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redratbike 2nd April 2017 16:08


Originally Posted by lancelot link (Post 87183)
Ouch !! so fibreglass only is £350 ? blimey !! makes my under £50 356 dashes a bit too cheap then !!

The dashboards are pretty though , Chris missed a trick not buying those moulds from the customer who subsequently offered them to Nubodi , in my opinion ...

So that where they came from ....I'd say a missed opportunity there

Mineheart 2nd April 2017 16:13

Ive got my car in at Nubodi for a complete dash conversion. Ive seen one nearly finished in Kevm's car and they look totally amazing. In comparison to the DNA offering at £960 +VAT for clock set and £1500 + VAT for dash and panels it's a rockin bargain. Ive seen both offerings and are equal quality.

Rich says though, the moulds they got did not fit at all and so they had to make their own. Also he asked me to say the No.7 project was conceived over 18 months ago and it was only 6 months ago he found out about the Automirage car after all the parts and paint has been bought. It worked out well though as automirages are five times the price and builds 100k+.

The N0.7 car looks even better in the flesh, which shows what is possible, Rich says they have a four car stand at Stoneleigh.

Paul L 2nd April 2017 18:53

casamolino - Hi Geoff, it was a brave call to get the car re-worked after the initial painting.

But it looks amazing and I am sure you agree it was worth the effort. :cool:

Finally, I hope the negative financial news isn't too serious.

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Jeff H - Your workmanship really is top class. :cool:

I've added a few of the 250 SWB "Family Photos" to the Useful Links tread

Can I just ask what is the difference between the "polyester primer" and the "high build primer"?

Cheers, Paul. :)

lancelot link 2nd April 2017 19:36


Originally Posted by Mineheart (Post 87186)
Ive got my car in at Nubodi for a complete dash conversion. Ive seen one nearly finished in Kevm's car and they look totally amazing. In comparison to the DNA offering at £960 +VAT for clock set and £1500 + VAT for dash and panels it's a rockin bargain. Ive seen both offerings and are equal quality.

Rich says though, the moulds they got did not fit at all and so they had to make their own. Also he asked me to say the No.7 project was conceived over 18 months ago and it was only 6 months ago he found out about the Automirage car after all the parts and paint has been bought. It worked out well though as automirages are five times the price and builds 100k+.

The N0.7 car looks even better in the flesh, which shows what is possible, Rich says they have a four car stand at Stoneleigh.

You are right , the Nubodi one is cheap in comparison ...still an awful lot of money for what it is in my opinion ..but if people feel its the finishing touch ...I get that totally ...
Post some pictures of your car Meinheart , with the dash in place , can only help improve your sales ...

Sounds like Chris had a lucky escape if the dash moulds weren't fit for purpose ...

Jaguartvr 2nd April 2017 19:57

It will be nice to see Minehart and Nubodies cars on Nubodies stand at Stoneleigh at the same time.

Egdik 2nd April 2017 23:22

Door straps
Great write up on some very interesting work. Thank you.

An alternative to changing the door strap is to play with large C shaped spacers, where the bracket bolts on inside the door. Try a 5mm one at first.

smash 3rd April 2017 09:05

Geoff - car looks fabulous! I'm already softening Jeff up to maybe get the front redone on mine - and no, it's absolutely not why everyone is I've discovered, a year is a long time in the lifespan of Tribute GRP and mine is sinking a lot at the front. There's a wide band of pulling all round the separate bonnet panel (where the inner skin is bonded - WTF was the point of putting an inner skin on anyway?) and both that panel and the scuttle on the front clip have matting pattern starting to show its outlines through the paint.

Dash looks great - if you've ever priced up a set of clocks let alone custom ones I'd say they don't look expensive. It's horses for courses I guess - what would people expect to pay? A lot of people were asking for a dash - hard to comment on photos but it looks true and appears to have a functional locking glove box. If it's a decent bit of GRP i.e. hasn't changed shape in a years time(!) then it doesn't seem a bad investment for such a radical change in the interior look.

kevemm 3rd April 2017 15:09

All the cars
Guys all the cars look really good great photo K

swifty 3rd April 2017 19:40

Love the photo's of the three cars in a line.

Three very proud owners i would think and well done to the builders.

The detail of the dash is in my opinion a must all be it at a cost but one thing that spoils a quality build is when the interior gives away the donor car.

kevemm 3rd April 2017 20:16

Could not agree more that's always been the poor thing about the cars, the interior still looking like a BMW. Fantastic lines shape and then that interior! Leaving it looking like a 1990's car inside with that beautiful body just never seems right to me.

I am sure everyone has fell in love with that 1960's 250 swb shape so why have it looking like a 1990's car inside? Everything is personal of course but when its all said an done if we all loved the Z3 so much why would we go to all the effort and expense of making the external look anything like one?

That's what you should ask yourself peoples!

casamolino 9th May 2017 07:12

Good morning before investing in a new dashboard i decided to try an build! some instruments that would look appropriate , first off i bought a spare Z3 instrument binnacle , this would allow me to see what was possible before taking the dash apart in my car .

The binnacle taken apart , the actual instruments are the 4 silver "plug in " units .
I removed the water temp and fuel gauge units , then after removing the internals from Smiths type 2" gauges fitted the BMW units to the rear of the Smiths gauges and fitted new dial faces (courtesy of Scott"Smash") .

The rusty Smiths gauges were cleaned up and the sprayed black inside and out .

It was much the same for the speedo and revcounter , but i used Jaeger dials from a 60s! Alfa bought from Ebay Germany for just £50 delivered , these were gutted cleaned up then the BMW units screwed to the rear the faces were changed to say Veglia .

I will be fitting them using short runs of cable with a female connector at the instrument end and a mail connector at the PCB end , nothing is tested yet so there may need to be adjustment made to the faces and also the position of the BMW units , but we shall see .

Waiting for a couple of VDO gauges to turn up Oil Pressure and Temp , to complete the set , Geoff .

kevemm 9th May 2017 08:11

Looking great !

Mister Towed 9th May 2017 09:01

Nice work indeed. Really hope they work straight out of the box.

smash 9th May 2017 10:15

Brilliant idea and they look awesome! (but they're not my templates!)

molleur 9th May 2017 18:13


casamolino 20th May 2017 08:48

Good morning thank you for all the replies , right how hard can it be to remove the dash from a Z3! as anybody would , first check Google and i used the following link .

I pretty much followed this although i did not move the steering column switches and where it states that the 2 small bolts below the centre vents are difficult to remove (that is an understatement) , 3 hours later it looked like this ,

The Brother label maker that work paid for came in useful for a change, the door cards are out as the window frames are currently being dipped and stove enameled , so will my BMW/Smiths gauges work ? Geoff .

Mister Towed 20th May 2017 09:15

Dash looking better already!

I do hope your hybrid gauges work as I've a mind to do the same with a set of Ford Puma gauges for my 356 project.

casamolino 20th May 2017 10:07

I finished off the removal at 8 this morning after seeing the weather forecast and as Paul would say "rain stops play" , Geoff .

DaveP 20th May 2017 10:59

Wow. You're a braver man than me. That looks like some job. Good luck putting it back together.

Now wish I had 'liberated' the work label maker when I left. But saying that it be inappropriate so I didn't even type this thought out loud.

ericholm 20th May 2017 11:00

Wow Geoff thats committment for sure! Goodluck with all the wiring, sounds like you have it planned out. :icon_eek: :thumb:

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