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Ex-Biker 4th December 2006 13:03

Lots looking . . .
not many posting though.

I've noticed that there are a lot of people viewing this site recently. However there are not many new threads getting posted and there doesn't seem to be much input on threads that are up.

Why is that?

Fuoriserie 4th December 2006 17:14


I experienced the same thing when I posted some of my past sketches, just to get feedback or comments.

It seems that very few are interested in talking about kitcars in general, the future of this industry, I remember one of the threads that almost ended up in a fight.....

I remember that one of the comments in "the Future of the industry," was pretty much, "who cares about this stuff, let's talk about building the kit!!!".

Very few are posting threads other than, what is related to a certain build, or problem with a particular kit.

That is fine, but I believe we should all broaden the scope and have a larger view of things, than just finishing the build of their kit!, as important as it is for the fun of driving, is not the ultimate end of this forum.

Some of us don't own a kit, just like myself, but I still like to discuss other issues, that most in this forum have very little interest in sharing.

Lately I avoid posting anything here, sorry John ...:(,...... a few of us come from PH, and that is you,John, Ferg, Kartman, Spartan Andy, Kitcarman, and a few others that I know less.

But there is very little interaction and bonding on certain parts of this forum, and believe that the "General Chatter", is considered the least interesting part of this site..

Why I don't know, but that is what i feel and see through some of the threads.
I post on regular basis on Ph, and get replys, here people just lurk and move on!!!,no interest in discussing. sharing or even having fun, with a joke.

John has done a great job with this site, but this part of the forum is of very little interst to most.
I even think that if it was eliminated, very few would notice of the change...

I think this is more of a "Solve the problem kitcar site", than an open forum for like minded enthusiasts.

Maybe I sound a little harsh, but I mean no harm, it's just what comes through most of the threads in this part of the Forum...

Still like the site, but it's almost like a Take Away, you eat as fast and leave, it's a shame but that is the feeling

Please see it as constructive critisism,.this site has potential, but......
Just my 2cents.

Talk to you soon

JG 4th December 2006 17:36

It's always had that problem though. Getting kit car peeps to talk about kit cars has been an up hill struggle (hopefully as they are too busy building kit cars :juggle: )

Even with the gazillion more people that attend PH (and it is a huge number) the kit car section is not always that busy although I agree that it can be (boom or bust a lot of the time)

I'll open it up to the community, how do you want to go forward? Do some of you want to moderate sections of the forum to give an incentive to promote it?

I'm seriously considering a Madabout Kitcars club stand at Stoneleigh next year, would people be interested in this, bringing along their cars etc etc.

All ideas welcome.


andy 4th December 2006 19:59

I guess I am another one guilty of viewing a lot but not posting, being hounest I mainly don't post as there isn't a lot of activity.

maybe if there was less thread lists as I am sure this makes it look like there are less posts than there actually are. PH is a good example, it only has one thread area dedicated to Kit cars and it feels its not hard to follow.

Maybe if the default was a single list that was able to be filtered as each new topic has to be flagged in a particular topic area?

kitcarman 4th December 2006 20:05

You’re sounding a bit down John M8.

I reckon this is a good site: and I wish I had more time to put into it.

Perhaps we should try pooling our resources? I could do with a better web-site (which already has a big audience – in top 3 of most search engines) whilst you could do with more traffic. We could surely be of mutual benefit to each other.

PS – My medication is working. I’ll be completely back to normal in… errr… a few years!

peterux 4th December 2006 21:22

Don't change the forum, it's great the way it is....
Let the forums specialise like they do. I bet a lot of people, like me, read both.

But they have diffrent objectives.

PH is all about the the industry news, opinion and design, whereas MAKC is great for builders with specific problems and picking up building tips for newbies.

It's a bit like magazines, you buy EVO and Car Mechanics, but for diffrent reasons (You do buy both, don't you??)

John, don't change your site, it serves a great public service for builders, especially Marlin ones.

Oh, dear that's a bit opinionated, perhaps I should have posted on PH?

There you see.........

Ex-Biker 4th December 2006 21:55

I really don't think there is anything wrong with the site itself, it is just encouraging people to join in the topics.

The News is good, but could do with more updating. I guess if you worked with Den, that could become a bigsection with lots of up to date stuff. It could benefit you both as some manufacturers issue news here which a mag could follow up, whereas a mag gets news that it could post.

The articles is good, but very few people want to post a story. Strange thing is, as long as it is about cars, it can be a funny story, a rant, build stories or what you did on your travels. Be nice if more people got involved in that area.

I think the stand is a good idea. John, have you ever just gone round a show handing out leaflets with info about the site? I'm sure manufacturers (like Marlin & Vortex) would appreciate a site where builders could go. I know many established brands have their own, but many don't. Additionally the more manufacturers that know of the site, the more news you will get.

I was amazed when the 5exi build forum got more threads than the general chat, but if there were more forums like the 2 Marlin ones, more people would visit & want to go on general chat.

This site compares well to PH. Although certain peopla are all allowed on here there is no real bickering and there is a really friendly atmosphe (if you can say that about a forum).

Come on 'lurkers' introduce yourselves, tell us what you like about the site and what you don't.

Bad stuff can always be corrected. John needs to know what to change though.

JG 4th December 2006 22:41

Thanks for all your thoughts peeps.

I am happy with the way the forum is going, more people posting would be great as this will obviously benefit everyone but being realistic we are dealing with a niche market so it will never be on a scale of PH (although I'm quite proud of 2000 people a day visiting this little corner of the web)

I'll hold my hand up and admit that I'm not the quickest off the block at the moment in keeping the site up to date but I have a few other sites to maintain and a day job so it's not easy and this is in part is why I've not actively promoted the site other than online. The idea of promoting the site at shows is a good one though and makes sense.

