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Old 30th January 2022, 14:08
Mick O'Malley Mick O'Malley is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 846
Mick O'Malley is on a distinguished road
Default Happy New Year - at last!

Ever since my 4.1 axle arrived, I've been nagging my offspring to move their stuff out of the cave, so that I could move the Marlin in from the landing strip. At long last my daughter and her partner got weaving a few days ago and took a full car load to the tip. Hooray! They left the cave untidier than before, but today I was able to rearrange and condense the remaining stuff (and my son's single bed, which one of these years he might do something about) into a compact area, releasing enough space for the car .

I'd promised the 1800cc B Series engine to my long standing Westfield XI owning friend for his MGA - a straight swap for its 1600cc lump, so I decided to lug the crane from my shed into the cave first. I then charged the Marlin's battery (which, amazingly, had kept plenty over the three months since disconnection) so that I could pump up its tyres to facilitate pushing to its new home. As soon as my pal down the road has time, this will be done and work can commence.

I've missed project work to the extent that I've actually done some gardening (AKA jungle clearance) in the interim. Amazing!

Updates may well now resume...

Regards, Mick
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