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Old 13th January 2015, 20:33
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davecymru davecymru is offline
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The current spate of bad weather got me thinking about weather proofing.
Well..... about wind-proofing my rear view mirror at the very least!

I'd seen the dual screen approach that some are going for in order to stop the wind blowing the mirror about and while I like that look, I had also seen all manner of chunky looking ad-hoc wind-shields on 50's/60's racing cars and seeing as I'm going for that sort of look at the moment I decided to take that route.

So first step was get all Blue Peter and to mock some options up in cardboard and sticky-backed-plastic

Then when I had something I was happy with I flattened that out.

Then transferred it to aluminium and bent that to shape. At this stage I REALLY wished I had a bigger garage and a nice workbench! But I was happy with what I could do.

Then mounting holes were drilled, the top corners riveted together and everything given a good few coats of etch primer.

Then after a few layers of Red and a bit of polishing it was bolted in place, with a thin foam gasket between it and the car although i'll put a bit of silicon around it to seal the gaps that you can see on the corners in the pics.

It's not "perfect", but it'll do the job and it certainly gives the "look" I was after!

I also decided to keep it grey undercoat inside as I quite like the look!

It's worth pointing out the slight colour difference between that and the rest of the car. Despite this having a good 3 and a bit coats of colour the difference is due to the etch-primer being a darker grey than the high-build primer used on the shell. Interesting but in a nerdy way
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