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Lucky@LeMans 27th December 2022 17:16

Where is everyone ????
What's happened to this forum ?

This was until a year or so ago a really well supported forum. Hardly any new posts coming through let alone new builds , new threads etc these days. Has everyone moved over to facebook ? I must admit I only check in here once in a while rather than a couple of times a week or more !
Shame really as there was once a wide variety of new builds on here being posted but that's a thing of the past now , perhaps everyone has taken up new hobbies ?
What will it take to restore the interest here ?

casamolino 27th December 2022 18:19

New admin , the last person to join was nearly 2 years ago , i would guess nobody new can actually join , Facebook is no use for build threads , this place at one time was the most helpful and informative aid , Geoff .

Lucky@LeMans 28th December 2022 13:15

I think JG closed the forum to new members as there were cyber attacks from various sources . Not sure but it would appear too complex at the time to filter them out, don't quote me, I'm no computer expert ! I'm sure new members could be filtered as you see on other sites where you have to identify objects in a photo or tick a box to say you are not a robot !

Jaguartvr 29th December 2022 19:38

often 2 members and 150 guests.
Forum is dying and will die if new members are not allowed to jointhen it will die.JG needs to reopen the forum or pass it onto someone who will/

peterux 30th December 2022 19:07

Very few active members are left as many old members have drifted away, either to other forums or away from this hobby to other interests.
Lots of non members are viewing but without the ability to join they are not able to join in with the discussions or ask questions.
I suspect the forum is now running on very old bulletin software with many security vulnerabilities. The owner (JG?) may have decided that to upgrade to the latest software is either too difficult or too expensive (or maybe both!) so is leaving it to run it's course as it is. This is an unfunded site with no membership fees or donations required.
Sad, but this may be the reality?

Lucky@LeMans 31st December 2022 10:30

Perhaps JG could comment, if he is still with us ?

You might have noticed other parts of the site are years out of date with no updates or input. Scroll down the column to the left and you will see what I mean ! Shame really but it reflects the current scene for home built vehicles isn't what it was.
Anyone see the article in Classic & Sports Car magazine with the feature on Peter Filby ( former Which Kit editor ), very much written as a retrospective look back at the kitcar industry. All very good looking back to the 70's, 80's and 90's, it reads as if its a long gone industry that is all but dead ! Perhaps I'm just getting old ?

Patrick 31st December 2022 10:35

Some of us are still lurking, and enjoying the posts that are made, but it has been quiet for a while now.

DaveP 2nd January 2023 07:22

I also lurk but post very infrequently.

The other issue affecting this forum is that if you not logged in you cannot see the pics on the threads. It

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