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Mick O'Malley 19th February 2021 11:59


Originally Posted by Mister Towed
I got one jammed under a Vulcan bomber once.

Lucky you didn't knock the Blue Steel off its shackles...


Originally Posted by Mister Towed
An old Sherpa would definitely work as a a base for a vintage car.

See Sherpley for details


Originally Posted by Mister Towed
It's just a real shame that this one has a Q plate.

If I go for it, I believe it's possible that an impassioned plea that it's a re-body rather than a Kit Car could fall on sympathetic DVLA ears. It would then be an S or T suffix eligible for black plates. Worth a try.

Regards, Mick

Dpaz 19th February 2021 20:33


Originally Posted by Mick O'Malley (Post 105959)
Lucky you didn't knock the Blue Steel off its shackles...

See Sherpley for details

If I go for it, I believe it's possible that an impassioned plea that it's a re-body rather than a Kit Car could fall on sympathetic DVLA ears. It would then be an S or T suffix eligible for black plates. Worth a try.

Regards, Mick

Go for it Mick, you know you want to. Dpaz

paul_n 19th February 2021 20:56


I would have though this was a better buy ?

They are nice and tall and imposing as not as dainty as the MG replica's ?

Unless you really want something as big as the Sherpa ? it seems a huge contrast to the Moss ?

You deal realise the Sherpa is the best part of 15ft long !


Mick O'Malley 20th February 2021 05:37


Originally Posted by paul_n

I would have though this was a better buy?

They are nice and tall and imposing, not as dainty as the MG replicas?

Unless you really want something as big as the Sherpa? it seems a huge contrast to the Moss?

You do realise the Sherpa is the best part of 15ft long!


As it's on the donor car's V5 it would require SVA, so not a contender for my next project.

It's the size and road presence of the Sherpa project that appeal to me. Apart from three Dutton Sierras, my multitude of so-say Kit Cars have all been dinky two seaters: been there, done that, time to move on. I can always cut a hole in the back wall of the cave for the dumb irons if the length proves problematic...

Regards, Mick

Dpaz 20th February 2021 12:52

MY last nights reply has disappeared, These were an evocation of the Aston Martin Ulster IIRC. The front suspension looks like Marina. A single carb and exhaust, Marina. Wheels 13" Marina, so probably an NG chassis as you said Mick SVA. No interest yet, a little suspicious maybe? I love the idea of the Sherpa but on a Q plate and 1800cc engine? A touch underpowered? But with a big straight 6, lovely. Go for it!

Mitchelkitman 20th February 2021 13:19

As stated above, it looks to be Marina suspension. I suspect the seller received it in part-exchange, free or whatever, as they don't seem to know much about it. Would have been quite nice in its day, and if registered.

paul_n 20th February 2021 16:12


Originally Posted by Dpaz (Post 105978)
I love the idea of the Sherpa but on a Q plate and 1800cc engine? A touch underpowered? But with a big straight 6, lovely. Go for it!

It's worse than that Jim .......

It's a low compression 1700 cc !

However it was also available in 2000 cc again a low compression unit if in a Sherpa they are both 8:1 and I think the only difference between them is the length of the con rods but cannot be sure.

They appeared in several guises a TC would help.

Oddly they are considered a good swap for the MGB 1800cc [ where they were supposed to go in the first place ! ] as they are lighter and with the LT77 5speed box [ mine has that ] are again lighter and better geared than the 4 speed + O/D..

Still from what I understand of a lightened Sherpa car plenty of power !


MartinClan 20th February 2021 18:42


Originally Posted by Mitchelkitman (Post 105979)
As stated above, it looks to be Marina suspension. I suspect the seller received it in part-exchange, free or whatever, as they don't seem to know much about it. Would have been quite nice in its day, and if registered.

I concour that it seems to be Marina based. Interesting that the tie bars are mounted back to front. I am not sure how sound that is! They are smallish in section, about 12mm, and I guess the most stress on them is when braking hard when, on the Marina, they would be in tension. Still, I don't suppose the NG weighs much.

Cheers, Robin

paul_n 20th February 2021 21:06


Originally Posted by Mick O'Malley (Post 105969)

As it's on the donor car's V5 it would require SVA, so not a contender for my next project.
Regards, Mick

Bit of a bummer that as it was the sort of car I was looking for before my Sherpa side road.

Would that depend on what it said on the MOT ?

If it was not listed as a MGB can you still ask for it to be changed on the V5 to reflect it historically being treated differently ?


jcole1960 22nd February 2021 11:54


Originally Posted by MartinClan (Post 105990)
I concour that it seems to be Marina based. Interesting that the tie bars are mounted back to front. I am not sure how sound that is! They are smallish in section, about 12mm, and I guess the most stress on them is when braking hard when, on the Marina, they would be in tension. Still, I don't suppose the NG weighs much.

Cheers, Robin

The Teal Bugatti also used the same front suspension arrangement, with the tie bars to the rear

Dpaz 22nd February 2021 17:27

NG not sold. Odd, maybe the NG club know why.

Dpaz 22nd February 2021 19:16

Did you get the Sherpa?

Lucky@LeMans 22nd February 2021 19:32


Originally Posted by Dpaz (Post 106005)
NG not sold. Odd, maybe the NG club know why.

