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Old 26th August 2018, 07:33
Mick O'Malley Mick O'Malley is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 846
Mick O'Malley is on a distinguished road
Talking A New Tack

Firstly, many thanks for the commiserations, a bit of sympathy goes a long way .

Sat at home Friday morning wondering whether to go through with another tedious and depressing sale/no sale saga and decided against it. Picked up the 'phone and spent £118 re-insuring the A352, reasoning that I could continue down the For Sale notice route at upcoming events at a bargain price.

Yesterday was the Gloucester Retro Festival. A friend had told me that he was unable to take his 50s Sunbeam along to display and offered me his ticket. Gloucester retains its medieval cross layout, with the four streets named after the main compass points. For the festival, one is 40s and before; one 50s; one 60s; and the other 70s to date.

So at 0800, wearing my white racing overalls, cheesecutter cap and shirt and tie I fired up the 352 and pootled the mile or so to my first come, first served slot near the pedestrianised cross. The Royalists laid siege to Gloucester in the civil war and I soon discovered how the Parliamentarians must have felt, with the fine weather bringing out the GBP in hordes. I fielded so many questions during my nine hours at the car's side that I was hoarse by the end of the day. More than a few said that mine was car of the show (out of a good hundred or so), very flattering! In a bizarre piece of synchronicity, a guy I know from near Bath was displaying his '1940s Alfa Romeo' and was wearing an almost identical 'gentleman racer' outfit. and some of the above mentioned flatterers had also mentioned his car as an equal favourite. Weird.

One punter was a persistent repeat visitor who, on learning of my Ebay debacle, asked if I still wanted to sell and offered me £12k plus the cost of my renewed insurance. I took his details and said I'd consider it. There are still a good few events left this year at which to advertise, particularly the Castle Combe Classic on 6th October. Unmissable.

A great day out, so busy I didn't take any pictures, although one professionally captured will appear soon.

Regards, Mick

p.s. Just performed a quick Goggle and found a picture of the 'Alfa'. It's a much darker red in the flesh.

Last edited by Mick O'Malley; 26th August 2018 at 07:54..
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