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Old 12th April 2015, 15:20
Lucky@LeMans Lucky@LeMans is offline
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Originally Posted by MrTin View Post
When you look completely impartially at those kinds of cars, most o them are piles of unreliable, badly engineered junk. I once had a ride in a 250 GTO (a real, 4 million pound one) and whilst it is beautiful and sound wonderful, it is a pile of badly made, poorly fitted bits and pieces, as are Lamborghinis that people coo over. My son had to work on an early Countach LP400, his previously favourite car. Within a day he was describing it as "that bloody shed in the corner". Parts of the insides of the many body vents were made of Italian road signs, because they had no aluminium. You could clearly see part of a men at work sign!

Having said that, I'd still kill for an Alvis Speed 25!

I worked on a friends Ferrari 308 GT4 . Similar thoughts , it sounded nice and looked good but the chassis was a cobbled together bodge in about half a dozen different sizes of random steel tube and box section.
I also live near Malvern , home of the Morgan. Morgan owners are a similar breed and often have lots of money but no brains. They get really funny when you ask them about their "kit car "which is all it is at the end of the day. Again , nicely finished but very crude and basic , available , biult partly by hand and yours from around £35k.
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