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Mick O'Malley 30th May 2018 07:54


Originally Posted by IanA
Hi Mick- any chance of finding out what paint he used please?

Hi Ian

I'll ask him today and let you know. I used Ripcerol coach paint purchased from a boat chandler here in Gloucester on a few cars but it's no longer available. I brush painted the GRP bits of my Westie with cellulose but brush marks were visible, I convinced myself that this added to its retro authenticity :). Excuse crap photo', it's a scan of a print.

Investigating options for my Moss Monaco revealed this. I might give it a try.

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 30th May 2018 08:16

Lottery Ticket Required

Originally Posted by MJSS (Post 93590)
I’m torn between three options:

1) Go for a Spitfire and buy a standard D-type shell from Tribute.

This would be the perfect donor..........

I jest.

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 3rd June 2018 05:15

Shelsley Walsh
Yesterday's sortie was once again to this historic venue. I was a little late leaving home so took the M5 north which was busy with families returning from Cornwall and Devon after half-term. The forecast was for 10/10 cloud all day with up to a maximum 7% chance of rain early afternoon. Arriving at Shelsley I was once again ushered into the members' parking area and to the front row of the grid.

I was pounced on by a punter who took eight or ten photo's from all angles, commenting on the dramatic sky as a background. It turned out that she was mad keen on Jaguars and wanted to build a kit, so I gave her both Tribute's details and this site's.

The paddock wasn't as interesting as it often is, but there were some beautifully prepared oldies, the pick of which, for me, was this Crosslé.

As I sat eating my sarnies at lunchtime a Welsh couple came to chat about the car. They were very knowledgeable Jaguar fans and had come from Cardiff in their V12 E-Type Coupé. I wandered down with them to have a look and what a car! Not only was it in Regency Red, the colour I'd decided on for my Moss Monaco, but, when rebuilding it, they'd had it bored out to 6.1 litres. They popped the bonnet and what at first glance I took to be IDA Webers turned out to be throttle bodies. They'd had it on a rolling road and it chucked out 465bhp at the wheels. The chap fired it up for me and gave it a few decent blips. 'Awesome' is overused but it fitted the bill here.

It turned out that they are also going to the Le Mans Classic so we agreed to meet for a vin rouge or three. Furthermore, they pointed me at this fabulous looking event next weekend, something I'd not known of. Unmissable.....

I came home on the quiet A38, which the M5 replicates, in the blazing sun after a brilliant day out, although this morning my face is about two sizes too small.

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 4th June 2018 06:35


Originally Posted by IanA
Hi Mick- any chance of finding out what paint he used please?

Pinned him down at last. He'd left the tins at his cinema and I had to recruit my son, who works there, to get this photo' taken :).

Regards, Mick

Jaguartvr 4th June 2018 07:00

I've used International Toplac to paint sailing boat hulls. Painting a 25 foot hull was surprisingly easy considering you are painting a vertical surface.
I used the smallish foam rollers designed to paint gloss paint and also some 1 & 2 inch foam brushes. Using foam brushes and roller stops you from getting brush marks.
Use the foam brushes where you would have a problem getting the roller in an also to go over any runs that you get.
The paint is designed to flow out but not run.
I was amazed at how well it looked but not sure how it would stand up to stone chips.

IanA 4th June 2018 20:37

Thanks for that, Mick.
That's what I've been using and surprisingly, the top coat I applied straight on to the grp surface fared better than the one onto a carefully prepared "pre-kote".

A friend used Tekaloid successfully on his Elan and it polished up well. But then he sprayed it in a garage whereas I have to brushpaint al fresco.

Mick O'Malley 19th June 2018 06:48

Very loosely kit car connected post.
Last Wednesday I pootled down in the A352 to visit a good friend on his narrow beam Dutch Barge. The canal-side car park didn't lend itself to a picture, but these definitely did.

Last weekend was my annual motorcycle travellers' meeting at Baskerville Hall near Hay on Wye. I'd planned to take the A352 (I'm bikeless at the moment) but the wet forecast demoted me to the Micra :(.

