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Old 23rd July 2017, 10:47
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Wembley, London
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Paul L is on a distinguished road

Rearranging The Deck Chairs...
It finally dawned on me that it was the work the tree surgeon did that lead to the destruction of the 'Circus Tent'.
( Well, that and the huge gust of wind. )

As previously, the fact everything was overgrown lead to a natural wind break in the garden that protected the tent.

Unfortunately, the fact the tent is damaged means the roof material is no longer pulled 'tight', so waters pools and leaks in.

Which explains why there is water on the bonnet for a second day running.

So I have decided that the tent has to go before it actually does any more damage to this project.

But first, I had to tidy up the Summerhouse (again) in order to make some room for the boot lid.

I also touched up the black paint on the bonnet hinges.

Then my wife helped me carry the bonnet through the house to the front drive.

The extra pair of hands also came in handy when it came to bolting the bonnet to the hinges.

Even though it was a lot if extra work (and paint), I'm glad I did the inside of the bonnet at this stage.

With the bonnet out of the way, I could dismantle the tent and the framework is really stuffed.

But I will end will a couple of photos that give a hint at how the car will finally look.

And even though I know the angle/light of this photo flatters the paint finish, I love the way it looks.

I know the next few weeks will not give me that much time to work on the car.

So I will try to be realistic and aim to be back on the road before my next MOT due date at the end of August.

Until next time, take care, Paul.
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