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casamolino 17th January 2016 09:34

Thanks Paul , Geoff .

Ironmike226 7th February 2016 10:44

Any SWB 250s in Australia please?
new member from Melbourne Australia.
I have built road and race cars including Australia's Bolwell Nagari but Our rules are different to yours for getting cars approved for road use - and vary from state to state. I was hoping you may have sold a 250swb kit to someone from the state of Victoria so I can get an idea of what and how it may be achieved?
PS I love the banter and the 250swb and am keen to see one in the flesh.

Tribute Automotive 7th February 2016 11:07


Originally Posted by Ironmike226 (Post 74799)
new member from Melbourne Australia.
I have built road and race cars including Australia's Bolwell Nagari but Our rules are different to yours for getting cars approved for road use - and vary from state to state. I was hoping you may have sold a 250swb kit to someone from the state of Victoria so I can get an idea of what and how it may be achieved?
PS I love the banter and the 250swb and am keen to see one in the flesh.

Hi Mike. Our SWB kits have only made it as far as Europe so far, but we may be sending out a similar kit to New Zealand later this year, so shipping costs look favourable. Send me an email on to discuss further.

Ironmike226 7th February 2016 22:55

Thank you Geoff. I will have to do some research at my end to see what the go is these days as unfortunately the Govt is making is harder to do this these days...

WorldClassAccident 8th February 2016 08:38

Might be worth looking at the Z300S as that does require the removal of the front crash bar. I don't think there are any structural changes required at all, 'simply' unbolt the BMW body and bolt on the Tribute on from Chris

Ironmike226 8th February 2016 09:11

Thanks, for the advice as I didn't know I would have less accident protection?
Unfortunately, I WANT the SWB, unless Geoff decides to build a LWB 250GT Zagato kit?

PS. Geoff, I reckon your SWB would be an excellent starting point for an Aston Martin DB4 Zagato kit too..

WorldClassAccident 8th February 2016 11:26

I know what you mean about the SWB. I got Chris to fit a SWB bonnet to my Z300S so now I have the choice of front ends depending on my mood

FYI - Chris is the builder, Geoff is the customer

casamolino 14th February 2016 14:01

Good afternoon , I have finally finished fitting my new (half/leather seats) , the problem was that the runners that are available when fitting replacement seats do not have enough distance between the mounting points to suite the Z3 , I ended up using two pieces of 50mmX3mm flat steel plate to fit the runners to and the bolt the new plates to the existing Z3 mounting points , Geoff .

molleur 14th February 2016 14:03

Very nice!

hurnleft 14th February 2016 14:21

They look good Geoff, glad to see the interior moving forwards as you may have ideas I can 'borrow' when I get on with mine.

Nubodi Automotive 14th February 2016 14:37

Well done with the colour choice Geoff, top job. Were they cobra seats originally?

casamolino 14th February 2016 15:06


Originally Posted by Nubodi Automotive (Post 75010)
Well done with the colour choice Geoff, top job. Were they cobra seats originally?

Hi Richard no they were not.What I do need are two seatbelt stalks , the existing Z3 stalks stayed with the seats (which I have just sold to a Polish Z3 breaker from Wroclaw , they picked them up this morning at 06:45 in a van that was going back to Poland).The Z3 needs stalks that will take a 25mm buckle most modern cars have a 20/21mm , if anybody has done similar what stalk did you use? thanks Geoff .

Nubodi Automotive 14th February 2016 15:29

What you need are E36 (3 series) rear seat belt stalks. These are cheap and short and fit your existing male part. The Z3 ones are on a horrible bracket that would put it up on show too much so dont morn their departure!

By the way I dont think the packing tape gear lever idea will catch on...

TynoPrime 14th February 2016 17:08

Those seats are gorgeous. can i ask where you got them? or did you get seats reupholstered in the blue?


casamolino 14th February 2016 18:17


Originally Posted by Nubodi Automotive (Post 75014)
What you need are E36 (3 series) rear seat belt stalks. These are cheap and short and fit your existing male part. The Z3 ones are on a horrible bracket that would put it up on show too much so dont morn their departure!

By the way I dont think the packing tape gear lever idea will catch on...

Richard thank you for the info , Geoff . PS I am going to spray the packing tape Black ,

casamolino 14th February 2016 18:18


Originally Posted by TynoPrime (Post 75017)
Those seats are gorgeous. can i ask where you got them? or did you get seats reupholstered in the blue?


Evening Gordon the seats were made from new by Intatrim (Telford) , Geoff .

Mechanik 14th February 2016 18:37


Originally Posted by casamolino (Post 75023)
Richard thank you for the info , Geoff . PS I am going to spray the packing tape Black ,

Oh that's ok then...

casamolino 19th March 2016 09:30

Good morning , i have never been happy with the action of the bonnet release on my car both when it was a standard Z3 and after the SWB panels were fitted , it was a concern that if the mechanism failed it would be extremely difficult to lift the bonnet . So i have changed it by removing the internal release the connecting cable and the associated mechanism from the front scuttle , in its place i have had a nut welded to each side .

I have replaced the existing brackets that hold the grill in position with more substantial items and had a hole drilled in each one , then had approx 4" long 17mm bolts fitted , that then screw into the welded on nuts .

To allow for adjustment and to give the bonnet something to rest on i then fitted two bolts into the scuttle .

The brackets will be coming off today and getting a coat of Satin Black , Geoff .

Nubodi Automotive 19th March 2016 09:38

Hi Geoff
Nice modification
For a few pennies more you should get them powder coated black as they will be attacked by stones where they are mounted. Probably £10 the pair, a tin of satin will be at least £5.

Mikewade 19th March 2016 21:02

I can understand how the bolts on the top would allow for up and down movement, but wouldn't the two bolts that go through the grill prevent that? Unless the plate at the back of the grill is itself adjustable for height, or has slots in it?

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