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Old 3rd February 2016, 06:17
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Mister Towed Mister Towed is offline
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Mister Towed is on a distinguished road

The decision for me was very much about using the car on the road, not the race track:

On the track you need to be fixed into the car as solidly as possible, mostly to keep your hands and feet on the controls when you're airborne over crests, and partly to hold you solidly inside the shell if you roll it at 100mph.

In a road car you need to be able to twist round to look over your shoulder when changing lanes on dual carriageways, you need to be able to lean forward to see oncoming traffic at junctions and you are most likely to need restraining in a comparatively low-speed traffic shunt at around 20 to 30mph (other crash speeds are available, subject to driver status, just ask WCA over on the Tribute forum...)

Unlike Phil J, who's a committed track man, I never intended to put my car on a circuit, hence the road belts.

Here's my car in its natural environment. Yep, it's for showing off!

Hope that adds something to the debate.
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