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Paul L 10th September 2016 06:43

Mick O'Malley's - Tribute A352 - "D Type"
I really think Mick's great work deserves a thread of its own.

As the car looks amazing fresh from the paint shop. :cool:

Looking forward to seeing more photos.

Good luck, Paul. :)

Is the guy in the check shirt asking "Is it a Cobra?"


Paul L 10th September 2016 07:11


Originally Posted by Mick O'Malley (Post 82703)
I collected my project from the paint shop yesterday. Judge for yourselves if the less than four figure sum was worth it. For my part I think it's absolutely stunning, every penny well spent.

Who'd have thought that the humble A38 could double as the Mulsanne Straight!

Regards, Mick

Forgot to add that the paint job sounds like a bargain too. :cool:

How much of the prep work did you do yourself?

Barber 10th September 2016 07:34

I like the "smile" at the front of the car, you, no doubt are still beaming.

zagmad 10th September 2016 09:30

What blue is that :-).

Mick O'Malley 10th September 2016 09:48


Originally Posted by Paul L
Is the guy in the check shirt asking "Is it a Cobra?"

It's my #3 son asking my preferred route avoiding as many speed bumps as possible.

I did as much prep as I could, blending in the old bonnet and boot, and erasing the mould lines. I gave it an all over sand with 320 on the long board before taking it to the shop, but the guys there did further filling around the fin and a couple of other places before etch, high build and eight coats of colour.


Originally Posted by zagmad
What blue is that :-).

It's 'Flag Metallic Blue', the Ecurie Ecosse colour, as worn by their Le Mans winners in '56 and '57.

redratbike 10th September 2016 18:56

I'm liking that ... Top job.

Scottie22 10th September 2016 22:31

Fantastic Mick! You must be well pleased!
Lets have lots of pictures, it looks superb.

Mick O'Malley 11th September 2016 07:08

Thank You!
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Originally Posted by Paul L
I really think Mick's great work deserves a thread of its own.

Thanks for that Paul. I would love to say that I'll be posting updates on a daily basis, although all that's left to do is put everything back on and tidy up the footwells. However, on Thursday I embark with my Honda Dominator on the MV Grande Angola Tilbury-Montevideo and won't be returning from my Patagonian ramblings until June.

With any luck I'll have her completely fettled ready for Classic Silverstone 2017 with my dream destination being Classic Le Mans 2018.

Whilst the A352 was in paint I made a bit of a start on my next project - I had the frame garnet blasted before giving it a coat of red oxide. Looking forward to tackling that one!

Regards, Mick

Paul L 11th September 2016 07:30


Originally Posted by Mick O'Malley (Post 82731)
... on Thursday I embark with my Honda Dominator on the MV Grande Angola Tilbury-Montevideo and won't be returning from my Patagonian ramblings until June...

Wow, that is one epic trip, hope you have a great (and safe) time. :cool:

While you are away, I might transfer a few of your 'under construction' photos over from Scottie's build when I get the chance.
( As your dash looked great too. )

Your next project looks very scary to me. :eek:

Good luck, Paul. :)

Mick O'Malley 11th September 2016 08:39

S4 Seven
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Originally Posted by Paul L
Your next project looks very scary to me. :eek:

It looks worse than it is. It was dismantled in '81 and has been in dry storage since. I bought it in '11 just before my last bike adventure, meaning to attack it on return, but then I discovered the A352.................

I'll treat it as a any other kit car, despite its fabulous marque heritage. No powder coating etc. etc. Just clean, refurbish and re-assemble. I've yet to decide on the colour, but I know who'll be spraying it for me :).

Regards, Mick

p.s. Maybe like this?

Mick O'Malley 29th November 2016 07:42

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Originally Posted by Paul L
Wow, that is one epic trip, hope you have a great (and safe) time. :cool:

I had a serious bout of the above early in my trip - this didn't happen on my first three extended motorcycle tours of Patagonia - must be getting old!

