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Old 5th May 2024, 17:33
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MartinClan MartinClan is offline
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I have made the first of the two bonnet sides. A lot of carefull measuring involved as it is a big panel and didn't want to cock it up. The front and back edges are parallel but top and bottom are both set at an angle. the bottom to follow the chassis and the top to giving the bonnet a pleasing drop towards the front. The original panels were shot but useful as a double check.

The original bonnet side has a lot of folds at the edges not really necessary for strength. But it's actually a clever part of the design - the folded edges are what you actually see which means the 'orrible cut edges are hidden. Which is just as well as the originals seem to have been cut out with a jigsaw with the edges left rough. All done for speed of course. Anyway I made the replacement exactly the same way (I did clean up the edges), the only difference being I riveted the ally angle that strengthens the top rather than nut and bolting it in place as per the original.

It would be an understatement to say I am pleased with the result :-)
Just the other side and the bonnet tops now...

bonnet_side_making by Robin Martin, on Flickr

bonnet_side_1 by Robin Martin, on Flickr

bonnet_side_2 by Robin Martin, on Flickr
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