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Old 18th September 2017, 19:56
Lucky@LeMans Lucky@LeMans is offline
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Lucky@LeMans is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Mick O'Malley View Post

As requested

This morning I was supposed to be going to the last Shelsley Walsh meeting of the season. As ever, I was up and about early but, as it was overcast, misty and pretty chilly to boot, I decided to take a miss on the 40 mile drive and wuss out.

Instead, I decided to attend a small local breakfast gathering which is held each month at Staverton Aerodrome, a mere six miles from my home in Gloucester. It originated as an Austin A30/35 meeting but has morphed into general petrol-headism. Turnout was small but enthusiastic - I'd forgotten about my camera until almost everyone had left but managed the shot below .

I've now covered almost 1,000 miles in the A352; it's still as much fun as ever: lots of interest whenever I park, and plenty of photo's and videos being shot whilst I'm in motion.

Regards, Mick
Are you going to the Prescott Autumn Classic in a couple of weeks time ?
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