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scimjim 25th November 2017 08:39

This bloke has also bought a few Scimitars and written misleading adverts with huge price hikes. Everyone’s entitled to make a living but his attitude stinks.

Mick O'Malley 4th December 2017 06:44

Silver Arrow
This fabulous beast has appeared on Ebay.

I love it!

Regards, Mick

Jaguartvr 4th December 2017 08:09

Great paint job on it, looks just like aluminium. It's the sort of finish that I think Andy was after on his 250 (EricHolmes) build.
Think the headlights and mountings look far nicer than the standard Moss lights.
Only thing against it are the rivets, they look as if they have come off one of the Titanic's boilers, I think it would be better to sand them out and fit proper fake smaller
rivets in their place.
It really does look like Dick Dastardly's car with the rear hump, very cool.

Mick O'Malley 4th December 2017 08:31

I like my standard 5.75" pods, I think they enhance the overall quirkiness. The builder has used the same stop/tail lamps, reflectors, style of number plate and light as me. A man of impeccable taste :icon_wink:.

All four indicators are too far from the sides to be strictly legal, and the view in that bullet mirror will be more or less useless. A few big 722s wouldn't look too shabby............

I still love it, though!

Regards, Mick)

Mick O'Malley 4th December 2017 13:50

Progress (sort of) at last.
After six weeks or so of coughing, spluttering, looking at the rain/frost/wind and wondering why my get-up-and-go had got up and gone, I at last ventured down to the cave this morning and pitched in.

First job was to drill the long awaited headlamp bowl mounting holes in the GRP pods. This involved levelling the car with my spirit level on the front cross member with one side jacked up to get the bubble central, then using a plumb line to find and mark the vertical. I'd already marked the exact tops of the bowls so drilling was a matter of holding them with the marks aligned. I then temporarily mounted them for the picture. The parallax effect makes them look a little pissed but they're spot on.

My ex-neighbour turned up at this juncture for a coffee and a chin wag so it was a couple of hours before I ventured back down to the cave. I decided to fabricate a steady bracket for my reversing spot lamp, as I'm certain it would go seriously AWOL if I relied solely on the bottom mounting. I made it from cardboard and transferred the holes and bends to a spare length of the ally strip I'd used for the fuel tank mounting straps. I then pop-riveted it to the back of the lamp housing and after a couple of small adjustments to the bends, it sat perfectly. The mounting hole in the body will have to wait as access for the inside nuts needs a spare pair of hands, unavailable today.

I included the back of the lens in the shot to show my home-made LED bulb which will ensure minimal load on the lengthy supply cable.

That was it for the day.

Regards, Mick

Mister Towed 4th December 2017 16:11


Originally Posted by Mick O'Malley (Post 92277)
I like my standard 5.75" pods, I think they enhance the overall quirkiness. The builder has used the same stop/tail lamps, reflectors, style of number plate and light as me. A man of impeccable taste :icon_wink:.

All four indicators are too far from the sides to be strictly legal, and the view in that bullet mirror will be more or less useless. A few big 722s wouldn't look too shabby............

I still love it, though!

Regards, Mick)

I've always liked the Monaco as it's totally bonkers and silver really suits it.

The indicators look fine to me, so long as they're at least 500mm apart, a minimum of 350mm from the ground and can be seen front and rear they're perfectly legal on a pre-'86 car.

Mick O'Malley 5th December 2017 06:10


Originally Posted by Mister Towed
The indicators look fine to me, so long as they're at least 500mm apart, a minimum of 350mm from the ground and can be seen front and rear they're perfectly legal on a pre-'86 car.

I stand corrected!

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 14th December 2017 07:23

Complete Non-Sequitur
I didn't know where else to put this, which came up on my FB 'Historic Lotus Register Group' feed. It's a Type 14 Elite body on a Spitfire chassis. Full marks to the builder for fitting a Triumph badge!
Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 15th January 2018 06:08

Hoping for a Monaco Summer
I really hope to get the Monaco on the road this summer.

Rumours that I have an ulterior motive should be ignored.

Regards, Mick

Mister Towed 15th January 2018 06:15

Well, at least you know you'll be able to fit them all in if Bananarama ever ask for a lift home from the pub.

Donor 23rd January 2018 21:32

beautiful one(s) !!!

Dpaz 24th January 2018 21:48

I see the 'Silver Arrow was withdrawn. Anything to do with the 9K price?

