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Old 10th July 2017, 20:05
mcramsay mcramsay is offline
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The swirl pot connections are correct, and I am now on my second pump.. the first never failed but was making the same noises as the one currently fitted. I believe the issue is down to having a high flow rate pump located in the engine bay. The pump is fine when driving however after being sat parked up after a drive the heat soak from the engine bay causes the pump to scream until cooler fuel from the tank replaces that in the swirlpot.

I have never liked the external swirlpot set up, so my plan is to get an oem type plastic in tank swirl pot and fit an oem M3 pump into this. That way I am back to stock for the fuel system.

The s50b32 engine needs a pump that give adequate flow at 6 bar pressure when flat out. Unfortunately I cannot find the flow rate of the stock pump.

Either way I want the swirlpot gone from the engine bay, and then I can set fire to the facet LP pump. As it drives me up the wall
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