Thread: IVA Application
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Old 1st June 2015, 21:11
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Originally Posted by morris View Post
BMW were not so helpful with me unfortunately. We went back and to for quite a few weeks with them trying to find out my engine age, and then just when it was looking promising, they just said they couldn't help.
If you go and see your local BMW spares department and ask them to run a report off their computer for the donor car's VIN number. It should give you the date of manufacture and the original engine number. It's not a birth certificate but should be enough proof of the age of the engine. I've usually found the spares guys very helpful.

Secondly, I recommend a pre-IVA MOT test. A second pair of eyes does no harm to check your car before the IVA. I believe it is legal to drive to an MOT as long as you have an appointment. It gives you a chance to bed in the brakes, test the steering self centering and check the speedo.
You can have it officially MOT'd on the Sportster's VIN number but the disadvantage is that you then have to get your car MOT'd every year after your registration (rather than 3 years from the date of registration). Again, not such a bad idea
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