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Mike 10th March 2010 17:38

Ford Based Sportsters Front Suspension?
Although,I am building a Cabrio, I have always preferred the Sportster's front suspension arrangement.
Does anyone know what components are used in the Ford based Sportster?
- were they ever designed and supplied for Sierra components?

Grey V8 Pete 11th November 2018 13:44


Originally Posted by Mike (Post 18416)
Although,I am building a Cabrio, I have always preferred the Sportster's front suspension arrangement.
Does anyone know what components are used in the Ford based Sportster?
- were they ever designed and supplied for Sierra components?

Hi Mike. Old post with no replies I know, but did you ever find the answer to this question elsewhere. Peter.

rochdaleGT 10th December 2018 20:10

i´m owning marlin´s works prototype...the kawasaki green one with v8 engine...front suspension is using ford uprights...not the sierra ones....looks more granada-ish

Grey V8 Pete 11th December 2018 14:06


Originally Posted by rochdaleGT (Post 98025)
i´m owning marlin´s works prototype...the kawasaki green one with v8 engine...front suspension is using ford uprights...not the sierra ones....looks more granada-ish

Interesting. Any chance of a couple of photos please.

rochdaleGT 11th December 2018 21:45

and thats the engine:

peterux 11th December 2018 22:27


I believe Peter meant, do you have a photo's of the front suspension.


BTW, Granada 'knuckles' look just like Sierra ones, they are just a bit bigger. of Ford Uprights. by Sabrebuilder, on Flickr

Far left is a Scorpio Cosworth, centre is Mk 3 Granada knuckle and on the right is the standard Sierra upright.

Grey V8 Pete 12th December 2018 10:39

Ah yes thanks Peterux for the photos I did mean the suspension. Nice to see the Sportster photo too. I think that was at Thornfalcon a few years ago? Peter L.

rochdaleGT 14th December 2018 20:10

unfortunately the car lives not at my home during winter-time.

neither do i have detailed fron suspension pics

but my uprights are not from a mc-pherson i think they are cortina. or granda mk1 / 2, as they used a simialr front suspension design as cortina´´s (double wishbone with damper and seperate coil between upper & lower wishbone)...similar TVR tasmin / wedge

rochdaleGT 14th December 2018 20:11

above pic is my car, but pic copied from here:

page 4 shows further pics

Mister Towed 15th December 2018 08:42


Originally Posted by rochdaleGT (Post 98098)
above pic is my car, but pic copied from here:

page 4 shows further pics

Hey, Rochdale. What a coincidence, I own an exact replica of that prototype V8 Marlin too!

Of course, I didn't build it so I have no idea what parts went into it, but I read on the internet that it has a modified Rover V8 and probably has Ford suspension.

I'm afraid I can't quite remember where I parked it and never thought to ever take even a single picture of me with it, but here's a picture of my car that I found on somebody else's blog, which they must have taken when I took it to Strasbourg, which I think might be in France or Germany (I suppose it depends on what year I went) -

I also own a lot of other very cool cars, of course, so here's my daily driver, a new Bugatti something or other (picture taken at a hill climb when my mate Lewis Hamilton was borrowing it -

Can't remember the exact model name, I'd take a look at the badge on the bootlid but I've left it in an underground car park in one of my mansions and I just can't remember which one.

I guess what I'm saying, Rochdale, is that claiming you have lots of cool stuff and posting pictures of it you found on the internet while slagging other people's cars off on their build threads is pretty easy to do these days.

Your contributions to the Sammio forum have been nothing but toxic, while your contribution to this debate into the Marlin's front suspension have been pretty nebulous, which suggests you actually neither own one or really know anything about them that you couldn't just Google.

So let's have some pictures of you with your Marlin V8 Works prototype, taken with today's newspaper held out just to prove it's not something you copied off the 'net.

