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Old 27th July 2017, 20:13
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Location: Wembley, London
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Paul L is on a distinguished road

Neil - Thanks for the encouragement.

Deep down, I know the car will look great painted and it will be worth the effort in the end.

And the grin factor from driving this car around, even in London traffic, is hard to beat.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I just can't win…
It is hard to get a decent photo of the water spots on the paint.

But I thought I would give one area a light rub down with some 800 grit.

Which will be good enough preparation for the (hopefully) final coat of BRG.

At this point I should explain the reason for today's title.

Obviously, I knew my fresh paint had picked up some light damage caused by the rain landing on it.

But the whole car has picked up further damage from the rain hitting the covers.

So whilst the tarpaulin does a great job of keep the water out of the cockpit.

It has left literally thousands of small scratches everywhere.

Again, not easy to get a decent photo.

So I did a bit more sanding on the rear wing.

At which point it started to rain and I was having a major sense of humour failure.

Especially, as I had already taken this photo of my quite badly damaged bonnet bulge.

This was particularly hard to take, as the reflections from this were my favour part of the whole car.

So when I finally get around to putting a final coat of paint on, I will need a 'soft' cover under the tarpaulin.

Until next time, take care, Paul.
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