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Old 15th February 2011, 13:02
dino_gt dino_gt is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 76
dino_gt is on a distinguished road

You should have shown interest in doing your job when you had to and not now, when it is obvious that you are interested in stopping my or other people´s comments which are just a consequence of your negligence and lack of proffesionality.

Be sure you are going to continue having comments like these because you deserve it, and the people on this forum, and outside of it, have the right to be informed by third parties involved in business transactions with you, and get to know other people´s experiences and points of view.

I´m sorry, but this is what you normally get when you don´t do your job, the one which you have been paid for. Don´t pretend now to mend something that you started and that you are responsible of.

There are two ways of facing problems in life: one is being true to people and your customers, trying to do your job honestly. The other one is to lie and get an advantage on these people, deceiving them and treating them like rubbish. This last option is the one you chose, so face the consequences of this behaviour.

P.D: Now you can go and take some days off, and not answer the phone, as usual.