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Old 19th June 2014, 17:11
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Trying to see the wood for the trees - Part 2:
I've also come to the conclusion that I will need start work on the scuttle before I remove the body shell.

Even if I don't finish all the "sculpting" work, I think a basic join is required to allow removal without any damage.

In order to work out some possible options I cut up the middle section I'd removed previously.

Looking at that also reminded me that the Cordite bonnet lip was not a consistent depth from one section to another.

So if I can build a lip that is the same depth across the entire body shell that will be an improvement.

Some more cutting allowed me to test what the original "bump" would look like if the lip was aligned with the outside edges.

To be honest, this is just too high in the middle and I will need to build something shallower.

So I cut the centre section in two, so see if it might help me get over the brake master cylinder.

If I can design some curves that clear this with ease, that will make my life a lot easier in places.
( Getting the bonnet to fit the new body shell profile is going to be a nightmare what ever I do. )

I need to build a gentle slope from the edge of the body work back to cover the bulk head "corner".

At this point the dirty black cloud overhead started to drizzle, so it was time to stop & cover everything up.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

When "play" resumed, I struggled to come up with a simple plan to form the bonnet lip.

As I just couldn't quite get the 3-D puzzle working in my head.

Initially I started working on a large cardboard template to draw a profile.

Then that was supplemented which a smaller template for the master cylinder.

Before I gave this approach up as a bad idea.

My next attempt involved cutting out some hardboard to match the profile of the bulkhead.

This is actually a bit wider than I need, but gives me roughly the right profile.

Although getting the edges to blend in is still going to require a lot of work.

Hopefully the next photos give you some idea what was confusing me earlier.

The lip on this off cut is roughly where the new bonnet lip needs to be.

The key point is that the "top" of the lip will be roughly level with the top of the bulkhead, which is further back.

Once I stopped thinking about where the Spitfire bonnet would shut, I made slightly better progress.

Then I used what was left of the hardboard to see if that would form the basic outline of the scuttle itself.

I would need to make spacers to provide a constant gap along the bonnet lip.

But would be able to prop up the back of the scuttle to give it some shape from the bulkhead to the cockpit.

These are just my initial plans and they clearly need some more thought / work.

The weather stopped me making any more progress, but I've still got plenty to think about.

Cheers, Paul.
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