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Old 15th September 2018, 16:50
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Wembley, London
Posts: 5,058
Paul L is on a distinguished road

Dave - Cheers, hopefully I'll get a chance to make a start on this next week.

Barber - Thankfully, the extra hours will also cover a tonneau cover and winter engine work.
( As I want to fix the oil leaking / burning once and for all. )

Gary - My 1500 engine is great fun, so those bigger engines must be brilliant!

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Two Trips Out…
In addition to catching up on my sleep and various domestic chores, I've had a couple of trips out in the car…

Trip #1
Wanted check out a possible photo shoot location, but forgot to check the time before I left.

Ended up getting caught in the afternoon school run traffic jams which blocked the roads in all directions.

After 30 minutes I had only managed to get 5 miles and I was lucky to have got that far!

In the end, the location I had in mind was locked, so it was a complete waste of time all around.

Then I got stuck in the queue behind this idiot who had planks of wood sticking out of his side window.

Honestly, he had to wait for gaps in the traffic to allow him to swing on to the wrong side of the road to pass parked cars.

So there is just this photo of me safely home to show for the day.

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Trip #2
Earlier today I headed to the Lee Valley water park to meet an old collage mate and his son/my godson.

He was supposed to be in this raft…

But he dislocated his shoulder in a rafting accident a few weeks ago, so was just there to support his team mates.

This is the venue used for the 2012 Olympics and it is very impressive.

I did take my 15 year old godson out for a quick spin. as his dad didn't want to risk his shoulder in the harness.

It was his first trip in a convertible and he really enjoyed it.

It was a lovely day, although the M25 was a little chilly in just a T-shirt.

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Sight Seeing Video
With all the excess hours at work, I'd almost forgotten that I hadn't finished editing my GoPro video.

So at some point, I will get that sorted out.

In the meantime, here I am swinging past the Queen's house.

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Until next time, take care, Paul.

Finally managed to get the photo of Donald Trump flying over my house off my phone.
( There were also two police helicopters at either end of this convoy. )

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