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slartibartfast 5th March 2015 08:57

Thanks Mr T. The old Herald rad is pretty damned good to be honest so I'll give it a try. No doubt more pictures will follow in due course.

slartibartfast 7th September 2016 21:32

It's been a long time .....too long. So many other things that "her indoors" has wanted done. Anyhow....the rad is now installed & throttle cable connected. I've laid some of the wiring back in and hope to be able to at least start the engine (or attempt to !!) within the next few weeks. ....Where have we heard that before.
Goodwood this week-end part of the growing number in The Goodwood Actors Guild....hope to meet um with Mr Towed and have a closer look at his beautiful Sammio.
Let's hope it's not another year before my next post .....retirement is only just around the corner so I'll have bags of time to spend with a spanner in my hand.
Cheerio for now

Paul L 8th September 2016 07:18

Slarti - Good to see you are still chipping away at your Sammio. :cool:

If it helps, I was surprised with just how few wires I needed to connect to get my engine running again.

Good Luck, Paul. :)

Enjoy Goodwood.

slartibartfast 12th September 2016 19:31

Great week-end at Goodwood .....met up with Mr Towed and shared some stories and more tips.
Purchased a new coil, solenoid and voltage controller. Hope to get the engine started in a couple of weeks. this space

slartibartfast 25th September 2016 16:13

After fitting the coil and solenoid ....I have a spark at the points....weak I'll admit ....but a spark none the less. A new condenser will be purchased and this space ..yet again. A couple of weeks ....I still have to work!!

Paul L 28th September 2016 06:09

Slarti - Sounds like you are getting closer to the engine firing up. :pray:

Good luck, Paul. :)

slartibartfast 5th July 2017 15:54

I can't believe that my last post was back in September !!! Then I was saying that it was only a matter of weeks before I had the engine started! Well now I have finally retired and more time to get on with the job of sorting out the Sammio. Today ...after a bit of tooth sucking I got the engine started and it runs very smoothly. Now I can seriously think about mounting the body and sorting out the steering and dash. Photos to follow ....I promise.

Paul L 5th July 2017 19:27

Good news on the retirement and the engine start. :cool:

I'm looking forward to seeing your build burst back into life.

Good luck, Paul. :)

Mister Towed 5th July 2017 21:47

Welcome back Slarti. Have you retired from acting too?

slartibartfast 6th July 2017 06:45

Certainly not Mr T ! See you at Revival? I'm on duty in the Drivers Club but should get time to meet up if you are going. If you would like b&b facilities at our house do get in touch. Only 30 minutes from Good wood. Best, Slartibartfast 😋 😋

Mister Towed 6th July 2017 12:38

Good to hear that you'll still be Thesping at Goodwood and I'll be there on the Friday and Saturday. What character have you drawn this year?

Thanks for the B&B offer but I booked a hotel room nearby back in January and it's non-refundable. :(

See you at the revival, which is just two months away now...

slartibartfast 9th July 2017 16:50

I'm in the Drivers Club this year. They are setting up a Henley Regatta scene. I'll be playing a rowing coach of all things. Should be fun ..... looking forward to it. Hope to see you there.

slartibartfast 17th July 2017 10:32

Gentlemen !
I'm now doing a bit of a trial fit of the body shell before bonding it to frame. Am I right in thinking that nothing actually lines up perfectly? I'm trying to get a true center line to work from but I'm finding that the cills don't line up too well with the chassis. Is it matter of getting as close as possible and then working round it to line up the bonnet. Any advice great fully received. Perhaps someone can direct me to the relevant part in a build.
On a positive note, the clutch and brake circuits seem to be working ok and I've checked some of the lighting circuits which again seem ok.

lancelot link 17th July 2017 19:24

It's a hard one to explain on here , standing next to the car is the best way to run through it ...but , in summary , yes ...they aren't great in the lining up dept....

I usually start by centreing the rear wheels in the arches and setting the cill and bulkhead height as best you can ...use scissor jacks , stands , blocks or wood , whatever to get the height adjusted and lots of eyeing up as the tape measure will only frighten you do it all by eye initially ...

The bulkhead has a handy lip on the bottom which makes it tricky to get that wrong ..basically , set body at height in the bulkhead area ..centre the rear wheels centre's better than the other ...when you have the first one centred , fix the bulkhead that side with a tech screw or similar ..then pull or adjust the other side to centre it and fix that side down on the bulkhead too ..this temporary fix will get you started .....

The bonnet can have many variables ...again wheel arch alignment is tricky ..but when you are happy with the body position and its fixed nicely ...then the easiest way is to fit the bonnet on the bulkhead line with a few tech screws again and raise and lower the front on a trolley jack until you are happy-ish .....One arch will fit nicely ..the other not so nice ...many people have left it alone , but its a fairly straightforward adjustment , if it bothers you ...

You will need to practice the art of ''some compromise'' and acceptance of symmetrical unimportance !!

Lots of people have done no adjustment ...some a bit ..others a lot .... great looking cars have come from all 3 camps ...

slartibartfast 18th July 2017 07:25

Thanks for that. It all makes sense and VERY helpful. Awaiting stud converters at the moment before fitting the wheels. Pictures to follow .....thanks again for your help & advice

slartibartfast 4th August 2017 17:55

Stud converters not yet received I've been working on fitting electric fan to the rad: I purchased some dials from Europa and ordered some Saturn seats. Slowly , slowly but all good fun and good for the blood pressure :)

Mister Towed 5th August 2017 06:36

On the road for the Revival this year then...

slartibartfast 5th August 2017 18:10

.........very funny Mr T.. next year's Revival is my aim.
See you there and get a few more tips.

slartibartfast 23rd October 2017 18:24
Hi all, I'm back at last.
Been working away slowly. I hope I have attached some links to my update. I now have a working handbrake after a small engineering works helped out with the mounting bracket. I've put in some rubber matting rather than carpet just in case I'm caught out in the rain. A trial fit of seats and a mock-up dashboard before I start work on bonding the body to the frame.
More updates to follow.
All the best to Mr Towed on his new project ...

slartibartfast 23rd October 2017 18:29

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