Failing that, it's probably time to sod off and troll somebody else's hobby.

rochdaleGT 21st December 2018 21:09

Mister Towed: i do not need to prove, especially not for you after such an offensive post, that i´m the real owner of the marlin. you can contact Terry Matthews from Marlin cars...she will confirm that this car is alive and with me.

as long as you cannot contribute anything important for the thread opener, please stay in your Sammio Forum and keep quiet here.

if you have some personal resentments, you are free to sent me a private message, but dont hi-jack another persons posting.

Mister Towed 22nd December 2018 08:44


Originally Posted by rochdaleGT (Post 98208)
Mister Towed: i do not need to prove, especially not for you after such an offensive post, that i´m the real owner of the marlin. you can contact Terry Matthews from Marlin cars...she will confirm that this car is alive and with me.

as long as you cannot contribute anything important for the thread opener, please stay in your Sammio Forum and keep quiet here.

if you have some personal resentments, you are free to sent me a private message, but dont hi-jack another persons posting.

Paragraph 1 - Didn't think you'd be able to prove that you own this or any other kit car.

For two years while you've been posting insults about our cars on the Sammio, Miglia and Tribute build threads, we've been asking you to prove your extravagant claims about owning lots of amazing kit cars you've not posted a single picture that wasn't snaffled from Google images.

I still don't believe you've ever built or owned a single kit-car, so go on, prove me wrong, post a picture of yourself with your wonderful Marlin that clearly shows it was taken in response to my request. And if you think Marlin cars would give me your details then you've never heard of our Data Protection Act.

Paragraphs 2&3 - Accusation of personal resentment and thread hijacking, eh? Stay in my Sammio Forum, you say? Pot calling the kettle black it would seem (that means I'm suggesting that you're a hypocrite, btw).

Let's see what contributions you've made about Sammio Spyders, Miglia Speedsters, Tribute A352's and even Seven Style cars (have you built or do you own any of those cars?):

5th Nov 2016, Sammio thread - building a 50ies style car with a good built quality and a perfect spit-chassis, incl. several technical improvements (uprated engine, T9 conversion, CV driveshafts, uprated suspension etc) will rise the total built price in a dimension where you already might be able to built, for example, a MEV RepliCar. Due to its MX5 base it does everything better, with its "modern" suspension & "modern", also reliable drivetrain.

Quite rude, that - comparing completely different cars and declaring one better than the other without ever driving or viewing either of them.

9th Nov 2016, Denmark A352 thread - explain me, as i´m bit confused: the donor spit was not restored, nor taken body off for cleaning and preparing the chassis for the next 20 years? will this been done when all the bodywork has been finished? means body and chassis will get sperated, cleaned , refurbished and than put back togehter?

Quite rude, that - criticising a professional car builder (Gary Janes) for building a car onto the chassis provided by the customer (which had already been fully restored, btw).

9th & 12th Nov 2016 - Seven style build thread - i would not invest any money in such a car....any scruffy mot-ed westfield, for 3k, is doing everything better...if you are lucky you will find an oldschool sylva striker (live-axle, x/flow powered) in very-nice condition already for 3.5k

consecutively several "older" kitcar designs have a very low value nowadays and you should think twice or 3-times if you really want to invest money in "something"...when a similar car ("something-else") does everthing better for the same money.

Quite rude, that - telling an enthusiast who'd bought himself a project car that it was a lemon, when neither he, nor you, even knew what it was!

4th Dec 2016, New Miglia Build for Germany - speaking to some new owners of the cars sold in germany by this dealer seems not that positive: after some time of ownership and watching behind the scenery, they (the new owners) recognized that they have paid far too much in relation of the built quality and the registration-status. there are lots of registered replicas, rebodies, kitcars etc. around in germany which have a complete fake identity and registration things have been done using fake / photoshopped paperwork to rip-off ignoramus buyers.

Quite rude, that - claiming to be in personal contact with 'unsatisfied' buyers of cars that weren't even built by the thread poster and without any first-hand evidence of there being any complaints from the actual owners. And cars with photoshopped registration papers? Really?

