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Old 12th March 2021, 09:16
Mick O'Malley Mick O'Malley is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 846
Mick O'Malley is on a distinguished road
Default Brake Saga (cont.)

A few weeks ago, when the weather permitted, I attempted to bleed the brakes once again, having re-made the metal pipes between the rear wheel cylinders and flexi pipes, using my Eezibleed. Once again, my flares proved leaky rubbish. I had bought the flaring kit after reading a few reviews which included words like 'acceptable'. Well, buy cheap, pay twice . This latest bleeding misadventure also revealed a leaking master cylinder. Disheartened, I abandoned work: I considered torching the annoying beast but I had no ammunition for my Very Pistol (geddit?).

A fresh burst of enthusiasm (from nowhere) last week saw me visiting Canley Classics' website and ordering said pipes. Now, those of you with long memories will recall my utter dissatisfaction with this firm when I ordered the Woodruff Key for the crankshaft pulley when I fitted new timing gear to the Vitesse engine in my A352. Reasoning that everyone deserves a second chance I came up trumps with delivery by return! This was also the case with the new master cylinder, which proved a doddle to fit, despite the severely limited access. Rubbish photo' alert, its the brake cylinder far side.

I fitted the new metal pipes using the old ones as guides to achieve the correct convolutions, bending them around a plug socket clamped in the vice to prevent kinking.

Right, thinks I, dig out the Eezibleed and I'll be driving it the same afternoon. Nope. The new master cylinder has a slightly different reservoir diameter and cap thread which none of the Eezibleed caps fits. Aaaaaaargh! Ah, but then I espy a universal cap is mentioned in the Eezibleed blurb for just such an eventuality. Bingo . Log on to Ebay and find that amongst the reviews for said cap there is not one over two stars out of five, with plenty of negative comments. Aaaaaaaaarg again! However, amongst the 'also searched for' suggestions was this which I thought worth a punt after reading the mainly positive reviews.

Undeterred by the less than PC description (one person, surely?) I purchased same which, again, came by return..... Yesterday I pitched in again and, joy of joy, it did what it said on the box. I now, at long long last, have a pedal. All that remains to do is, apart from minor cosmetics, to get the engine to run a little better and I can pluck up the courage to venture out on the road, doubtless with my son following armed with the towing bar. Pessimist, moi?

Regards, Mick
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