I camped next to some Oz friends I'd met in Argentina in '08: I thought a picture of their screen would be worth posting here to inspire anyone who might like an alternative lifestyle................

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 24th June 2018 05:49

Prescott Again
Yesterday's sortie was once again to this local (for me) venue, arriving without mishap at 0750. This is more than can be said for Friday when, returning from a visit and only half a mile or so from home I got stuck in traffic. I decided to turn off the engine to save juice, but when the time came to move it wouldn't re-start, cranking only very slowly. The motorists caught behind me on the narrow road were not amused! Salvation came in the shape of three women going the other way who stopped and pushed me to a parking space. Top girls! I waited ten minutes or so for things to cool down and she started first try. Relief.

The punters' parking field at Prescott was half empty with nothing of note to photograph, but the paddock did have a few. My favourite was this glorious Bugatti,

closely followed by this Brabham in classic colours.

As a teenager in 60s SE London I rode a scooter but got to know two blokes driving Anglias who frequented the same haunts. They'd had them sprayed in these very colours, fitted 1500 Cortina engines, 5.5J steel wheels, and bucket seats etc. I dreamt of the day I'd do similar. A few years ago this dream crept back when I saw another Brabham, so I investigated the possibilities which I quickly abandoned when I saw the prices 105Es were fetching :eek:

Ho hum, if the A352 sells well I might revisit.

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 27th June 2018 06:48

Monday in the A352
Monday's sortie in the A352 was once again to visit my pal on his Dutch Barge. To comply with CRT rules he has to relocate every fortnight and my own new parking location didn't lend itself to a worthy photo'. Walking the mile and a bit down the towpath I saw the family pictured above, now on the water, and the ancient mile post showing the distances to Stroud and Gloucester.

I'm off to Shelsley on Saturday so my next 'on the road' post should be more closely vehicle related.

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 6th July 2018 08:04

Goodbyee, don't cryee..........
I've decided, rather reluctantly, to pass on my A352. As I don't have a garage it has to live on the drive under a cover and I don't want the poor beast to endure another winter outside. Waiting in the wings are the Monaco and my S4 Lotus Seven in bits to replace her.

I've always used Ebay to sell my creations so far, but I'm wondering if any of you might recommend another sale medium, a classic car website, for instance?

Any suggestions please?

Regards, Mick

Jaguartvr 6th July 2018 08:26

eBay have got to have the largest audience and a classified advert isn't that expensive. Just get as many keywords into the title so it shows up in searches.
You will get a lot of muppets and timewasters but it is worth it.
Shame to see it sold but I suspect you should get a very good price for it.

2manytoys 6th July 2018 11:46


Originally Posted by Mick O'Malley (Post 95852)
I've decided, rather reluctantly, to pass on my A352. As I don't have a garage it has to live on the drive under a cover and I don't want the poor beast to endure another winter outside. Waiting in the wings are the Monaco and my S4 Lotus Seven in bits to replace her.

I've always used Ebay to sell my creations so far, but I'm wondering if any of you might recommend another sale medium, a classic car website, for instance?

Any suggestions please?

Regards, Mick

I have used carandclassic with good success rate and it's free !!
It shows up on google search with the right key words .
My Mx250 is on there at moment.

Paul L 6th July 2018 13:57

Mick – Sorry to hear the car is going, but fully understand and I wish you well with the sale.
( I know my own tarpaulin is making a mess of my already poor paint job. :rolleyes: )

Anyway, someone is going to get a great car. :cool:

I’d be tempted to stick a “For Sale – Offers” sign on the window at some of the great events you go to.

As seeing your car in that context might generate interest from people with deep pockets.

However, if you do go down the Ebay route, get Mister Towed to write the advert for you. :icon_wink:

Follow the link to his advert in this thread, then see original listing and then full description.

