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Old 21st July 2011, 06:12
Inspace Inspace is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 58
Inspace is on a distinguished road
Exclamation Update

Just To keep others aware I have had No contact from anyone who is a satisfied customer of Classic Replicas UK. Or for that matter has a good word for Gordon Ainsley who owns Classic Replicas UK.

I have had contact from customers who have and are having the same experience with this company. Gordon Ainsley refuses to contact them. One previous customer has told me that he has been trying for over 4 years to get a car from Classic Replicas and has still no satisfaction. They also offered him the option of taking a part built car, incomplete in components, unregistered and with no build manual (because there isn't one).

Another customer who after the same process of delay and not receiving his car when promised, was offered the car but called Gordon's Ainsley's bluff and took the car from Classic Replicas workshop in Bridgwater. A very expensive mistake for him he reflects. The car was so badly build that most of it has had to be rebuilt. Front suspension out of line, rear suspension, out of line and an endless list of problems. These are all words from the customer to me.
There are others who tell me that his chassis will not pass the road safety registration so he is using Deon Chassis to get them passed (if he ever gets that far). This again is not my experience but a previous customer who has passed this information to me.

Gordon Aisley says the moulds are from an Original 246 Ferrari Dino. No one seems to believe this and I have spoken to lots of people trying to get the truth. The main thread that stays constant is he bought the Deon moulds from the company when it went bust. Owing him money as he owned a haulage company and transported their body's around.

NO ONE apart from Gordon Ainsley, has ever seen this Ferrari Dino that the moulds were taken from. It could be they just haven't come forward yet.
If your out there please come forward. I would love to speak to you?

I am not tired of receiving emails about this company so please keep them coming. If nothing else I can update others to make them aware what this company actually does to make money.

It may also serve to help those customers who still have no car from Classic Replicas UK, get their money back!

How does a company offer a self build car without a build manual?
Then you find the owner Gordon Ainsley in this case, won't talk to you!
Can't make that build easy.....
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