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Old 8th September 2011, 20:09
rossnzwpi rossnzwpi is offline
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Hi Inspace, I don't have any history with the various Dino replica manufacturers, apart from asking for a brochure way back in the 80s from DGT. I understand that there are a few problems with the way some of them seem to have been doing business from what I have read on this forum. I absolutely agree with you regarding some of the business-related issues. Surely a company has a duty to:
design a kit and car with due regard to its use and safety
test a prototype
place deposit funds in trust until the car is delivered and not use those funds to manufacture any other car
produce instructions for how to build the car
furthermore it would be good business to have a demonstrator (or at least a customer-built one)
maintain open and honest communication with customers about progress and have a contractual basis for dealing with delays and the return of deposits held in trust should delivery be impossible or delayed beyond an agreed date

Downunder in New Zealand, where I am, the law for low volume vehicles requires sign off of the design and build by a qualified engineer. I don't know if the UK has that design sign off requirement?

I would strongly recommend customers start pressing for more protections and, should things turn to custard, go to a lawyer quickly. This actually protects manufacturers too - nobody wants long drawn-out public fights which are harmful to reputation and sales.

all the best
Ross in NZ