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casamolino 9th August 2015 17:03

Afternoon my car is home safe and sound after a 250 mile test drive , a quick word of warning to anybody considering buying a complete car or set of body panels from Tribute , be prepared to be asked what it is when ever you stop and the people who have major head turning moments is fun , must know get the air con sorted or was Saturday the 8th the last good day of summer , Geoff .

Roadster 9th August 2015 17:19

Looks great
Was the 250 miles all motorway or did you have some more scenic elements en route?

Mister Towed 9th August 2015 17:22

Very nice indeed. I do like the wheels, they really suit it and don't give away the modern origin of the donor. Looking forward to seeing it painted, silver I believe?

Oh, nearly forgot to ask, has it been lowered?

redratbike 9th August 2015 17:55

I bet you smiled for every 250 of them ....looks great

y cymro 9th August 2015 18:53

You jammy bugger :smile: Car looks great, wheels really suit it, and the finish 'out of the box' gives a period look.
Fabulous, and no doubt well worth the wait. You must be absolutely chuffed.

casamolino 9th August 2015 18:56

M5 up until Worcester then scenic Kidderminster Telford way , its not lowered yet! still thinking dark Blue , pretty sure all the Tribute 250SWBs will be Blue , Geoff . PS anyone recommend a sound deadening supplier?

WorldClassAccident 9th August 2015 19:23

Loving that and already regretting asking Chris to delay my delivery to the end of September.

Mine will be black though.

Sound proofing?

Stick on silvered tar strips stop body panels resonating (my boot) and ear plugs are great for ignoring passengers

LiteGrz 9th August 2015 19:34

Sound Deadening
2 options we have used.

1) Dynamat

They sell pre-cut kits (ours was a 67 Mustang. Great results.), and in stock size sheets you cut to application.

2) A Buddy used "Thermwell" foil backed duct insulation from the hardware store.

Here is his webpage about it :

Your car is looking great! +2 to you and to Chris / Dan !

y cymro 9th August 2015 19:57

I've heard of people using aluminium flashing tape with good results. Available from B&Q and such like

Mitchelkitman 9th August 2015 20:43

IMHO that looks great as is without any lowering. Wheels do indeed look good - what are they? I like the fuel flap (exactly as I would use), is it possible to reach the original filler cap without any modification?

hurnleft 9th August 2015 20:43

Looks great Geoff, glad to see you're on the road now.

Has the door lock issue been resolved now?

Cheers, Bob.

Mister Towed 10th August 2015 06:59


Originally Posted by Mitchelkitman (Post 70096)
IMHO that looks great as is without any lowering. Wheels do indeed look good - what are they? I like the fuel flap (exactly as I would use), is it possible to reach the original filler cap without any modification?

Agree the stance looks right to me without lowering which is a first on one of these - must be your wheel and tyre choice. What size are the tyres btw?

gas guzzler 10th August 2015 08:14

Looks great, the more I see the 250 the more I like. Which is odd as the 250 is one of my all time favourite cars so didn't think it would be right. Are you badging it as a Ferrari? Be interested to see one parked alongside a real one, or has someone already done that?


Danny_HUFC 10th August 2015 09:34

The car looks great as it is, i think you will regret lowering it after driving it around as it is on stock springs. I thinkyou have the tyre sizes just right to give it a good look without dropping it.

WorldClassAccident 10th August 2015 11:13

Think carefully about lowering, I lowered the front of mine

I had a few issues as a result

Car photographer 10th August 2015 13:07

looking great!!

casamolino 10th August 2015 18:07

Good evening thanks for all the positive words , I will investigate the info provided about the sound deadening , the wheels are the famous Minilites (well famous to anybody who remembers rallying in the 60s/70s) originally made by Tech Del Ltd and currently being made in Telford , the wheels on my car were made in Telford and designed for an E type Jag , one word of warning it is possible to buy a cheaper Minilite copy made in China (there are plenty of the Chinese ones on Ebay , the tyres on my car are Pirelli P6000 185/65/15 V rated , nearly new but part worn imports from Germany , not everyone will want to go the part worn route but they were exactly the right size (and price) for the look I was aiming at , thanks Geoff .

casamolino 10th August 2015 18:11

Just noticed two more questions , the filler cap is easily reachable without it having been modified , may be badged as Pininfarina no decision yet , Geoff .

Paul L 11th August 2015 07:02

Casamolino – Hi Geoff, great to see you have your car and are pleased with it. :cool:

I know that Chris and Dan have worked wonders with this design, but you also deserve a lot of credit for starting the ball rolling on this great addition to the Tribute range.

Enjoy driving / finishing it, Paul. :)

What a great looking MOT station. :cool:

casamolino 12th August 2015 06:53

Thanks Paul , Geoff .

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