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Old 22nd July 2017, 09:53
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Wembley, London
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Paul L is on a distinguished road

Molleur, Barber, Micky, Deni & Deggsy - Thanks gentlemen.

I'm really pleased that the 3rd tin of BRG appears to be a darker shade than the 'rogue' 2nd tin.

Despite the set back described below, I know I will get there in the end.

Although at this rate it is likely to be August before I am back on the road.

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Every Silver Lining Has A Cloud:

Friday - Afternoon/Evening
I wanted to leave the car uncovered for as long as possible to ensure the paint was dry before the covers went on.

The weather forecast said I had more than enough time to meet a friend and return before the rain arrived.

So I packed up all the dust sheets and left the car looking like this.

Unfortunately, a combination of delays at my end and the rain arriving earlier than expected left me stuffed.

So I am very grateful to my wife for throwing the car cover on for me.

It was chucking it down when I got back and pools of water were had already developed in the cockpit area.

So I had to remove the cover, fit the wooden tonneau covers, the tarpaulin and then the car cover.

Obviously, there was no way of doing this with allowing even more rain to hit my fresh paint.

Given the fact I was just wearing a T-Shirt, by the time I was finished, I looked like a drowned rat .

Saturday - Morning
Thankfully, it had stopped raining, but it didn't look like I had much 'dry' time to play with.

There was rain all over the car.

Which has left water marks everywhere after I wiped the surface dry.

All I could do today was dry the covers and put them back on again.

I then went to check on the tent and that had leaked over the bonnet.

So more water stains on that too.

The only good news is that I have enough BRG paint for another coat.

So until next time, take care, Paul.
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