It needed a fair bit of work but more importantly wasn't registered correctly. This is a traditional kit with a new chassis, not a rebody, so IVA would be required.

paul_n 22nd February 2021 20:28


Originally Posted by Lucky@LeMans (Post 106008)
It needed a fair bit of work but more importantly wasn't registered correctly. This is a traditional kit with a new chassis, not a rebody, so IVA would be required.

You would have assumed there was someone out there who was not aware it needed to go through the IVA and would have bid on it as it looked a fair car for the money ?


paul_n 22nd February 2021 20:30


Originally Posted by Dpaz (Post 106007)
Did you get the Sherpa?

Was that to much for what was there ?

Mick O'Malley 23rd February 2021 07:50

Reason Prevails!

Originally Posted by Dpaz (Post 106007)
Did you get the Sherpa?

After ten days of deliberation and discussion I decided yesterday to not bid. I ran the surveyor's tape over the cave and realised that, due to its width, I would only be able to work on a quarter of it at a time, unless it was wheeled right out onto my daughter's lawn, not a popular option. I also realised that, to turn it around for various necessary cave only fettling operations, that it would need to be pushed right out into the road due to its size. On balance I feel that I made the correct decision. Looking at the bidding history I would have won it with my envisaged last seconds £2,110.


Originally Posted by paul_n
Was that too much for what was there?

I don't think so, being registered and having been on the road IMO it was a good two grand's worth.

Regards, Mick

Dpaz 23rd February 2021 21:13

Me too, I was tempted but too many toys to play with already.

Mick O'Malley 12th March 2021 09:16

Brake Saga (cont.)
A few weeks ago, when the weather permitted, I attempted to bleed the brakes once again, having re-made the metal pipes between the rear wheel cylinders and flexi pipes, using my Eezibleed. Once again, my flares proved leaky rubbish. I had bought the flaring kit after reading a few reviews which included words like 'acceptable'. Well, buy cheap, pay twice :(. This latest bleeding misadventure also revealed a leaking master cylinder. Disheartened, I abandoned work: I considered torching the annoying beast but I had no ammunition for my Very Pistol (geddit?).

A fresh burst of enthusiasm (from nowhere) last week saw me visiting Canley Classics' website and ordering said pipes. Now, those of you with long memories will recall my utter dissatisfaction with this firm when I ordered the Woodruff Key for the crankshaft pulley when I fitted new timing gear to the Vitesse engine in my A352. Reasoning that everyone deserves a second chance I came up trumps with delivery by return! This was also the case with the new master cylinder, which proved a doddle to fit, despite the severely limited access. Rubbish photo' alert, its the brake cylinder far side.

I fitted the new metal pipes using the old ones as guides to achieve the correct convolutions, bending them around a plug socket clamped in the vice to prevent kinking.

Right, thinks I, dig out the Eezibleed and I'll be driving it the same afternoon. Nope. The new master cylinder has a slightly different reservoir diameter and cap thread which none of the Eezibleed caps fits. Aaaaaaargh! Ah, but then I espy a universal cap is mentioned in the Eezibleed blurb for just such an eventuality. Bingo :). Log on to Ebay and find that amongst the reviews for said cap there is not one over two stars out of five, with plenty of negative comments. Aaaaaaaaarg again! However, amongst the 'also searched for' suggestions was this which I thought worth a punt after reading the mainly positive reviews.

Undeterred by the less than PC description (one person, surely?) I purchased same which, again, came by return..... Yesterday I pitched in again and, joy of joy, it did what it said on the box. I now, at long long last, have a pedal. All that remains to do is, apart from minor cosmetics, to get the engine to run a little better and I can pluck up the courage to venture out on the road, doubtless with my son following armed with the towing bar. Pessimist, moi?

Regards, Mick

Mitchelkitman 12th March 2021 14:25

Looks like you've sorted it, so well done. I was about to offer a couple of suggestions (so I'll do that anyway, in the hope that someone reading the thread may benefit).
Many years ago (crikey time flies, it must be 40 years :shock:) I had a similar problem getting a good bleed on a Dutton Melos I'd fitted with all-new pipes - my solution was the easi-bleed and an assistant pressing the brake pedal at the same time (I'd tried both individually without success), and the fluid shot about 10 ft and got rid of the air :happy:
As for the pipe flarings I have an old Moprod flarer which is great, and this one from CBS appears to be a modern equivalent

Mick O'Malley 25th May 2021 15:12

Carb. Woes Over - Hopefully
After my many attempts, including yesterday's and today's, to get my 28/36 DCD Weber to perform satisfactorily, I bit the bullet and gave up on it. I knew that other twin choke downdraught Webers had the same footprint and would bolt straight on to my manifold, so I dived into the web for a couple of hours and decided on a 32/36 DGV. Ever helpful eBay offered me a brand spanking new one for 220 notes - done! It's due to arrive Friday so with a fair wind she should be on her maiden voyage on Saturday to Castle Combe Lotus Day The forecast is good, unlike last year's monsoon.

Misplaced optimism is a possibility, but I hearken back to my first Dutton Phaeton, newly completed from scratch in '86, for which I booked a work's lunchtime MOT in Bristol whilst living near Stroud. She broke down twice on the way, failed on seven (non life threatening) counts, and got back in good order.

Regards, Mick

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