Anyway, I sold the bike to a guy I know over there and flew back, so now I'm playing A352s again. It's almost ready for its second MOT, which may well be this week. I'm undecided where to go as my very sensible ex-REME tester has retired and put his business up for sale :(.

Here are a couple of shots I took whilst bolting all the bits back on.

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 29th November 2016 07:49

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Not strictly relevant, but a taster of what I left behind!

Regards, Mick

froggyman 29th November 2016 11:26

Looks fantastic. Good luck with the MOT. More pics please.

redratbike 29th November 2016 14:38


Originally Posted by Mick O'Malley (Post 84520)
Not strictly relevant, but a taster of what I left behind!

Regards, Mick

A tent and a bike in a field...ha ha

Seriously though are you a member of advrider or any site like that ..I'm in awe of the trips like yours..getting to TT one week a year is all my organising skills can muster ha ha

Mick O'Malley 30th November 2016 06:42

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by redratbike
Are you a member of Advrider or any site like that?

I used to hit UKGSer until about 12 years ago, and Horizons Unlimited until maybe five. They both got way too big IMHO, part of the Ewan and Charlie effect.

Organising a big trip is easy, I don't take much more than for a long weekend. Come to the ATFF for inspiration!


Originally Posted by froggyman
More pics please.

I re-fitted the 'lift the dot' studs for the passenger side tonneau cover yesterday and popped it into place. I bought the double duck fabric from the interweb and the edge tape locally. I made templates from brown cardboard and my seamstress friend ran them up. The driver's side one overlaps along the centre line of studs, which are double height. I'll post a picture of both in place tomorrow.

Mick O'Malley 30th November 2016 13:33

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As above :)

Regards, Mick

Paul L 30th November 2016 14:13

Mick - Welcome back. :cool:

Good luck with the MOT, I am sure wherever you go will love the car when it rolls in.

Really looking forward to seeing more photos when all the last details are done.

As I noticed you have fitted a light for the racing number on the tail, :cool:

The tonneau cover looks good too.

Good luck, Paul. :)

I once took my wife on the back of my bike for a rally in the UK, which was cold, wet and miserable.

I think she might have enjoyed it more if the view looked like this.

Mick O'Malley 30th November 2016 14:24


Originally Posted by Paul L
I think she might have enjoyed it more if the view looked like this.

The picture's a little deceptive. 100mph gusts are a feature of that valley - the trees aren't stunted for nothing!

Regards, Mick

redratbike 2nd December 2016 20:53

Thanks for the ATFF link Mick

Mick O'Malley 9th December 2016 16:19

Last Few Bits
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I've now fitted the door windows. They were a bit of a fiddle as there was no room on the inside to pass a bolt outwards. I locktited the dome nuts I used on the windscreen to 40mm M5 machine screws and cut each to length as appropriate before securing them with slimline nuts. I then fabricated two little flip-up guides bolted to the corners of the windscreen to keep everything in line. A nine-point turn was required in the confines of the garden to get the beast facing out. As the perspex covers distort the headlamp beams I decided to leave them off until after the MOT. The grille also has to be left off as the mouth provides access for their back nuts.

Post MOT I need to tidy up the footwells and touch in a few blemishes here and there before using her. Lets hope for plenty of fine weather in '17 :)

Regards, Mick

Car photographer 9th December 2016 16:26

looks great

Mister Towed 9th December 2016 17:23

That does look absolutely stunning. Nice work.

Mick O'Malley 14th December 2016 18:59

MOT Sortie
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Before the off :)

Shows the ill fitting RH side of the flip front to perfection. I'll worry about that later.

Regards, Mick

zagmad 14th December 2016 19:06

No comment

Mick O'Malley 14th December 2016 19:25

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I took the scenic route to the test station, stopping to put £10 worth of juice in on the way. Felt amazing to be out in it in the sun with the wind where my hair used to be, blatting down a country lane.