Good luck, Paul. :)

Mick O'Malley 7th July 2018 17:34

Thanks; Castle Combe and Semi-Finals!
Today's sortie was to Castle Combe for the 'Summer Action Festival. I set off at 0600 and the cool morning air seemed to suit the A352 very well, as she absolutely sang along the 30 odd miles, the last few of which I drove in company with boy racers :rolleyes:.

After a swift coffee from the flask and a very jammy doughnut I walked around the circuit's 1.84 miles looking at the other early arrivals. I was seriously underwhelmed by the plethora of blingy slammed to the deck hot hatches which had clearly been beaten into shape with cheque books, rather than the elbow grease we expend. The "Fast and Furious' franchise clearly has much to answer for!

I only stayed for three hours as I wanted to be back in plenty of time for the footer, but I did see a few noteworthy later arrivals, one of which forum members will be familiar with :)

Funny how it appears a different shade to the camera from another angle, strange!

These are the other two beauties (to my eyes) that I spotted.

I loved this guy's attitude: Gunk? Kurust? Polish? Why?

This was undoubtedly a kit, but what a stunning evocation!

The drive back was considerably hotter but enjoyable as traffic was thankfully light. The only blot was a very narrow head on miss with a 'power ranger' 'hooning' (as they describe their antisocial riding) who came around the corner in the middle of the road at high speed. The terror in his eyes led me to believe that discretion would be well to the fore from that moment on!

Regards, Mick

Alex 7th July 2018 20:28

Good to meet up with you again today Mick, thoroughly enjoyed the day and really liked the drifting. Managed a few laps at 14.30 and short 5 mile drive home made it for bang on 15.00 to watch the footy

lancelot link 8th July 2018 08:07

Cars looking great in the sunshine Alex've been truly blessed with the weather this year ...
The 356 Coupe looks great too ...I think M & W in Andover used to do those bodies ...

Alex 8th July 2018 11:50

2 Attachment(s)
A couple of photos from me

Mick O'Malley 15th July 2018 14:31

Humiliation x 2
Today's sortie in the A352 was to the Cotswold Classic Car Club meeting at Shipton Oliffe, about 15 miles from home. It took half an hour longer than anticipated to get there as the police had closed the main road following an incident. The detour seemed to completely bamboozle many fellow motorists, resulting in frustrating tail backs.

Anyway, on arrival, the event was well stewarded and I soon found myself parked amidst some giant US metal.

Wandering up and down the rows of classics I espied many gems, prominent amongst which were this glorious T2 and a somewhat incongruous Dingo.

A distinctive burble from the direction of the entrance had me scurrying across the field with my camera to witness the arrival of this beauty, freshly returned from racing at the Le Mans Classic.

To compound my dismay, a few minutes later his equally loaded chum arrived and parked next to him.

I think the last time I saw two short nose D-Types at a venue was the Silverstone Classic in 2013. They were absolutely glorious!

My own seriously down-market evocation drew a lot of interest, at least one punter copying down my e-mail address from the 'For Sale' sign I'd pegged to my screen.

I'd have loved to have hung around for the Spitfire fly-past scheduled for 1415 but it was so hot that I left at 1300. Just as I fired up the beast this beautifully restored 101 Land Rover arrived, so I shot over for a quick chat and a photo'. The road home had thankfully been re-opened so the largely down-hill return was uneventful.

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 26th July 2018 07:08

Selling the A352

I listed the A352 on Ebay starting at 2000 hours yesterday.

This morning, less than 12 hours have passed, and it has 1017 views, 132 watchers and 14 bids. The current high bidder is the comedian who was selling the yellow Moss Monaco. I'm praying he's out-bid. Only nine and a half days to go, fingers crossed!

Regards, Mick

Alex 26th July 2018 17:54

Hi Mick, if you fancy another sortie to Castle Combe the Bristol Motor Club are having a show there this Sunday, for £15 you can go round the track at a sensible pace behind a safety car, it would be good to see both of our cars on track but appreciate you will probably not want to go with you selling it, if you do decide to go just say you are with Kitnet and its parking zone A right in the paddock, entry is free


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