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Old 29th June 2019, 05:49
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Location: Wembley, London
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Paul L is on a distinguished road

Deggsy - Cheers Derek.

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[Meatloaf] Two outta three ain't bad [/Meatloaf]

Started off by tidying up the edges of the two side panels.

Then overlaid my simple guide to where the framework sits behind the panels.

Before marking up and drilling a lot of holes, all of which had to be de-burred.

Then I started the process of fixing the main rear cockpit wall panel into place.

At the time, it seems to make sense to start at one end and work my way across.

Unfortunately, I should have started in the middle and worked my way out instead.

The reason I know this?

Well, as I hammered the panel flat and screwed it into position, the 'center' moved to the left.

Which meant a lot of the holes I'd made for the access panel were now in the wrong place.

Thankfully it was easy enough to enlarge some of the holes.

But for others, I ended up cutting out a 'path' from the main access panel hole.

So at this point, it looks a bit of a mess, but none of this will be seen when the access panel goes back on.

Thankfully, I remembered to leave the final few screws from the left hand edge at this point.

As I needed to test fit the driver's side corner panel.

This allowed me to mark up and drill some more holes in this panel.

By this point' I had learnt not to pre-drill the holes where the two panels would overlap.

Instead, I simply started at the top of the overlap and worked down one screw at a time.
- Carefully drilling out the alloy on the lower panel through the top panel hole.
- Then drilling the pilot hole in the plywood wall.
- Fix screw in place.
- Hammer panel flat and repeat.

By working my way down from the top edge, this was the final 'lumpy' join at the bottom.

End of Part 1…
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