The tester was incredibly thorough, taking the best part of an hour even with me sitting in the cockpit for him. He was fairly young, so I think he was probably unfamiliar with the donor vehicle. No problem with that: a new pair of eyes is always welcome!

Anyway, he failed it on a few counts, with a few advisories chucked in, so I've some fettling to do between now and The Crimble.

I'll post updates when progress is made. The welding is the only real bugbear, as I think I may have to plate it from the inside, which will require a bit of dismantling.

It's no fun if it's easy :)

Regards, Mick

WorldClassAccident 15th December 2016 08:34

At least it only failed on brakes and seat belts, nothing dangerous


Barber 15th December 2016 09:08

Kit owners know all about remedial though.

Mick O'Malley 15th December 2016 16:27

Spanners Ahoy

Originally Posted by WorldClassAccident
At least it only failed on brakes and seat belts, nothing dangerous

The corrosion is about 29.999cm from the lower mounting points in the rear wheel arches. I'd tailored a length of 1.5" steel angle between them to which the shoulder straps are fixed. In a collision that tore this free I think my eyeballs being fired from their sockets would be my main concern!

I should definitely have re-fettled the brakes before the test, but it sailed through last time and has done hardly any miles since, ho hum.

Pitched in today and made some progress: back brakes dismantled, drums and shoes cleaned with emery paper, rear off-side wheel bearing greased, which I was sure I'd done, but clearly not, as it took a good few strokes of the gun before some thin and very black old grease was expelled, followed by the new.

The primary handbrake cable needs adjusting, as there's quite a bit of travel. I had to drill out the rivets on my access panel to get to it, glad I bought 500 as I still have a few left for re-fitting!

I have to get the Mini MIG back from my mate who co-owns it before plating the dodgy areas. Access is a problem, if push comes to shove I'll have to remove the swinging arms, tie bars and shocks to get in there.

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 16th December 2016 12:37

Displacement Activity
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To alleviate the trauma of my miserable MOT failure, I decided to indulge in a little of the above :).

First I re-fitted my reproduction D-Type steering wheel. I had the smaller one on for the test as the former makes access tricky for anyone with a pie-focussed diet, not realising that it'd be me sitting in.

Then I tackled fitting my Europa Spares convex aluminium racing mirror. After a bit of trial positioning with it fixed to stout card folded over the side perspex, I cautiously drilled the two 6mm mounting holes and bolted it on with the ugly hex-headed M6s supplied. I'll replace these with slot heads at a later date.

Due to the confines of the cockpit it was difficult to get a picture of the driver's view - I've added the best one which has only half an elbow in it! I have to say I'm pleased with the field of vision it provides.

Until the MIG returns and my new brake bits arrive I'll just have to keep watching and listening to this. As it sold for £3.5 million I calculate that mine owes me 0.157% of that. Three cheers for Chris & Dan!

Regards, Mick

Paul L 18th December 2016 06:32

Mick - Sorry to hear about the MOT fail, but it sounds like you have a plan to get a pass.

The dash looks great. :cool:

Good luck, Paul. :)

Mick O'Malley 18th December 2016 07:01

Thanks Paul :)

I interpreted 'the shortest practicable route' to the test well beyond legality and was pleased with the way she drove. The authentically angled and sited gear lever took a bit of getting used to on the open road, the vertical centre of the seat back needs a little more padding, and the throttle pedal needs its own return spring as it feels a little too soft.

I'm hoping for a crisp dry start to 2017 so she can stretch her legs. We're blessed with lots of great roads here in Gloucestershire!

Regards, Mick

Mister Towed 18th December 2016 07:33

Modern cars are now almost all fast, quiet, comfortable, economical and safe, but they distance the driver from the experience of fully interacting with the major controls: the steering, the gearbox, the pedals and, well, the seat of your pants.

