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Chris are those hinges fixed or adjustable?
About the frame for the sliding windows,is this welded into the doors or bolted?.........is there a mounting rail or something in the door opening for a rubber seal or do you have to figure something out yourself? René |
Finalised side window frames will be show in the next few days. They are bolted to the Z3 doors and will include double channel rubber seals, Land Rover latches and toughened glass. |
René |
http://i1046.photobucket.com/albums/...pstjuymln1.jpg |
Nice. Very nice.
Whilst I would prefer the lazy boy option of windup windows, that is coming along nicely.
To state the bleeding obvious, and assuming it's the driver's side door shown in the photos, its worth pointing out that the forward glass should be fitted on the outside or we'll have wet arms even with a seal fitted. Also, if both windows were about the same length rather than large and small as presently, then the maximum opening available will be larger when a window is opened. Or is the amount of window opening limited by the frame shape so it can only be small? Good job though. |
Is it possible to use the old Z3 Window? On the new bodywork? Or do you have to install the new frame with the sliding window?
The roof shape is now all wrong and the only option would have been to use a BMW hardtop (or moulding of). Then combine the window area and front of the hard top with a much modified 250 rear roof. All possible but probably a major compromise on the appearance of a 250 and a lot of work. I decided the sliding windows would be fine. Cheers, Bob. |
Looking at the layout of those side windows, I'd say that the rear section is fixed and only the front slides.
That would also explain why the front section is shorter - it can be opened further for being short at the top as the limiting factor is the radius at the back of the top rail (a SWB signature feature so essential imho) stopping it from sliding any further back than about 2/3 of total window length. I appreciate that some people can't imagine living with a car that doesn't have all the convenience features that we've come to expect of a modern car, but in reality, the main reasons you need to open the side windows are for ventilation and to collect car park entry slips/pay motorway tolls. I'm going to pick a donor with a/c to tackle the first bit and you have to get out of a RHD car to pay European road tolls if you're on your own anyway, so I don't see having to get out occasionally when entering car parks or at the Dartford tunnel as that much of a problem. The people you're holding up behind you can huff, puff and toot all they like, they'll just be jealous and at least they'll have a view of one of the best looking rear ends in the whole history of automotive design. :) |
How do you put those windows into the frame?
I see 2 half frames with the rubber and windows snapped together and when they are a complete frame with windows mounted into the door or what? Is there also a kind of knob on one of the windows to make it open easy? |
See https://www.gov.uk/pay-dartford-crossing-charge for details. :noidea: |
That's bloody stupid imho. :doh: Okay, just read the link properly - you have until midnight the next day to pay the crossing fee. I guess they've taken down the barriers to ease the congestion and have ANPR cameras to record your registration as you cross. At least that means Polish truckers won't have to pay any more... |
My Merc is left hand drive and I can live with that as a daily driver despite the car park swipe at the customer site I mostly visit
Taking a closer look at Chris' photos I can see there are holes for a catch only in the front window so it's seems like only that one will open. A quick Google shows this is how they tended to be on racing Ferraris in period.
Good enough for Enzo, good enough for me. |
Reference your question about wheel size/offset I am starting a new tread on that subject and will add some definitive measurements next week when we have a kit properly fitted. |
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