I would like to expand the build section as it has proved extremely worthwhile and in turn with more people coming to that part of the forum the general chatter section should populate naturally. I will also be pruning a section or two.

There is more to come though but development is proving very slow. I've previously promised a build diary section, this will be coming soon..ish, which I think will add another dimension to the site, also there is another kit car site coming soon, so there is a master plan going on in the background, it just takes a lot of time to get to fruition.

Keep your thoughts coming.

Cheers, John

Ferg 9th December 2006 17:03

Sadly I have simply run out of interesting things to say... I suppose it had to happen sometime, it's just a shame it happened before I died.

JG 9th December 2006 17:43


Originally Posted by Ferg (Post 5633)
Sadly I have simply run out of interesting things to say... I suppose it had to happen sometime, it's just a shame it happened before I died.


Goes looking for a grim reaper smiley

Fuoriserie 10th December 2006 15:20


Originally Posted by Ferg (Post 5633)
Sadly I have simply run out of interesting things to say... I suppose it had to happen sometime, it's just a shame it happened before I died.

I know these symptoms....they are telling you need to change a few defenitely need a new Kit!!!:smile:.

Time for a change and a new challenges, you should look for a new project for 2007.......

See you at Stoneleigh with your new kitcar purchase,.......:rockon:

DeeJayHarry 11th December 2006 22:26

Hi Fuoriserie,

You are so right. I got so many cr*p comments from the anally retented brigade. (The one's with a toothbrush up their exhausts at shows).

So I've abandoned it, bought a pair of Harley front forks on ebay and started over for 2007: -

Sad Nova Owner

Fuoriserie 12th December 2006 08:24


Originally Posted by DeeJayHarry (Post 5649)
Hi Fuoriserie,

You are so right. I got so many cr*p comments from the anally retented brigade. (The one's with a toothbrush up their exhausts at shows).

So I've abandoned it, bought a pair of Harley front forks on ebay and started over for 2007: -

Sad Nova Owner

Hi DeeJayHarry
Nice new project and i'm sure it will be fun to drive. .....and it does help to change perspective once in awhile!.

Do you still own the Nova?, it is a nice project car and it lends itself to a nice styling update....


kartman 12th December 2006 19:46

Welcome aboard DeeJayHarry.....

Italo....sadly many sites are of this problem....many looking but not posting.

I am guilty of not providing material for John....especially when I have offered to write an article!

How about a club listing to get this as the central hub for all kit car clubs?

DeeJayHarry 12th December 2006 23:08

Hi Kartman
Thanks for your welcome:wink:

Hiya Italo, yes I have the Nova on the road. The Sad picture in your Gallery is at the Modified Nationals Show at Rockingham Raceway, June this year.

Just abandoned it in the garage after coming back from Exeter. Will take it to Brands, Detling, Stoneleigh and Newark next year. Then, hopefully, will have the Trike Taxed and tested for the Ace Cafe meets.

The Nova will get it's long awaited makeover after twelve consecutive years at Stoneleigh. Won't be restyling it though as it's the only Mk1 in existance that hasn't been got at by the boy drillers:cool:

When F40's slow down for you on the motorways to take photos and wave you on so they can video it:icon_razz: Thats style enough:bounce:


Fuoriserie 14th December 2006 08:03

The Nova is the kitcar that made it in the international scene, and the design of it was and still is today, great.
You could call it the the exoticar for the masses, with it's Vw chassis, it gave everyone, a possible or realistic dream car.

Even if the car was more show, than go, this car made the kit Industry and gave more credibility to it, in the 70's and 80's, and no other product has since, apart from the seven replicas in Europe, and Cobra's in the States, have had the same appeal.

Only dune buggies have had the same inpact and a lasting effect in the industry, and still based on the VW chassis.

This car can be found globally, from Europe, to the Americas, Africa, Australia and many other parts of the world.

Keep your Nova original, and cherish it as a design icon for the future generations..

Will try to see it at Stoneleigh next year and meet you there


JG 16th December 2006 07:49


Originally Posted by DeeJayHarry (Post 5649)
Hi Fuoriserie,

You are so right. I got so many cr*p comments from the anally retented brigade. (The one's with a toothbrush up their exhausts at shows).

So I've abandoned it, bought a pair of Harley front forks on ebay and started over for 2007: -

Sad Nova Owner


Was it yourself that submitted the picture of the 'Sad Nova Owner', I can change the wording if not...

Cheers, John

JG 16th December 2006 07:51


Originally Posted by kartman (Post 5654)

How about a club listing to get this as the central hub for all kit car clubs?

Do you mean this?


JG 16th December 2006 09:55

It would seem that a meet up at Stoneleigh has aroused a lot of interest. It would be nice to meet up.

Would be a great site to see a load of 5exis', sportsters, phantoms and all other cars that people have lined up on a Madabout stand. :hippie:

If enough people give a definate 'yes' to displaying their car on a Madabout club stand (need enough for both days) then I'll get the ball rolling.

Ideas for the weekend would also be welcome. My brothers got an extremely cool BBQ made from a Mini that would go down well, Could even bring a generator along (if someones got one) to power a few computers running the Madabout site on them. Could also have awards during the weekend aswell.:first: :second: :third:

And for the benefit of Jerry, if this goes ahead I'll get some T-shirts made up :dance:


PS, I will have to clear this with the missus as Stoneleigh always falls around the time of my daughters birthday and our wedding anniversary :doh:

BIG_Fella 16th December 2006 11:58

I am up for this even if the 5exi-r is not finished
I could get a trailer and bring it up part built :wacko:
T Shirts:dance: :dance: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :bolt:

I have started a list of how is going please add names and your kitcar if you are taking one

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