise there are many paints that are close to aluminium which is probably the closest you will get and not too expensive.

Jaguartvr 17th May 2014 18:00

The filler on the back of the screen looks quite thick, the screen surround will probably flex if you have a tight fitting roof, you maybe better using grp to fill it with the thinest layer of filler possible on top.

Scottie22 17th May 2014 19:21

Mr T, thanks for that, I will follow it up.

Jag TVR, The filler is only hiding the welding, so it wouldn't really matter if it had hairline cracks. Also, the screen surround is so slim, by the time the rubber is in place, there is only a strip either side which shows on the inside, and that will be painted black most likely, or covered in red leather.

As I said, I have discounted chrome wrap, as it would strip off too easily when the soft top went on and off a few times.

I have spoken to the companies that are able to chrome plastic, and they first spray the object to be chromed with an electricly
conductive paint, usually copper-based, then it is chromed, as the chrome will adhere to that coating, as, if you like, the chrome is "fooled" into thinking it is in fact metal.
The main problem is that my screen is too large to fit in their tanks, (so they tell me)

Its beginning to look like a chrome paint job I fear.......

Paul L 17th May 2014 20:57

Scottie - Not sure if it will help, but this build covers the issues with using a "liquid metal" paint.

Unfortunately, it does looks like hard work to get it right.

I take you don't want to be the only XKSS with a body colour windscreen surround. :icon_wink:

Good luck, Paul. :)

Scottie22 17th May 2014 21:18

Thanks for that Paul, yes you are right there, I have taken so much trouble to get a lot of the things right, and to have a screen the same colour as the body would be (for me) a huge no-no.
Even if I have to paint it myself, it HAS to be silver coloured.
Of course chrome would be ideal, but that looks to be not on the cards for me, Boo-Hoo. :-)

Paul L 18th May 2014 07:34

This is a slightly "left field" suggestion, but could you make silver leaf work?

This is just one example from Ebay, but there are lots to choose from.

I know nothing about using or sealing it, so it may be a useless idea. :rolleyes:

WorldClassAccident 18th May 2014 07:58

Wasn't it just stick on chrome strips on the original?

The modern equivalent is plastic chrome

I used a couple of metres of narrow strip to add highlights to my car. Just cheap stuff from halfords but it looks okay

landmannnn 18th May 2014 09:52

Have you tried this company?

Interesting video - seems to produce a good resut.

Scottie22 18th May 2014 13:08

Paul and Landmannnn, thanks for your input I'll take a look in that area.

WCA, I HAVE to assume you are taking the piss, surely you would not have left yourself so wide open?? You are really asking for it, but I won't go there! :-)

The plastic strips look really nice on your car, I think they suit it well, it was made for them, well done.


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