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Old 6th January 2022, 08:27
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Originally Posted by Mitchelkitman View Post
I hope you won't mind me saying..... I may be wrong, but I think it's the "correct way" for the Uj's on the shaft to be 'in-phase' ie, lined up so they are a mirror image so that when the shaft turns it effectively stays the same length if that makes sense. If out of phase the shaft won't stay straight as it revolves? Obviously more important for a fast-moving item such as a prop shaft, but still probably improves things even for a steering column?
Took me a few minutes but I see what you mean. As far as I am aware it doesn't really apply to steering shafts. But I will do some Googling to check.
The problem with the first arrangement is that the UJ at the steering wheel end (the shiney new one) was running at about 38deg. According to the manufacturer (and some other wise sages :-) ) the maximum angle is 35deg otherwise you are in danger of wearing it out quickly and/or, in extreme cases, locking it up.

Cheers, Robin
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