Mick O'Malley 25th January 2018 07:24

It's gone to France, I believe, where there's a strong Monaco following. My suspicions were aroused by this appearing on my FB Moss Owners' Club feed........

Lucky guy!

Dpaz 25th January 2018 10:58

Very nice. The Monaco has to be one of the icons of the kit car world at the sensible end of pricing. I love your build.

Donor 25th January 2018 16:20

It as fewer groope than red ;)

Mister Towed 25th January 2018 18:02


Originally Posted by Donor (Post 92988)
It as fewer groope than red ;)

Silver rarer than red? And better looking...

Donor 25th January 2018 18:23


Originally Posted by Mister Towed (Post 92990)
Silver rarer than red? And better looking...

yes of course, but the red has 3 essential assets :)

Donor 27th January 2018 15:30

£ 500, £ 1490, £ 1790 and now £ 2490 but how much will he stop? 😂

Mick O'Malley 31st January 2018 07:41

And still they come.......
This appeared today.

Regards, Mick

Dpaz 31st January 2018 10:23

Looks nice I wonder what the V5 says? Why is he not finishing it? Is it like my Marlin when I got it, looked Ok till I found all the things that had not been done right.?

peterux 31st January 2018 19:44


Originally Posted by Dpaz (Post 93120)
Looks nice I wonder what the V5 says? Why is he not finishing it? Is it like my Marlin when I got it, looked Ok till I found all the things that had not been done right.?

You can just about make out the reg number in the third photo and the government website says its registered as a 'Moss'

Dpaz 31st January 2018 20:17

Cheers for that.

Mick O'Malley 24th February 2018 07:14

And Still They Come.........

Regards, Mick

Jaguartvr 24th February 2018 08:43

The wheels certainly give it a real vintage look.

lancelot link 24th February 2018 15:52

That looks like Cortina front suspension arms with the bottom tie bars removed ...they go forward on a stock Cortina with a huge rubber bush and fixing nut , we used to reverse them left to right and right to left to get them to face backwards and mount to the side of the chassis rail on the open wheeled Hot Rods we built using Cortina running gear ...

Cortina front suspension works really well on a car like this , the wide track really looks the part .....but not with the tie bars removed ! I'd be interested to know how that drives with its adjustable wheelbase !!
Unless I have missed something ...

Correction ....I think they are on there , backwards and tucked very tight to the front arm .....ignore the above ( apart from the complimentary bits ) !!!!

Mick O'Malley 6th March 2018 06:22

Our Loss. Their Gain
Another Monaco has gone through the tunnel, I learnt from my Moss Owners' Facebook feed this morning. Triumph straight six powered - lucky old Pascal!

It broke down on the way and this good old boy stopped, correctly diagnosed the fault, and rectified it. Entente Cordiale in action!

Regards, Mick

Donor 28th March 2018 07:43

I be back ! :) :) :) :)
he's unstoppable

Yellow Moss

Mick O'Malley 28th March 2018 07:52

What A Joker!
Rather than scraping his meagre living selling on kit cars, I think he could easily make a fortune as a stand-up comedian...........

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 2nd April 2018 07:36

Can't think where else to put this.......

Regards, Mick

redratbike 2nd April 2018 08:59


Originally Posted by Mick O'Malley (Post 94137)

Regards, Mick

Quite like that

Mmmnnn the exhaust pipes !!

Mick O'Malley 15th April 2018 07:04

Progress (sort of) at last.
After what seemed to be one of the most depressing winters in my seven decades, I made the effort in yesterday's sunshine and visited the man-cave brimming with enthusiasm.

My modified rear suspension tie bars are at my welders, hopefully ready next Wednesday, and the exhaust mounting kit I ordered from Canley Classics has yet to arrive, so I decided to start work on my 15" MGF 'Minilites'.

I first gave them a good wash with warm water + detergent and left them to dry in the sun while I constructed an impromptu spray booth in my front garden. I then gave the wheels a quick rub over with 320 emery paper, followed by a final de-grease with acetone before commencing spraying with satin black from a rattle can, one of which was sufficient for all five wheels.

I'm somewhat boracic this month, as I have to pay the balance of my Classic Le Mans trip (I have until Thursday to decide whether to lash out an additional £199 for two parade laps in the A352), but when pay-day arrives I shall get some rubber, by which time I'll hopefully have fitted the necessary Range Rover studs.