26th & 27th December 2016, Mick O'Malley's A352 'D-Type' - why this new shiny exhaust is mostly covered in overspray? also the wheels look like they have a light coat of bluemetallic on the insides. what a botch from the spray-shop. i would claim some money back as you have now the trouble to get rid of the overspray because they had been too lazy masking the parts correctly. and its doesnt matter if he has paid 300 or 3000 pound...its a clear botch!!!

Quite rude, that - Mick's car is absolutely stunning, he was very happy with the paint job and the criticism about the 'overspray' (which was actually reflections of the body colour in the chrome, btw) was uncalled for, even it had been true.

2nd Feb 2017, BMW Powered Sammio - "I notified DVLA of the engine details and changed in the V5 before I re-registered the Sammio. " so this was a kind of "trick" to collect some requestd points afterwards? right?

Quite rude, that - accusing a builder of trying to cheat the DVLA points rule by changing the engine number on the V5. As was pointed out by several of us on that thread, the chassis and axles alone gained enough points to keep the original registration.

4th Feb 2017, BMW Powered Sammio - i dont know how many kitcars i have owned in the past 15 years, including all the kitcars imported for friends, plus watching all the other people´s imported kitcars let me say: a high percentage had incorrect paperwork and they had been illegally registered in UK. (v5c´s taken form scrapped cars -same brand- to bring cars on the road avoiding sva/iva. v5c´s taken from scrapped cars -other brand- to bring cars on the road. cars still running on donor papers, even they have been built after 1996, where SVA came into force. rebodied cars which never have been announced to dvla as rebodies, newly factory built kitcars with a new chassis, new body, ford rear axle and triumph engine with an age related plate-even it should be a q-plate-etc, etc).
lots of dodgy registrations out there.

Quite rude, that - Accusing British kit-car builders of adopting dodgy practices to illegally register cars on the road. And it does sound like you're acting as a used kit-car dealer in your own country. Can't be a very good one, mind, if you've managed to buy so many cars with dodgy provenance...

And there are loads more of your posts that insult our cars but I'm getting rather bored with reading them (again).

Suffice to say, around 80% of your own posts have been rude, insulting and contribute nothing positive, while the other 20% are just vague observations backed up with images copied from the internet.

With my apologies to the Marlin enthusiasts who contribute to this thread for being provoked into such a lengthy thread-jack, I'll sign off for good now and won't be back as I don't want to further feed the troll.

Merry Christmas, one and all!

peterux 22nd December 2018 15:39



Originally Posted by rochdaleGT (Post 98097)
unfortunately the car lives not at my home during winter-time.

neither do i have detailed fron suspension pics

but my uprights are not from a mc-pherson i think they are cortina. or granda mk1 / 2, as they used a simialr front suspension design as cortina´´s (double wishbone with damper and seperate coil between upper & lower wishbone)...similar TVR tasmin / wedge

Hi Rochdale,
I agree that those uprights on your Marlin Sportster look like Cortina.

I think they are also used on Westfield 7's...

I think there are detailed pictures of the Ford suspension on the Sportster build CD. I think I may have a copy on an old PC that I no longer use. If your interested i'll try and fire it up again to retrieve the pictures.



Grey V8 Pete 23rd December 2018 10:37

Hi Peter. Yes please if not too much hassle would like the info. Peter.

rochdaleGT 23rd December 2018 10:45


Originally Posted by Mister Towed (Post 98214)
Paragraph 1 - Didn't think you'd be able to prove that you own this or any other kit car.

For two years while you've been posting insults about our cars on the Sammio, Miglia and Tribute build threads, we've been asking you to prove your extravagant claims about owning lots of amazing kit cars you've not posted a single picture that wasn't snaffled from Google images.

I still don't believe you've ever built or owned a single kit-car, so go on, prove me wrong, post a picture of yourself with your wonderful Marlin that clearly shows it was taken in response to my request. And if you think Marlin cars would give me your details then you've never heard of our Data Protection Act.

