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Old 28th April 2014, 18:11
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Another Busy Day - Part 2:
There was another "little" job required on the chassis and now seemed a good time to tackle it.

The rear frame work fouled the existing fuel & brake lines the first time I test fitted it.

So these lines have been hanging off the chassis ever since.

As a rough guide, the frame work is about the same depth as the ruler in this photo.

And you can just about make out the original hole for the fuel line clip on the bottom right hand corner of the ruler.

I will be supporting the fuel & brake lines using two types of clips.

The one of the left fixes the fuel line to the chassis & the one on the right joins the brake line to the fuel line.

There is also a bracket fixed to the end of the chassis which would also need lowering.

I couldn't really get my drill into the small space available near the existing fixing hole in the chassis.

So I simply drilled a "higher" hole in the bracket which will do the same job of lowering the hard lines.

Although when I refitted the lines to the bracket I realised I need to fix it to the chassis first.
( As the top nut & bolt are now in line with the new hole. )

After a bit of drilling, all the fuel line clips are in and out of the way of the frame.

I also added two more of the dual line clips to give a better spacing between the chassis clips.

The hard lines are still hanging loose at the moment.

But I want to touch up the paint on the chassis before I clip them into place.

This was actually quite a time consuming job, but I am very happy to cross if off the "To Do" list.

Quick Question:
What do people generally do with "surplus" holes in the chassis?
Do they need to be plugged, filled, left alone?

As I want to do more painting on both the chassis and the rear frame I kept them apart.

In the absence of any framework, the body shell is now "slammed".

But my collection of big parts under another cover is getting a bit silly.
( Especially as this particular cover seems to have no water resistant properties at all.

I know I packed up with the sun still shining, but it was dinner with my family time which takes priority.

Mind you, by this point I was seriously knackered and glad to have an excuse to call it a day.

Until next time, take care, Paul.
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