Regards, Mick

Dpaz 15th April 2018 11:38

It sure ain't been a good winter for the car port and unheated garage people.
Yesterday was just warm enough to spray the nose and wing of my Marlin, now I just: have to wait for another warm day for the lacquer coat. :violin:

Mick O'Malley 9th May 2018 16:41

After a rest day following my energetic weekend, I decided to offer up my exhaust. I rolled the beast out of the cave, recruited my son and attempted to remove the body - first time this year. It seemed strangely heavy and my son said it felt attached. A quick check revealed that I had left the gear change linkage attached. The M6 bolt that I'd dropped through the clevis and the clevis itself were bent. Aaaaagh! I managed to lever the bolt out with my wrecking bar, and the strangely lightened body came away with ease :rolleyes:.

I dug out my pre-owned stainless exhaust and the Canley Classics fitting kit and consulted my Spitfire manual to try and make head or tail of the bits. No luck, not even a diagram :(. I offered the long pipe up to the manifold and it sat nicely between the chassis rails, but none of the Canley bits seemed a likely candidate for attaching it to the front diff hanger bridge. Luckily, there was a rubber mounted bracket on it in the correct position already, so I was able to fabricate a hanger from some 3mm galvanised sheet I had knocking about and, using one of the Canley 42mm clamps, secure the rear of the pipe. It was clear then that the back box would have to be suspended from the Monaco's rear 'floor'. Exhaust progress suspended!

I then turned back my attention to my recently damaged gear linkage. Fortunately, left over from my demon extended A352 gear remote, I had a spare to replace the bent one: ten minutes and it was done :).

Whilst on gear change duty I then set about putting a little more bend into the lever, which a trial had revealed would result in bruised knuckles on the dashboard in 1st and 3rd. I stripped it out, clamped it in the vice just below the existing bend and, with the knob thread protected with a big nut, cold set it with a 4' length of 1" box slipped over the top. Perfecto!

I then quit whilst I was ahead.

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 15th May 2018 05:48

Having fitted the long section of the exhaust, and the long metal fuel pipe which I P clipped to the side of the frame (I forgot to photograph this), I bought two heavy duty exhaust bobbins fondly imagining that the back box would soon be hanging from them. With the body replaced I offered up the box and immediately realised that it wouldn't do :(.

It would be possible for me to construct a bracket attached to the body to support the right hand end but it would be very ugly, but in the wrong way, not in keeping with the overall Monaco ugliness. It also only just cleared the bottom angle bracket attaching the Mini fuel tank to the floor. Hot exhaust and fuel, what could possibly go wrong?

I'll buy a longitudinal back box and offer that up.

Regards, Mick

Mick O'Malley 1st June 2018 05:27


Originally Posted by Mick O'Malley
I'll buy a longitudinal back box and offer that up.

The Saturday before last, on my way back from the Beaulieu Spring Autojumble, the diff. on my A352 gave up the ghost, resulting in my being towed the last 20 miles home. My go-to for Triumph parts is 'Spitfire Steve' who has met my requirements on many occasions. A 'phone call secured not only a replacement diff. but the longitudinal back box I needed. He kindly exchanged it for the transverse one FOC. Result!

The sole snag with the replacement was the 2" inlet stub which wouldn't mate with the 1 5/8" pipe. I'd hit this problem with the TR6 exhaust I'd fitted to the A352 and had found an excellent supplier of stepped connectors in stainless steel which I again used.

These are made to order and despatched 1st class by return for the princely sum of £10, including the clamps. Top service!

Regards, Mick

Dpaz 1st June 2018 07:37

Lovely job Mick but do tell about exhaust supplies. :gossip:

Mister Towed 1st June 2018 16:19


Originally Posted by Dpaz (Post 95333)
Lovely job Mick but do tell about exhaust supplies. :gossip:

Ditto, I need a couple of adaptors to fit some motorcycle silencers to a stainless twin setup on my Speedster.

Mick O'Malley 2nd June 2018 05:19

The supplier trades as 'everyexhaustpart' on Ebay. His score is 64154 transactions at 99.9% positive. This is him outside Ebay.

Regards, Mick

froggyman 2nd June 2018 07:33

Thanks for sharing 'Every Exhaust Part'.

Mick O'Malley 3rd June 2018 06:44

The Last Lap - Maybe
The nice man delivered this spiffing Ebay item the other day. The hydraulic seals have been renewed and it was mine for only £75 including carriage. Result! They're Spitfire, for those of you unfamiliar.

I now have everything I need for final assembly, apart from whatever will need doing to the as yet uninvestigated front brakes.

Regards, Mick

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