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Old 28th August 2021, 14:45
Lucky@LeMans Lucky@LeMans is offline
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Lucky@LeMans is on a distinguished road

Got there early today, met up with a couple of people, had a chat about the Formosa to a few interested parties and that was about it.

Down to just one hall this year and that was spaced out and sparse . The club areas are much reduced and spread out .

The "show" was running down by about 2.30 so it was time to go !

There was a German bloke who parked next to me in a Seven style car. He had come all the way to visit the show, don't know what he thought but he left before me !

A bit of a let down really, I think this type of show has had its day. The older halls that were once used as an area for selling your car are now taken by a company making prefab buildings. Much of the site has been handed over to HS2. Other parts of the site are run down and in a mess !
The organisers would do better by integrating with one of the larger "classic" shows, Stoneleigh as a venue has run its course.

Last edited by Lucky@LeMans; 29th August 2021 at 23:19..
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