Merry Christmas, one and all! least i have always contribute something (mostly my perosnal opinon & experience from nearly 15y into the kitcar business) related to the specific forum´s thread...whereas you have used this thread for posting your frustration or whatever but nothing related to the thread´s theme

anyway: the first pic of my marlin is not a pic you can find at google!! its from my harddisc..stored from MY camera.
and have you contacted Terry from marlin? i guess no

just to list some of the cars i owned (and some still own) in the last 20y:

8 lotus eclat /excel/elite, 3 TVR tasmin, 1 Rover P6, 2 Ginetta G4/S4, 1 Ginetta G15, 1 Ginetta G27, 2 Sylva Phoenix, 4 sylva striker (here you could contact jeremy phillips, the founderr of sylva autokits as a prove) , 5 westfiels, 1 sammio, 2 Reliant scimitars, 1 marlin berlinetta, 1 marlin sportster, 2 locost, 2 dutton, 1 clan crusader, 1 jeffey j5 seven, 1 fisher fury, 2 NG v8, 1 TVR chimaera, 1 jensen healey.

and several sylva´s and westfields where i was involved into the purchase from friends.

so i know really well whats going on the market...especially with dodgy registrations (not only in UK)...but there is quite a lively market for V5c´s in UK.

i´m happy to share some info with you, but please contact me by private message and keep away from this thread.

Barber 23rd December 2018 19:49

Hypocrite or what?
It's a bit rich complaining about people polluting the thread when you have been doing exactly that on other forums. Sure you are entitled to your opinion, but to keep returning to forums repeatedly where your ill informed and demonstrably dubious posts have been needlessly rubbing up like minded folks the wrong way then asking for amnesty from similar posts is laughable. And you still not have shown any evidence, anywhere that you can back up any of your claims. On the contrary, as has been shown on this thread, your statements have been shown to be fallacious. You are it seems, pure and simple a WUM of the worst kind. I for one would be happy to keep away from any of your threads/posts if only you would do the same regarding the Sammio and Miglia forums, and any other forum that I currently post on.

So long as you care to keep up this behaviour, don't expect a reasonable and measured silence from others. It would be better by far to not post at all, but that is your choice. have a Happy Christmas though.

peterux 23rd December 2018 20:52



Originally Posted by Grey V8 Pete (Post 98223)
Hi Peter. Yes please if not too much hassle would like the info. Peter.

Hi Peter,
I managed to get the old PC fired up OK but, alas, I couldn't find the pictures I was thinking off. (perhaps my memory is playing ticks on me?)

There is a bright orange Sportster that has Ford suspension. It often attends Stoneleigh but I couldn't find any pictures of its front suspension.

But if you want to see what Marlin currently supply then have a look through Rikard's front suspension pictures here......

I think those alloy hubs are what they call 'Cortina' Geometry


Mister Towed 24th December 2018 07:40


Originally Posted by rochdaleGT (Post 98224)
just to list some of the cars i owned (and some still own) in the last 20y:

8 lotus eclat /excel/elite, 3 TVR tasmin, 1 Rover P6, 2 Ginetta G4/S4, 1 Ginetta G15, 1 Ginetta G27, 2 Sylva Phoenix, 4 sylva striker (here you could contact jeremy phillips, the founderr of sylva autokits as a prove) , 5 westfiels, 1 sammio, 2 Reliant scimitars, 1 marlin berlinetta, 1 marlin sportster, 2 locost, 2 dutton, 1 clan crusader, 1 jeffey j5 seven, 1 fisher fury, 2 NG v8, 1 TVR chimaera, 1 jensen healey.

...and a partridge in a pear tree.

Sorry Marlin owners, I just couldn't resist it.


Jeff H 24th December 2018 12:24

Some people have far too much time on their hands.

Rochdale is entitled to his/her view, if you don't agree with it then fine but to call any body who has a different viewpoint to yourself a Troll is very telling.

All IMHO of course.

Barber 25th December 2018 08:51


Originally Posted by Jeff H (Post 98245)
Some people have far too much time on their hands.

Rochdale is entitled to his/her view, if you don't agree with it then fine but to call any body who has a different viewpoint to yourself a Troll is very telling.

All IMHO of course.

Having seen you state elsewhere on Madabout that you will do whatever you want, I think we can take this advice from you with a pinch of salt.

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