There's nothing like piloting a simple, lightweight car on skinny tyres down a twisty B road to reconnect you with the pure joy of driving, and if that car happens to look like a classic racing car worth millions, which yours absolutely does, then all the better.

You might well be able to cover the same route faster in a mid-spec diesel repmobile, but the experience would be about as exciting as loading dirty socks into a really good washing machine. Dull as ditch-water.

Enjoy your car, it looks fantastic.

Scottie22 18th December 2016 08:12

Would agree with the Towed Mick! He summed it up perfectly.

The car looks fantastic, and having personally seen it several times, warts and all in primer, the finished result is stunning!

I know its a bit of a bummer failing and all that, but I also know it will get its Mot, and next year you will really reap the benefits!

The towed missed one important fact on describing the whanging around country lanes bit -- THE NOISE of the engine!!!
That's what really does it for me.

I hope to come and see the car in person in the near future, Mot or not, won't make any difference to that pleasure!


deggsy 18th December 2016 11:16

Looking fantastic a real credit to you.

Jaguartvr 18th December 2016 13:18

Dash does look very nice, wouldn't like to hit it hard in an accident, seems to have every sharp edge and pointy thing known to man! I think if you had to take it in for an IVA you might give the examiner a heart attack.

Mick O'Malley 18th December 2016 14:09

Many thanks everyone for the kind comments :). I think the real credit goes to Chris and Dan for producing a kit of this motoring icon within the financial reach of the bloke in the street. A guy at the MOT station who took an interest asked me about cost - when I told him it only owed me about £5k he was stunned.


Originally Posted by Jaguartvr
Dash does look very nice, wouldn't like to hit it hard in an accident.

Agreed. I wouldn't like to even hit it softly! Fortunately my full harness belts should prevent this eventuality. The main danger is if I manage to roll it negotiating Mulsanne corner in the dawn fog....................

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 23rd December 2016 12:09


Originally Posted by Mick O'Malley
Until the MIG returns and my new brake bits arrive I'll just have to keep watching and listening to this. As it sold for £3.5 million I calculate that mine owes me 0.157% of that. Three cheers for Chris & Dan!

Regards, Mick

I've just read Wednesday's edition of 'Classic Car Weekly' where I learnt that another ex Ecurie Ecosse D-Type was auctioned in Monterey in August for £16.6 million!!! Mine therefore now only owes me 0.0301% of the real thing. Result!

Regards, Mick

WorldClassAccident 24th December 2016 09:40

I've just read Wednesday's edition of 'Classic Car Weekly' where I learnt that another ex Ecurie Ecosse D-Type was auctioned in Monterey in August for £16.6 million!!! Mine therefore now only owes me 0.0301% of the real thing.

I was at a car show and a bloke was mocking my car said "Yeah but it is only half the fun of the real thing" I wish I had your % to reply - 50% of the fun for 0.0301% of the price

Mister Towed 24th December 2016 11:23


Originally Posted by WorldClassAccident (Post 85002)
I've just read Wednesday's edition of 'Classic Car Weekly' where I learnt that another ex Ecurie Ecosse D-Type was auctioned in Monterey in August for £16.6 million!!! Mine therefore now only owes me 0.0301% of the real thing.

I was at a car show and a bloke was mocking my car said "Yeah but it is only half the fun of the real thing"

How the hell would he know that without driving yours? You should have asked him if you could have a go in his real one so you could see what he meant.

I also suspect that the new owner of the £16.6 million genuine article may well put it straight into climate controlled deep storage and forget about it until it's worth £33.2 million, which by then will be almost enough for a deposit on a pokey flat in Knightsbridge with nowhere to park it anyway.

Where's the fun in that?

rochdaleGT 26th December 2016 11:11

why this new shiny exhaust is mostly covered in overspray? also the wheels look like they have a light coat of bluemetallic on the insides. what a botch from the spray-shop. i would claim some money back as you have now the trouble to get rid of the overspray because they had been too lazy masking the parts correctly.

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