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gas guzzler 10th July 2016 09:26

Love the colour of this car, reminds me of a Scalextric 250 (blue with red interior) I had back in the 60's, have loved the 250 ever since then.


Just found one on ebay

casamolino 14th August 2016 19:17

Good evening all , i needed to go to B+Q on Friday last and decided to go in the SWB , jumped in fired it up and instead of idling smoothly at about 1200 when cold , it idled lumpily at 750 when i flicked the accelerator it cut out and would not restart . Did the B+Q run then tried starting again eventually fired up but idled roughly , decided at this point to check the plugs (nu 1) which was black so walked down to the local accessory shop in the village to buy a set (6) of NGK`s finest , £52 after discount , the guy in the shop suggested that the plugs would probably not be the problem but suggested buying a "coil pack" then testing each coil pack in turn till the faulty one was found . This was about 13:30 they ordered one in to arrive before 16:15 , which it did , as the coil pack was off Nu1 i replaced that one turned the engine over and after a few seconds sprung into life (happy days) have been back to the shop to say thank you and have ordered another as a spare . I am pretty sure my first car a 997cc Ford Anglia did not have coil packs and seemed to run OK! thanks Geoff .

Jaguartvr 14th August 2016 20:41

It's worth buying some 2nd hand coil packs from Ebay. My wife had an E46 and it used to eat coil packs. Bought a set of 6 from Ebay for £25. Left a couple in the boot and kept the rest on the shelf. Had gone through half of them by the time the car was sold.

zagmad 26th September 2016 18:40

Hi Geoff got ya message . Will look nice when finished. But I'm guessing if it was to become a product Chris would need at least 10-15 sales to make it worth the effort. All the shape is their. Ive bought a different bonnet bulge that was on a 2600 coupe and looks custom period. I'm just hoping my donor is still alive to be able to drive after all of chris's effort. After the gearbox gave up on me the car and parts and labour mechanically owes quite a bit.

casamolino 18th December 2016 19:46

Good evening , i haven`t used the SWB for a couple of weeks so i decided one Saturday to give it a run , the battery has been weak for some time so i wasn`t to hopeful , well it would hardly turn over and also threw up an EML on the dash . The following weekend with new battery in hand (well two) that was fitted the engine now turned over as you would imagine but would still not fire . Back in Summer before the trip to Italy a coil pack has failed and the symptoms were the same this time , this time i decided to replace all 6 coilpacks , they were ordered and fitted the following weekend a really easy job . So back into the car ignition on (still with an EML) and engine turned over but would not fire immediately i kept it turning over and eventually it fired up although the exhaust note didn`t sound right , after a couple of minutes running at approx 2500 rpm i tried the idling , it would idle but at 500 rather than 650/700 which it usually did . I decided it was time to go out for a drive , the engine ran but with little power . I called in at the local garage to ask the guys there to connect there tester to the cars engine mgmt system , it showed a number of fault as expected , they reset the system and then reset the EML , there was an immediate change in engine note and the idling changed to 650/700 , the mechanic who i spoke to told me that when a coil pack fails the engine mgmt system cuts the fuel to that cylinder and so my car had been running on 5 until the EML is reset , after another drive to check i can confirm we have 6 working cylinders and the exhaust note is back , if anybody else has a similar problem hope this helps , thanks Geoff .

IanA 19th December 2016 19:47


Originally Posted by casamolino (Post 84912)
... I called in at the local garage to ask the guys there to connect their tester to the cars engine mgmt system...

It's worth getting a universal OBDII (Onboard Diagnostics Display) reader for about £35 on eBay to check for fault codes yourself. That's about half of what most garages will charge just to hook their's up to your car.
You can read the codes, see what they relate to and delete them yourself.

landmannnn 19th December 2016 20:35

Not with a Z3, but i have found that flat batteries can really upset the computers running the car. It could be that the flat battery caused the EML and the car decided to take some action!

casamolino 26th February 2017 18:13

Good evening all , if you have followed my thread you will be aware that my car was an early build (By Tribute) following Bob`s , at that time it was to early for the front edge of the door/bonnet mod , since then a number of companies/individuals have carried out that mod and that gap/look is much improved , so my question is , is there somebody prepared to quote for the work to be done to my car? in an ideal world it would not be at the other end of the country (i live in Cheshire) but that`s what may happen , please PM me , many thanks Geoff .

hurnleft 1st April 2017 16:06

Very nice work Jeff, I'm sure Geoff is very pleased.

Interesting to see 3 cars together so we can see the slight differences we make when we build them. I expect that's the most there's been together in one photo.


DaveP 1st April 2017 17:01

Great thread thank you ! Really interesting to see the results of great work.

Also seeing the cars next to each other shows how some small details make such a difference. You might think Geoff's blue SWB had a slightly wider grill but it is just down to colour of both the car itself and the grill surround.

They do look excellent together.

My compliments to all three owners and especially builders.


WorldClassAccident 1st April 2017 17:57

You ought to post the pic of the three cars on Piston Heads or similar and ask them to identify the genuine one.

I can guarantee pages of posts pointing out who has the fuel filler in the correct place, who has the correct indicators etc...

I am really looking forward to the Owners Club BBQ in June with 10 cars all lined up

Barber 1st April 2017 18:23

Top work Jeff, well done, a noticable improvement

Jaguartvr 1st April 2017 18:24

These hardtops.....................common as muck!

I do like the idea of putting the polyester primer on with a roller. I presume you used one of the small dense gloss foam rollers?

What was preventing the door from opening, looks as if it was only partially opening.

casamolino 1st April 2017 20:41

Evening all back home safe and sound , a quick message then on to the Peroni , i had decided to buy one of the SWB dashes that Richard at Nubodi has produced so was going to call in on the way north , but on the way there i had some negative financial news and decided now was not the time to buy one .Anyway i carried on to advise Richard that i would no longer be buying a dash , he had one with the instruments fitted (as per the Number 7 car build) to show and it really does look the part , thanks Geoff .

redratbike 2nd April 2017 09:12

Negative financial news .....yep we've all been there

Must admit the dash is "the" finishing touch now by the looks of it

casamolino 2nd April 2017 09:24

Morning the following picture is the dash that Richard showed me yesterday

Forgot to mention in my post yesterday evening how good the bodywork looks , good enough that the other half is impressed!!!!! Geoff .

Jaguartvr 2nd April 2017 09:42

All 3 cars look superb but the rear screen on 69 VPG really is a fantastic finishing touch.
I wonder if Lancelot Link could make them as he is already making a double mould for his headlights. Or might the company that makes them be able to offer them at a more reasonable price to Tribute? I'm sure he can't sell many a year but that could change if they were offered by Tribute. Just a small adjustment to the original mould, I'm sure Chris could do it in a weekend!
Is it just the edges of the rear screen that are curved?

Jaguartvr 2nd April 2017 11:59

I do love an optimist!!

casamolino 2nd April 2017 12:41

Afternoon the price for the gauges is £600 , Geoff .

lancelot link 2nd April 2017 14:38


Originally Posted by casamolino (Post 87180)
Afternoon the price for the gauges is £600 , Geoff .

Ouch !! so fibreglass only is £350 ? blimey !! makes my under £50 356 dashes a bit too cheap then !!

The dashboards are pretty though , Chris missed a trick not buying those moulds from the customer who subsequently offered them to Nubodi , in my opinion ...

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